We’re living in a fractured time, when not only is much of the populace at odds with the government, but government officials are nose-to-nose against one another.
The chain of command’s been broken, as many below the top are refusing to enforce liberty-opposed orders.
Case in point: Fresno County Sheriff Margaret Mims.
This week, the California law lady affirmed she’s not backing Gov. Gavin Newsom’s lockdown orders.
What’s more: She’s too busy catching the criminal goons the state’s released via liberal policies.
Margaret guested on The Trevor Carey Show Tuesday to make her thoughts known.
Trevor posed, “I’ve heard multiple sheriffs around the nation state they will not enforce their governor’s shelter-in-place orders. Is that your position?”
“That is my position. We do not stop the public to find out what they’re doing when they’re not sheltering in place. We don’t ask those questions, we don’t ask if they’re ‘essential’.”
Sounds like she would’ve made a terrible Gestapo recruit.
Margaret also laid into Cali’s 2018 zero-bail policy.
For a bit of background, see this snippet from NPR’s 2018 article, California Becomes First State To End Cash Bail After 40-Year Fight:
California will become the first state in the nation to abolish bail for suspects awaiting trial under a sweeping reform bill signed by Gov. Jerry Brown. An overhaul of the state’s bail system has been in the works for years, and became an inevitability earlier this year when a California appellate court declared the state’s cash bail system unconstitutional. The new law goes into effect in October 2019.
As noted by The Daily Wire, at the time, Gov. Jerry championed fairness:
“Today, California reforms its bail system so that rich and poor alike are treated fairly.”
So take that move and pair it with the fact that — as described by The Los Angeles Times — the Golden State granted 3,500 inmates an early release during March “in an effort to reduce crowding as coronavirus infections begin spreading through the state prison system.”
Lawyers for Gov. Gavin Newsom on Tuesday told a panel of federal judges the state is taking ‘extraordinary and unprecedented protective measures’ to slow the spread of the virus and protect those who live and work within California’s 35 prisons. The accelerated prison discharges — affecting inmates due to be released over the next 60 days — come in the face of pressure to do much more.
But as it turns out, there’s a downside.
Apparently, when you release criminals, you stand the chance of getting more crime.
I covered just such a thing last month — take a look at convicted-of-car-theft jailbird Rocky Music, who was given his wings thanks to the COVID-friendly policy:
Sunday 750a, Rocky Music, arrested in a stolen car by @oaklandpoliceca. Released on court order zero bail at 723p. 37 mins later he walked to Dublin @SFBART and carjacked victim. Then drove to San Ramon and attempted second carjacking. He ran and was caught by @DublinCAPolice K9. pic.twitter.com/VTQcGZprpo
— Alameda County Sheriff (@ACSOSheriffs) April 20, 2020
Back to Margaret, her palms are overpopulated.
Here’s how she put it:
“We’ve got our hands full trying to re-arrest people that are released due to zero-dollar bail. So we’ve got other things that are on our mind that are more important than stopping normally law-abiding citizens.”
Makes sense — and where any official in California is concerned, that’s the highest compliment that can be paid.
Good luck to Margaret — and the pandemic’d people of Fresno.
See 3 more pieces from me:
A South Carolina Restaurant Uses Blow-Up Dolls to Make Sure Customers Keep Their Distance
Made in Germany: Hamburg Cafe Takes a Hilarious Approach to Social Distancing
Find all my RedState work here.
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