Good ole Mike Bloomberg. He is always looking to make sure you have a lot of rules to follow but he will get delays and skirt the rules for himself. Think of it like he has a BIG GULP machine in his mansion but you can’t have one on the streets of New York.
According to Axios, the billionaire former Mayor will delay filing how much money he has spent until after Super Tuesday.
Bloomberg received an extended deadline to file his financial disclosure more than two weeks after Super Tuesday.
He has already poured $200 million into TV and digital ads, the Times notes.
Bloomberg entered the race in November, months after his rivals. If he drops out before March 20, he may never have to share his financial particulars.
He has already spent TWO HUNDRED MILLION DOLLARS. Do you know how many guns that could have purchased to fend off the Trump rioters that Bill Maher is worried about?
Bloomberg’s strategy has been to skip Iowa and New Hampshire being he has nothing in common with those “people” and focus on the 11 states that are holding votes on Super Tuesday, mostly in the south. That is why last week he was in Texas with Judge Judy while Bernie, Lizzy and Uncle Joe were trodding snow in Iowa.
I would choose the cold weather rather than listening to Judy yell at people for no reason.
That he has already spent TWO HUNDRED MILLION DOLLARS and is still only polling a Lil higher than Cory Booker who is no longer in the race must mean he is really hedging his bets. Also, it means that his staff must suck and if they have already blown TWO HUNDRED MILLION what have they blown it on? Blockbuster video late fees?
As the story indicates above if he decides to quit and does not need to share his financial statement that is a very Trump-like move and it means that only one other thing needs to be done.
Bloomberg needs to relocate to Florida.
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