Chuck Schumer Thought the GOP Would 'Expel the Turd of Donald Trump' in 2024, New Book Reveals

AP Photo/J. Scott Applewhite

It's looking more and more like it's game over for Senator Chuck Schumer (D-NY), current minority leader in the Senate and, this week at least, his party's favorite punching bag. Despite assurances by his House counterpart, Rep. Hakeem Jeffries (D-NY), that everything's hunky-dory in the Democrat Party, Schumer keeps finding himself being thrown under the proverbial bus.


As RedState has been reporting, Schumer is taking unrelenting friendly fire from within his party for voting last week to keep the federal government funded under the Donald Trump-backed continuing resolution. Siding with Trump is an unforgivable crime amongst the left, and now Schumer, long one of his side's chief attack dogs, is looking a lot like a politician who is well past his sell-by date.

And a new book coming out next week by two New York Times reporters isn't going to help him one bit. It's called "Mad House: How Donald Trump, MAGA Mean Girls, a Former Used Car Salesman, a Florida Nepo Baby, and a Man With Rats in His Walls Broke Congress"—the left is always overly wordy with these things—and, in it, authors Annie Karni and Luke Broadwater recount some behind-the-scenes moments involving Schumer during the 2024 presidential election season. 

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Of particular note are some interesting comments made by the senior senator from New York—emphasis on senior—back in 2023 when he sat down with the authors to prognosticate about Donald Trump's chances of once again being the Republican Party's nominee in 2024. We call this a "swing and a miss":


Schumer told Annie Karni and Luke Broadwater: “Here’s my hope … after this election, when the Republican party expels the turd of Donald Trump, it will go back to being the old Republican party.”

These are the words of an old guy who's been in Washington, D.C., for far too long. Schumer actually thought his side, ably abetted by the corrupt Biden DOJ and a score of lefty activist judges, had defeated Trump—and MAGA!—through the endless stream of lawsuits and investigations aimed at taking down the 45th president. The funniest thing of all is that Schumer, who was Senate majority leader at the time of that comment, wrongly concluded that the spineless Republican Party of old would somehow rise again. He sure was hoping it would, anyway.

Another interesting nugget in the new book that says a lot about Schumer's brand of politics is revealed in an anecdote from Schumer himself—told to the authors in his Senate office while he was sipping his "special white wine"—involving a 2013 dinner between him, Rush Limbaugh, and Sen. Lindsay Graham (R-SC). Schumer and Graham were hoping to get Rush on board with the “Gang of Eight” amnesty scheme that would have given amnesty to 11 million illegal aliens (aka, future Democrat voters, at least in Schumer's mind) who had been living off the American taxpayer.


Needless to say, Rush was not on board with this plan and it was defeated, with Schumer bemoaning that the United States would now “would be a different place” had things turned out differently. What he means by that is that the Democrat Party would presumably have grown its base and Donald Trump would have never been president.

The new book also reveals how Schumer happily helped to push Joe Biden off the Democrat ticket last summer, much in the way he was hoping the GOP would "expel" Trump. Ironically, though, Schumer forced out Biden only to now find himself the new doddering old fool of the Democrat Party. 

The entire U.S. political landscape has shifted under Chuck Schumer's feet, and he still doesn't seem to know it.

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