Trump Refuses to Do '60 Minutes' Interview Until They Apologize to Him Over 'Laptop from Hell'

AP Photo/Evan Vucci

Call the waaahmbulance, someone; CBS' "60 Minutes" is big mad at Donald Trump.

Shortly before Tuesday's vice presidential debate on CBS, the network announced that Trump had changed his mind about doing an interview for a "60 Minutes" election special slated to air on October 7. This clearly miffed the program's producers, who headed to X to vent their spleen. 


Here's the tweet:

If you don't want to click through to X, here's the entire statement from CBS and "60 Minutes":

A Programming Note: 60 Minutes is scheduled to air a primetime election special on a Monday edition of the broadcast on October 7 at 8 PM. For over half a century, 60 Minutes has invited the Democratic and Republican tickets to appear on our broadcast as Americans head to the polls.

This year, both the Harris and Trump campaigns agreed to sit down with 60 Minutes. Vice President Harris will speak with correspondent Bill Whitaker. After initially accepting 60 Minutes’ request for an interview with Scott Pelley, former President Trump’s campaign has decided not to participate. Pelley will address this Monday evening.

Our election special will broadcast the Harris interview on Monday as planned. Our original invitation to former President Donald Trump to be interviewed on 60 Minutes stands.

Their statement oozes sanctimony, right? They're doing these interviews for you, the voter, because they are so high brow, civic minded, and impartial; they'd never, ever stage these interviews as a sort of in-kind donation to the Kamala Harris campaign. They'd treat the candidates equally, all in the name of public interest.



Of course, Trump turned them down, and who can blame him? Last time he was on "60 Minutes" back in 2020, the humorless, stone-faced Lesley Stahl got into a heated back and forth with Trump over the Hunter Biden laptop story:

Here's how RedState's Bonchie put it at the time: 

"Then you got idiocy like this, where Stahl insists that the Hunter Biden emails shouldn’t be reported on because they 'can’t be verified.' Ignoring the fact that the media report on all manner of unverified gossip when it’s anti-Trump, Stahl’s excuse is also nonsensical, as the emails have been verified in multiple ways."

Lesley Stahl and the folks at CBS News are so obviously deceitful that the Trump team insisted on making a recording of that 2020 interview themselves, knowing that the final product aired by the network would be selectively edited to make Trump look bad. Which CBS did, of course, demonstrating that impartiality and integrity are long-lost traits in the corporate media world.


That's where we were back in 2020. Fast forward four years and things have deteriorated even more, just as the media's hatred for all things Trump has only worsened. Proof positive is the atrocious way the presidential and vice presidential debates were handled, with hyper-partisan "moderators" going to bat for the Democrats and "fact checking" the Republicans. The bar was low, and the media somehow went even lower. 

Well, Trump's had enough.

When asked why he decided against doing a "60 Minutes" interview this time around, the former president got right to the point: He'll do it as soon as they apologize for getting it wrong about Hunter Biden's "laptop from hell."


Trump is doing exactly the right thing here, and other Republicans should take notice and follow suit. CBS News, "60 Minutes," Lesley Stahl and Scott Pelley, who'd be conducting the new interview, have proven time and again they cannot be trusted to report fairly on Trump or any candidate who happens to have a conservative thought in their head. They'll never do it, but they absolutely should apologize to Trump for getting it so wrong about Hunter's laptop. 


In fact, Trump's treatment of "60 Minutes" should perhaps be the new standard for all Republicans. Just don't talk to them until they can prove they are honest brokers. Make them worthy of your time. Republican candidates owe the media absolutely nothing; there are plenty of other effective ways to communicate with voters. Stop the madness of talking to people who actively seek your ruin. 

In sum: Well done, Donald Trump.


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