Lousy Job Biden Is Working Miracles for Statewide Republicans in Michigan for 2024

AP Photo/Alex Brandon

Here we are, observing another Memorial Day weekend and once again, we should be taking a moment to remember those who died in the service of their country. I wrote about this day three years ago, in a piece where I wondered aloud about how we observe this day in our country.


From my musings about this weekend here: America Is at a Crossroads on This Memorial Day

Hopefully, most of the country today will take a moment to reflect upon these heroes who put on the nation’s uniform and died wearing it and will honor their memory. While most do that and post quotes from politicians that they barely know anything about other than those nifty quotes, I decided to go in a different direction today.

What is the state of the country that these men and women died to preserve?

The short answer is… in trouble.

America will turn 245 years old this July 4th, 2021, and she has seen her fair share of trouble. From her founding, which was never as easy or guaranteed that some history books might portray, straight to our bloody civil war, right through the Vietnam era, we have seen some hard times.

The Vietnam conflict was a particularly tumultuous time and was the first time that Americans were given a nightly glimpse into what was happening around the world on a daily basis. The political divisions were sharp and a sitting President of the United States was forced to step down to avoid being forcibly removed from office.

Yet let’s fast forward to today and the country as a whole might be in greater turmoil than we were back in the late 60’s/early 70’s. Social media and the platforms that have been created and now our part of our daily lives drive almost all news coverage and how it is disseminated.


Now, even though I think the country is a little bit worse off on this Memorial Day, I see some glimmers of hope. Not necessarily because of anything that those who are running against Democrats are doing, but because mostly because of what Democrats are doing.

 At the top of that list is Joe Biden.

Warren G. Harding and Ulysses S Grant, plus the modern-day equivalent of those two presidents, Jimmy Carter, are all incredibly thankful for the presidency of Joe Biden because in a short three-and-a-half years, he has ripped the mantle of the most ineffective, most corrupt President ever out of their hands. 

Not even a close call at this point.

Biden is dragging down not only his chances in November but the chances of anybody who has a D after their name, and it is glorious to watch.  Democrats in the state of Michigan are going to start stiff-arming him, if not as the debate between Trump and himself at the end of June, then afterward.

A case in point is HERE, about Republicans being within points of a leading milquetoast Democrat who should be breezing to a victory in this state this fall:

A new poll shows the race for Michigan's open U.S. Senate seat remains a tossup, with Democratic frontrunner U.S. Rep. Elissa Slotkin holding a slight edge over Republican former U.S. Rep. Mike Rogers in a hypothetical head-to-head matchup that's with the survey's margin of error.

Slotkin, a three-term congresswoman from Holly, led by 3 percentage points with 40% to 37% for Rogers, a former seven-term lawmaker from Brighton, but that's within the margin of error of plus-minus 4 percentage points. Another 23% of respondents were undecided.

The survey of 600 registered Michigan voters was conducted April 24-25 and commissioned by the Detroit Regional Chamber ahead of the Mackinac Policy Conference later this month where Senate candidates are scheduled to debate May 30.


What is even more impressive (in a way) is that the closest GOP contender Sandy Pensler is just down by 7 against Slotkin: 

Slotkin's lead widened when paired against other Republican candidates in hypothetical matchups. She led businessman Sandy Pensler of Grosse Pointe Park by nearly 7 percentage points, 41% to 34% with 26% of respondents undecided.

That leads me to believe that people are willing to just vote for a Republican over a Democrat like Slotkin, who's just been a knee-jerk vote for Joe Biden.

In a blue state like Michigan, that is truly amazing.

I have written about how Michigan is a true blue state that can, if the conditions are right, go purple, like it did in Trump's win here in 2016 by 11,000 votes. Michigan Is a BLUE State and Lying About It Won't Change That Fact.

Reasons why can vary but the last conservative Governor we elected here was in 1998 with John Engler, and the last Republican we sent to the Senate from the Great Lakes State was Spencer Abraham in 1994.

Yet, Joe Biden is single-handedly helping blue states at least think about going purple; that's a much better position than a blue state like Michigan was in four years ago in 2020.

I think it is fitting that on this day, during this weekend, while we are supposed to remember and recall the sacrifices of those who died in service to this country throughout this nation's history, we should take advantage of the gift of incompetency that Joe Biden is giving us. 


 Let's truly elect people who are going to roll back the numbskull policies that this inept and corrupt administration has forced on this country over the past four years.


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