Joe Biden might not have a LOT of fuel left in his mental reservoir, but he has just enough to pull a word out of his KKK Robert Byrd loving derriere to make people think he is still running on all 8 cylinders. Funny thing is, even when he was younger he never was firing on all cylinders. Just google Joe Biden Quotes and marvel at the lunacy.
Joe had one of those moments yesterday when he was in Pennsylvania (not SCRANTON) and he declared that he was a shoo-in to win on Nov 3rd and if he didn’t then it had to be the work of some devious individuals that were up to no good and some CHICANERY.
You go, Joe.
From Fox News…
Democratic nominee Joe Biden said the only way he could lose the 2020 election was through “chicanery,” before later adding he would accept the results of the election.
“Make sure to vote,” the former vice president told voters at a campaign stop in Pennsylvania, “Because the only way we lose this is by the chicanery going on relative to polling places.”
Biden said that President Trump was trying to discourage voting by casting doubt on mail-in ballot security and telling supporters to “go to polls and watch very carefully” on Election Day.
Now before Biden was led back to his waiting gas-guzzling S.U.V. and his teddy bear with his blankey, he did clarify and say that he would of course accept the vote of the people. Which is the same thing Donald Trump says while raising the same issues of CHICANERY but Trump uses other colorful words.
Thie whole issue of mail-in ballots should be a concern and Biden should be worried if he were actually wanting a free and fair election. My colleague Scott Hounsell has covered some of the issues we have had already in pieces here at Red State Pennsylvania: Nearly 60,000 Mail Ballots Unaccounted for in Trump-Heavy County and 50,000 Ohio Residents Receive Wrong Mail Ballots.
As Scott points out in his piece on Pennsylvania above, the Keystone State went to Donald Trump in 2016 by only 45,000 votes out of almost 5.9 million. So 60,000 mail-in ballots getting screwed up in one county out of 67 should be a real concern.
I doubt that we will hear anything from Joe or Kamala on this being this happened in a Trump heavy county from 2016 and THAT type of CHICANERY is of course always acceptable. The democrats have been experts at that as far back as I can recall. Just go back to JFK winning West Virginia in the 1960 primaries and then the Presidency later that year with the help of good ole Chicago Mayor Richard Daley. When 100% of the deceased vote comes in for one candidate, you know something must be going on.
So kudos to Slow Joe for using a word correctly and then having just enough fuel left in his noggin to know to backtrack before Peter Doocy did a killer follow up with him that would make Joe yell CMON MAN.
I can’t believe we only have 23 more days of this and can’t wait to see what other big words Jill teaches him in the final 3 weeks.
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