Thanks to Bidenomics, Your Thanksgiving Costs 110% of 2020's; On the Bright Side, You're Making Less

AP Photo/Andrew Harnik

It seems like every holiday that rolls around, Joe Biden sycophants jump through hoops trying to convince themselves, and you, that despite all the evidence to the contrary, you are better off under the crushing weight of the crony socialism the White House calls Bidenomics.


Bidenomics is allegedly based on three factors: 1) "making public investments," or, in plain English, spending money on grifts to pass money to friends and allies, 2) "empowering and educating workers to grow the middle class," which in practice means nothing more than promising to forgive college loans to the most unsuccessful college grads who, oddly enough, are prone to vote Democrat; and 3) "promoting competition to lower costs and help entrepreneurs and small businesses to thrive," which is simply bulls**t. There are two other factors Bidenomics relies on: a hopelessly compromised media that shamelessly tries to gaslight the public, and you being stupid.

Who can forget the White House pimping the American Farm Bureau Federation's estimated cost for a July Fourth cookout (to the extent that Biden's White House even acknowledges that holiday) in 2021, by saying it was a whopping 16 cents cheaper than the year before, Jen Psaki's 'Let Them Eat Hot Dogs' Take on Soaring Prices Doesn't Go Over Well – RedState. In the process, they failed to mention that it took a great deal of creative math to justify that number.


When you are a Democrat, and your spin is so transparent that Newsweek mocks it, you suck: White House Boasts Cookouts Are 16 Cents Cheaper This Year and the Internet Isn't Impressed.


Now they are at it again (Biden Campaign Puts Out Thanksgiving Anti-MAGA Talking Points That Will Have You Laughing Out Loud), and it is none other than the wannabe Democrat nominee in 2024, California's Governor Gavin Newsom, turning on the gaslight. 

Newsom makes two claims: that the price of a Thanksgiving meal for 10 persons is down, and real wages are up. Let's take a look.

The source for the "meal for 10" number is also the American Farm Bureau Federation

Thanksgiving dinner is less expensive this year than last, but costs are still way up from just a few years ago, per the American Farm Bureau Federation (AFBF).

The group found that “this year’s classic Thanksgiving feast” for 10 people will cost approximately $6.12 per guest or $61.17 total. That’s a decline from the “historically high prices” from last year, it noted.

In 2022, the price was $64.05 total, up more than $10 in 2021, when it was $53.31. This year’s decline is largely due to turkeys being less expensive this year, the report noted.


That sounds ominous.

This spreadsheet section starts with the last year of Obama's second term and takes us up until the current point in Obama's third term. The historical data is available at this link.

The line labeled "Price change from 2023" shows that year's inflation-adjusted price (2023 dollars) compared to 2023, so 2021 is 3 percent cheaper, 2020 is 10 percent cheaper, etc. The line marked "Price change to 2023" shows the 2023 price compared to the year; for instance, 2023 is 8 percent cheaper than 2022 but 3 percent more expensive than 2021.

If you just focus on the big ticket item, turkey, the story is much more clear. According to the US Department of Agriculture, this is the trendline for a whole frozen turkey.

  • 2018 average: $0.80 per pound
  • 2019 average: $0.89 per pound
  • 2020 average: $1.07 per pound
  • 2021 average: $1.23 per pound
  • 2022 average: $1.55 per pound
  • 2023 average: $1.45 per pound

The wholesale price of turkey today is 181 percent of what it was in 2018. Again, if you squint, you can tell when Bidenomics started.

On the whole, Bidenomics has demolished the inflation-adjusted cut in prices during Trump's administration and driven up the price of the Thanksgiving meal. 

The next claim is about "real wages." Again, the claim is true when comparing 2023 to 2022, but it is also meaningless. In fact, real wages are down by an inflation-adjusted $0.40 since Biden took office.


Statistic: Real average hourly earnings for all employees in the United States from January 2011 to October 2023 | Statista
Find more statistics at Statista

When you compare wage growth to inflation, the wholesale destruction of the American workforce is obvious, even to Gavin Newsom.

Statistic: Difference between the inflation rate and growth of wages in the United States from January 2020 to October 2023 | Statista
Find more statistics at Statista

If you look closely, you can even tell when Bidenomics hit the ground running.

The only logical reason for Biden's team to continue to beclown themselves with this nonsense is because they think you are dumb, and that the media will carry their water for them. 


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