CNN claims to be the worldwide leader in news.
If they are then why have they not reported a thing on one of the largest stories happening today that involve a pro-life group being accused of being like porn and CHRISTians being singled out for banning on Pinterest.
Earlier today I wrote about Pinterest Blocks Pro Life Group Live Action, Calling it PORN. The World Wide Leader, of course, can’t devote any of its time from having Brooke Baldwin giggle about Joe Biden on the campaign trail in Iowa so I’m sure that that the CNN website has something.
As of this posting at 3:15 pm EDT there is nada about this intriguing story. In case Brain Stelter who is CNN’s crack media reporter is reading this and wondering what nada means, it means no in Spanish. Which is also the same answer you get Brian when you ask if your show has beaten any show on Nickelodeon ever.
So I am going to monitor how long it takes for CNN to mention this story.
Will Jake Tapper take a moment from criticizing those who criticize anything on CNN and mention it during the 4 pm hour?
Could Wolf Blitzer grab the bull by the horns in the “Situation Room” and talk about why CHRISTians are being banned for just being CHRISTians on a site that is famous for sharing recipes?
Maybe Anderson Cooper could stop admiring the fact that he is Anderson Cooper and bring this up.
I don’t hold up much hope for the Abbot & Costello of the CNN nighttime lineup of Chris Cuomo and Don Lemon being they are always too busy trying to outdo each other with how hip the other one is. Lets get after it indeed.
So I will do updates to this post during each show to see if anyone mentions it or if by some accident a story gets posted on the website. Don’t hold your breath though.
They are all in Jeff Zucker’s office looking at the ratings and passing tissues around.
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