Over the last couple months, one thing’s become clear: the Democrat Party’s blowin’ it.
And how? We all know the answer.
Say it with me: It’s not radical enough.
Black Lives Matter co-founder Patrisse Cullors agrees — On Monday, she addressed the DNC during its virtual platform meeting and laid out what’s what.
Patrisse ripped the party of Biden and Barack over its lack of steps toward racial justice and equality, demanding “sea changes” between now and August’s official event to crown Joe king in Milwaukee.
“A unified party,” she said, “is one that will listen to the people on the streets.”
As reported by Axios, Patrisse wants major moves: She’s proposed “about 10” amendments, related to criminal justice, the legal system reform, the environment, education, and reparations.
And the lady definitely wants a defunding of the police via the Breathe Act.
According to act’s official site, its legislative list includes:
- Divesting Federal Resources from Incarceration and Policing & Ending Criminal-Legal System Harms
- Investing in New Approaches to Community Safety Utilizing Funding Incentives
- Allocating New Money to Build Healthy, Sustainable & Equitable
Communities for All People- Holding Officials Accountable & Enhancing Self-Determination of Black Communities
The bill would, among other things:
- Eliminate federal programs and agencies used to finance and expand the U.S. criminal-legal system, such as the Department of Defense 1033 program, the Edward Byrne-Justice Assistance Grant Program, Community Oriented Policing Services, the Drug Enforcement Administration, and Immigration and Customs Enforcement. The bill would ensure that non-punitive, non-carceral elements of these programs are identified so that they can be transferred to another funding source.
- Make recommendations to dramatically reduce the Department of Defense budget.
- Directly make changes to the federal criminal-legal system, including changes to the policing, prosecution, sentencing, and jailing practices that have disproportionately criminalized Black and Brown communities, LGBTQIA people, Indigenous people, and disabled people. Specific changes include, but are not limited to:
- Eliminating surveillance tactics that are disproportionately used to target Black, Brown, and Muslim communities by prohibiting predictive policing, racial recognition technologies, drones, and similar tools;
- Eliminating the use of electronic monitoring, including ankle monitors, smartphone applications, and any other tool used to track location;Ending civil asset forfeiture;
- Abolishing mandatory minimum sentencing laws;
- Ending life sentences;
- Abolishing the “three strikes” law;
- Developing a time-bound plan to close all federal prisons and immigration detention centers;
- Repealing federal laws that criminalize human movement and border entry;
- Further repealing and replacing the 1994 Violent Crime Control and Law Enforcement Act with non-carceral, non-punitive investments in communities; and
- Decriminalizing and retroactively expunging drug offenses.
Ready for that revolution?
Joe Biden doesn’t support the Breathe Act, but he does enjoy people blowing up his nose:
.@JoeBiden: "I had nurses at Walter Reed hospital who would bend down and whisper in my ear, go home and get me pillows. They would … actually breathe in my nostrils to make me move, to get me moving.” pic.twitter.com/hxW1UYs7Ba
— Tom Elliott (@tomselliott) July 22, 2020
Still, to Patrisse, it ain’t enough. She prefers people who have principles:
“Without the sea changes our movement recommended for the 2020 Democratic platform, any claims to allyship and solidarity with our work to fight for Black liberation are for naught. Without making the necessary recommitments and revisions, can any of you here truly stand up and say, ‘My party is the party of principles?'”
Per The Daily Wire, her presentation wasn’t fully well received:
The DNC’s platform committee did not respond favorably to Cullors’ agenda and refused to consider her proposals.
The Democratic party is split. It’s been that way since Bernie and Biden went head-to-head, and with activists wilding out in the streets, there continues to be a portion drifting to the left of the left.
Of the Left.
But it isn’t just the radicals on the roads. In fact, as reported by Politico, over 300 delegates (mostly Bernie supporters) have signed a petition to reject the Dems’ platform unless it includes Medicare for All.
It seems to me they’d do well to put aside the broad strokes and focus on Medicare for Joe Biden — the guy has some obvious, serious health problems, and they’re not the kind that get better with time.
Meanwhile, Patrisse is likely to stick to her guns. After all, she’s a Marxist:
Black Lives Matter movement founder: "We are trained Marxists."pic.twitter.com/bG7QENIM98
— Liz Wheeler (@Liz_Wheeler) June 22, 2020
Back to Biden, though only weeks stand between our present mob state and Joe getting made, I just can’t believe they’re going to actually go through with it.
If you’re in Milwaukee, look for Hillary in the rafters, her hands on a long vine and her Chairman Mao suit traded in for a leopard-print dress.
The city’s known for its beer; so don’t doubt it — a lot could be brewing.
See more pieces from me:
Andrew Cuomo Knows What You’re Thinking: Let’s Frantically Flee to ‘Safe’ New York
Cool Kennedy Nails Mob Monster Mentality With a Metaphor of the Zombie Apocalypse Kind
Near-Naked Nurse Goes From COVID Caretaker to Telling Russians How Hot It’s Gonna Be
Find all my RedState work here.
And please follow Alex Parker on Twitter and Facebook.
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