One thing you can say about Steve Bannon, he knows how to verbally firebomb a bridge.
In the middle of what is seeming to be a bit of a rough week for the Trump administration, former political advisor to the President, Steve Bannon, is saying some not so nice things about his former boss. A new book by not so accurate author Michael Wolff called “Siege: Trump Under Fire.” has Bannon lighting up his ticket to the White House in 2017.
Wolff, as you recall, was the author of “Fire & Fury” about Trump that even 5th graders and Jim Accosta were poking holes in for extra credit points last year. Bannon was quoted in F&F and has saved some of his material for this new tell-all book on Trump. Here is just a small excerpt from The Daily Beast…
In the book, Bannon predicts Trump’s presidency will fall after investigations into his finances reveal to his supporters that he’s not some incredible self-made billionaire, but a crook. “This is where it isn’t a witch hunt—even for the hard-core, this is where he turns into just a crooked business guy, and one worth $50m instead of $10bn,” Bannon is quoted as saying. “Not the billionaire he said he was, just another scumbag.”
Steve, tell us how you really feel.
This is not the first time that Trump has been accused of not being as rich as he has claimed. Dallas Mavericks owner Mark Cuban claimed the same thing during the 2016 election going as far as saying he would show his net worth if Trump would show his.
Most of these claims though have already gone through the wash in the last campaign cycle and Trump still won the election.
However, claiming that Trump is crooked and his finances would show that is quite the charge. I’m pretty sure that Bannon has not gone through Trump’s personal finances so how would he know how much Trump is worth or what he may have done illegally?
The vast majority of Trump supporters do not seem to mind that he might be worth 2 billion instead of 10. They like what the guy says and how he treats people who have treated them badly for years. I think Steve was there to witness that back during the last election.
So Is Bannon on to something or just throwing a temper tantrum that he was kicked out of the inner circle? I guess we will have to wait for the book to come out and parse what is true and false in it, but in the meantime, I think there is one thing we can be certain of.
Steve Bannon is NOT on the White House CHRISTmas card list this year.
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