Elon Musk: POTUS Wants SpaceX to Bring Home Stranded Astronauts

AP Photo/John Raoux

On Tuesday, Elon Musk took to his X account to relate that President Donald Trump has asked Musk's SpaceX to retrieve the two astronauts currently stranded on the International Space Station (ISS.) As of this writing, there are no details as to when or how this will happen.


The two American astronauts were stranded on the ISS when the Boeing Starliner craft, which took them into orbit, experienced what NASA described as "multiple issues" and was returned to Earth empty.

Last December, one report indicated that the two astronauts, Butch Wilmore and Suni Williams, who have been on the ISS since June of 2024, may not return until March 2025.

Astronauts Butch Wilmore and Suni Williams traveled to the space station aboard the Starliner back in June. Their trip was initially only to last about eight to 10 days, but multiple issues with the Starliner prompted a concerned NASA, out of caution, to leave them behind at the space station and return the capsule to Earth empty in September.

That same month, a SpaceX Crew-9 Dragon capsule with a reduced two-person crew and two empty seats launched to the space station with the intention of returning Wilmore and Williams aboard it in February 2025.

However, NASA said in a news release Tuesday that Wilmore and Williams' replacements, traveling aboard the SpaceX Crew-10, would be launching to the space station "no earlier than late March 2025," meaning that would be the earliest that Wilmore and Williams will return to Earth.

The most recent delay in the Crew-10's launch is to give "NASA and SpaceX teams time to complete processing on a new Dragon spacecraft for the mission.


A March return would leave Wilmore and Williams on the ISS in excess of nine months. They were originally scheduled to remain on the ISS for only a few days.

See Related: SpaceX Did Amazing Things Again During 7th Starship Launch, but Then There Was a Big Problem

Could White Supremacy Have Kept Two Astronauts From Being Marooned in Space for Eight Months?

Musk's SpaceX has been engaging in multiple launches of the SpaceX Starship boosters, most notably engaging in not only launches but also the recovery of the Starship craft back on the gantry from which it was launched. To call this remarkable technology from what is essentially a skunkworks is to engage in some serious understatement.

This is a developing story. We will monitor and bring you updates as events warrant.

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