So here in the wonderful state of Michigan, those of us who have lived here all of our lives or at least those who have lived here during the past 6 years of the Whitmer Administration have an internal countdown clock. That is until the November 3rd election in 2026 when a replacement for Whitmer, who is term-limited out, will be elected.
That clock currently stands at 590 days.
I have mentioned in my articles of late that even though people are not political Junkies as some of us aren't paying attention we still need the constantly remind folks of the damage the Democrats have done. This needs to be continuously brought up so that it soaks into our memories and we can bring this up for people sitting on a fence leading up to an election.
Well is just another friendly reminder of some of the damage that Democrat Gretchen Whitmer has done to her fellow Michigainians.
I wrote about Whitmer meeting with Trump last week and being all bi-partisan (y) all of a sudden, but she is still a disaster.
Here is a brief clip from that article of why she is a wreck politically.
Though she will not be running for re-election for Governor ever again, who knows if she will try to run for another statewide office; however, I think it's important to remind people that those Democrats who want to follow her need to be grilled on what her record was, particularly during COVID.
COVID-19 and Whitmer's executive orders were a disaster, which I covered here at RedState Remember When Gretchen Whitmer Issued All Her Misguided COVID Orders Five Years Ago? Some Michiganians Do
Back in 2021, LeDuff was digging into the actual numbers of nursing home deaths during COVID-19, and he teamed up with the Mackinac Center, and what they found was slightly shocking. Report: Michigan Nursing Home COVID Deaths Could Be Underreported by 40% or Higher
From that story...
LeDuff and his show the No Bullshit News Hour joined up with Mackinac Center for Public Policy to force the State of Michigan to release the data for the actual numbers of people who died in care facilities. From their initial find, Michigan looks like it failed in collecting the numbers that could have helped steer policy and possibly save lives.
From Deadline Detroit…
It appears that Michigan wildly under-counts Covid deaths in its long term care facilities.
A joint investigation by the “No BS News Hour” and the Mackinac Center for Public Policy reveals that the Department of Health and Human Services (DHHS) does not do a thorough job of scrubbing vital records to determine whether people who died of Covid were nursing home residents, as its own guidelines require.
Moreover, our investigation found that DHHS did conduct a limited review of those vital records last summer, and found that 44 percent could be traced to nursing homes.
Don’t expect the nursing home data to get better or more accurate. DHHS has abandoned the practice of thoroughly scrubbing records because it is considered too “time-consuming.”
Why does this matter?
As I said above, we have been told that state officials were basing all the decisions they were making on science and data. So all the closures and restrictions we experienced here in the Great Lakes State were supposed to be based on the best data possible.
According to LeDuff’s Deadline Detroit story above, they reviewed records after having to sue to have an FOIA request honored and found this: From March to June of 2020, the state audited 1,468 death records and of those 648 deaths were traced back to long-term care facilities. Taking that 44% as an average and applying it to the near 7,000 other vital records deaths recorded would be close to another 3,000 deaths for those who are being cared for in care facilities.
Now, she is slow walking setting up a special election for the Michigan Senate that could make her last days in office a nightmare. After a Democrat resigned their seat, the Senate is now led by the party 19 to 18. If a Republican were to win the seat that would make it a 19 to 19 tie and with the GOP-led house, Whitmer would be the lamest of ducks.
More about this right HERE.
A battleground seat in the Michigan Senate has remained vacant for 11 weeks as state political leaders continue to wait for Gov. Gretchen Whitmer to set dates for a special election to fill the opening.
Former state Sen. Kristen McDonald Rivet, D-Bay City, was sworn in as a member of the U.S. House on Jan. 3, leaving the 35th District seat in the state Senate vacant. Wednesday marked 75 days since McDonald Rivet left the Senate, the longest Whitmer has delayed scheduling a special election for a seat in the state Legislature during her six years as governor, according to the conservative political group the Michigan Freedom Fund.
Whitmer's office didn't respond to multiple requests from The Detroit News this week asking about the governor's handling of the vacancy.
Yeah, why would she want to respond to members of the press who are somewhat sympathetic to her and answer a legitimate question as to why she's not setting up a special election?
No matter who the GOP candidate for Governor is here in Michigan a couple of them announced their intention to think about it which I have covered...
Report: Michigan GOP Congressman Pondering Run for Governor in 2026, and He Has Trump's Attention
There is at least some hope that a Republican can take the Governor's mansion on Jan 1, 2027.
Let's work to make sure that happens.
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