
Donald Trump's Fast Start

Kevin Lamarque/Pool Photo via AP

What a week, eh?

We ditch the old guy, who ditched us for himself long ago, along with the secret posse that was telling him what to do, what to sign, and when he could speak. He's off mooching vacation lodgings again in California from another billionaire.

And Donald J. Trump, JD Vance, and their vast new, energetic team are in place, dusting off the White House desks and tables to sign a blizzard of new orders, edicts, and even legislation already. Among the early actions was launching law enforcement roundups of criminal aliens for immediate deportation.

It's an exciting and promising new start to restoring the balance and energy to an ossified Oval Office that was doing the nation no good whatsoever. In fact, harm.

It will take some getting used to having a coherent, accessible president who can take spontaneous questions and actually answer them intelligently. But I, for one, am ready to handle it. 

You may not agree with everything President Trump does or says. But at least since Jan. 20, you can understand the commander in chief.

That's what this week's audio commentary is about. Listen here. And don't forget to leave your reactions and thoughts in the Comments section below.


My astute RedState colleagues have covered virtually every conceivable angle of this historic inauguration week. Just go to the front page and scroll down as far as you like.

And my focus has been on those events, too. This Sunday's weekly column on the eve of Inauguration Day examined the immediate outlook for the new president, including the first indoor ceremony since Ronald Reagan's second inaugural way back in 1985.  It was bitter cold both years. I was just a kid then.

Some of you may need a reminder that every Tuesday I co-host a podcast over at our sister site, HotAir, with the managing editor there, Ed Morrissey. We've only been doing this together something like 17 years. But we're getting the hang of it. Two longtime friends and veteran writers chewing on the day's top stories and providing unique insights.

Bookmark this page where, this time, we went over the historic inauguration, what was surprising, interesting, notable, and even humorous.

The most recent audio commentary discussed the little-known reality that the Woke culture is taking a toll on college campuses, as parents and students realize they're paying $60,000 a year for indoctrination, not education for life and a career.

In another column that turned out to be the most-read so far this month, we examined the so-called "legacy" of Joseph R. Biden. That's the long list of costly screw-ups throughout his Oval Office tenure, not least of which was opening the southern border to upwards of 10 million undocumented immigrants.

They're now salted throughout the country, drawing on the unprotected resources of local governments and taxpayers who will be addressing these immense recovery costs in social welfare, education, and law enforcement for decades.

Finally, this week I posted another in the ongoing series of my personal memories from a long career in news reporting and writing. It's the 26th in the series and recounts my experiences during the dangerous civil rights summer of 1984. 

That's when I packed up from university and moved to the South to learn about reporting local news for an afternoon newspaper as well as a few new things about myself.

As always, each memory carries links to all the previous ones to peruse at your leisure.


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