Democrat Disintegration Accelerates: MSNBC Panel Melts Down Over Failure of Schumer Shutdown

AP Photo/Jose Luis Magana

You know, there are reasons that schadenfreude is a thing. The ongoing disintegration of the national Democratic Party is one of those reasons. In the latest episode of "Democrats Gone Wild," we see an MSNBC panel descend into madness and terminal Trump Derangement Syndrome when one of the panelists - and this is the best bit - announces she's abandoning the party.


Yes, it's that good.

MSNBC's "The Weekend" unloaded on Sen. Chuck Schumer, D-N.Y., on Saturday over his support for the bill that keeps the government open and avoids a shutdown — calling the move a stain and a "black mark" on his leadership.

MSNBC host Michael Steele asked his panel, "What are Republicans thinking right now about their ability to absolutely punk Schumer into making this move the way he did, when he knew that that's not where his party was?"

Schumer supported the bill on Friday despite his numerous disagreements with the House-passed stopgap spending bill, arguing that a government shutdown would be a "gift" to President Donald Trump.

Senator Schumer may well have been right on the "gift to President Trump" bit, as wags online (this author included) were already framing it as the "Schumer Shutdown." But while there really wasn't any way Schumer could have proceeded without angering one wing of another of his party, he seems to have hit a couple of sore spots with this panel - including Symone Sanders, who piously pronounced she was leaving the Democratic Party.

"I'm pissed," MSNBC host Symone Sanders Townsend said, referring to the contents of the spending bill. "There's actually little that the Senate Minority Leader can say, and the 10 Democrats that voted with the Republicans can say, to appease somebody like me. I'm going to change my registration to Independent."



We should encourage Symone Sanders Townsend and others of her ilk to not only abandon the Democratic Party but to form their own new and improved leftist third party - or fourth party, or fifth or sixth parties. Let a thousand flowers bloom! Let the horrible be the enemy of the bad, and let your freak flags fly! And in so doing, you'll guarantee GOP majorities for a generation.

But she wasn't done yet:

"There's not another option for Senate Democrats or House Democrats to effectively push back. This was it. They blew it. The Democratic Tea Party was born the same day that Chuck Schumer took to that podium to read that very well-crafted statement that told us he folded like a paper napkin," Townsend continued.

Of course, there will never be a Democratic Tea Party, if for no other reason than that the original Tea Party always left their rally and protest sites cleaner than they found them, while leftist protesters, despite their bleating about the "environment" that none of them live in, generally leave mountains of trash behind. But the main difference is that the Tea Party people were promoting positives: Liberty and property. Any leftist rebellion will be preaching the same old tripe: Government control, more government control, and still more government control.


That's why they're losing.

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So, yes, we should, by all means, encourage these people in their lunacy. Break up the left into a dozen little political parties. The left will have their ideological purity - and we'll have a safer and more prosperous nation. Win-win.


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