Democrat Attorneys General Demand Federal Indictment of Daniel Perry Because the Rule of Law Is Dead

AP Photo/Bebeto Matthews

Fourteen Democrat Attorneys General have asked Attorney General Merrick Garland to open a federal civil rights investigation of Daniel Perry for his role in the death of Antifa thug Garrett Foster in Austin, TX, in July 2020. Perry was convicted on state murder charges despite a police investigation finding he'd acted in self-defense when Foster brandished a semi-automatic weapon while Perry's car was trapped by mostly peaceful George Floyd protesters. He was pardoned on May 16 by Texas Governor Greg Abbot.


BACKGROUND: BREAKING: Texas Gov Abbott Pardons US Army Sergeant Convicted of Murder for Shooting Armed BLM Protester – RedState

The letter, coordinated by New York Attorney General Letitia James, demands Garland do something about "stand your ground" laws. However, in Perry's case, he was in a car that was prevented from moving by an Antifa mob, so he didn't have a lot of options. These laws, claims James, "encourage vigilantes to attend protests armed and ready to shoot and kill those who exercise their First Amendment rights." She elides right over the fact that Foster brought an AK (or AK knockoff) to the demonstration and was killed for sticking it in the wrong man's face.

The Department of Justice plays an important role in ensuring that those who violate the civil rights of their fellow Americans are held to account, and that is especially the case when state or local jurisdictions refuse to do so. From prosecuting the Klan members who conspired to murder three civil   rights workers in rural Mississippi in 1964 to more recently prosecuting the man who murdered Heather Heyer in Charlottesville in 2017, the Department of Justice has used federal civil rights laws to ensure accountability for acts of hate. 

We urge the Department to open an investigation into whether Mr. Perry violated federal criminal law, including specifically several federal criminal civil rights laws.  We note that whether or not Texas law gives Mr. Perry a defense to state prosecution for his actions here, Texas law does not prevent a federal prosecution for Mr. Perry’s act of killing someone for racial reasons in order to prevent him from exercising constitutional rights.   



BLM Member Shot to Death, Apparently When 'Protesters' Surround Car – RedState

The Left Is Trying to Create Their Own Horst Wessel but They Just Aren't Good Enough – RedState

Shaun King Spreads Fake News About the Death of BLM Marcher Garrett Foster – RedState

Fascist AG Letter by streiff at redstate on Scribd

Given the way the judicial process has been hijacked by the left to be nothing more than a tool to protect their people and harass and imprison their enemies, it will be no huge shock if Garland does the bidding of his political masters. While it is difficult to see what Constitutional right the dimwitted, thuggish Foster was exercising by threatening a man trapped in a car with a semi-automatic weapon, I'm sure the same people who have put former President Trump on trial in the absence of a crime won't be deterred by little stuff like facts, laws, or evidence.


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