House Oversight Chair James Comer: 'It's No Secret Joe Biden's Committed Many Crimes'

AP Photo/J. Scott Applewhite

On Sunday, House Republican Oversight Committee Chairman James Comer (R-KY) spoke with Fox Business's Maria Bartiromo about the Oversight Committee's work and how, as he claims, they are tightening a noose around the Bidens.


MARIA BARTIROMO: OK, that's fair enough. But you sent criminal referrals for Hunter Biden and James Biden over perjury for lying to Congress.

Where are the criminal referrals if that's all true? Where are the criminal referrals for FARA, for money laundering, for corruption, for influence peddling? Where are those?

REP. JAMES COMER: Yes. Well, we're just beginning, Maria. And a lot of those crimes that the Bidens have committed, the statute of limitations has run out. That was one of the complaints that the IRS whistle-blowers said when we had them testify in our committee.

But we're going to deal with those and we're going to deal with Joe Biden. Remember, this is an investigation of Joe Biden. Hunter Biden, Jim Biden, Eric Schwerin, Devon Archer, these are all witnesses in an investigation of Joe Biden. This was always about Joe Biden.

It should be about Joe Biden; he's the guy who had influence to peddle, in fact, an ever-increasing amount of influence, from senator to vice president to president. He is and has been the Big Guy, to whom we understand a 10 percent rake-off is required. As for the evidence of malfeasance by the Bidens, there's an awful lot of smoke for there not to be a fire in there somewhere.

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Representative Comer wasn't done yet.

Now, we're going to do everything we can to hold Hunter Biden and all the different shady associates accountable. This is just the beginning. But the next step will be accountability for Joe Biden. And I think everyone that's kept up with this investigation will be very eager to see what the next step is.

This is the first step, these criminal referrals. Everything that we refer to the Department of Justice is within the statute of limitations. In fact, there's five-year statute of limitations. So, if Merrick Garland's Department of Justice doesn't take this up in an appropriate manner, then the next administration and a new attorney general certainly can.

The investigation's already been done. And with these criminal referrals, we published a 60-page report of nothing but hard evidence that no one has made a comment disputing anything we provided in the evidence.

Let's be real: Merrick Garland's Department of Justice won't take this up. They won't take it up in an appropriate manner, an inappropriate manner, or in any manner - they won't take it up at all. Furthermore, it will take more than just a new attorney general for anything to come from this. It's going to take an actual house-cleaning at Justice, which won't happen until (at the soonest) after the next president is inaugurated. And if, by some chance, Joe Biden (or whoever replaces him) is elected in November, it won't happen at all.


Comer went on to say:

Well, I think that it's no secret Joe Biden's committed many crimes, and I think that you're going to see a report very soon. That report is imminent.

That will probably be an interim report that updates everyone on the crimes that Biden and his administration have committed throughout this investigation and through the years of the Obama/Biden administration.

Secret or no secret, the history of this sort of thing isn't very good - unless the target's name is Trump. Hillary Clinton also, arguably, committed many crimes, and she still rules unchallenged over her Duchy of Chappaqua. Joe Biden has, at the very least, been on the take to some of the globe's bad actors (China), and we may never know the extent to which the befuddled old president's handlers have sold the United States down the river in exchange for Chinese payoffs.

This investigation, sadly, will almost certainly come to naught. The chances of an impeachment and Senate conviction are zero. The chances of dragging a former President Biden into court on criminal charges after his term are also nil - that only happens, apparently, if the target's name is Trump. Add into the equation the fact that, honestly, Joe Biden isn't competent to stand trial in any case. 


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That's not to say that Rep. Comer and the House Oversight Committee aren't doing good work, putting out information and events about which the American people have the right to know. But it's a bridge too far to expect any legal consequences for Joe Biden. Hunter Biden, yes, James Biden, probably, but the Big Guy? No. He will retire, enjoy the wealth that he has accumulated through (not really) mysterious means, and remain untouched by the law. Bet on that.


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