As humorist Will Rogers was famous for saying, “Never miss a good opportunity to just shut up.” Former FBI attorney and audulterous lover to Peter “What Do You Mean I Look Deranged” Strzok was guest of honor on Rachel Maddow’s little show non MSNBC yesterday and she would have been well advised to heed that advice. Maddow has been in something of a ratings slump, or nosedive, since Robert Mueller announced that virtually everything she said on her show for the last three years was a lie. Page is on a redemption tour. She claims she was shamed out of her privacy and forced to seek public attention by President Trump mocking her.
“Honestly, his demeaning fake orgasm was really the straw that broke the camel’s back,” she says. The president called out her name as he acted out an orgasm in front of thousands of people at a Minneapolis rally on Oct. 11.
As I posted at the time, her sex life would seem to have been a monumental disappointment (Have the People Claiming Donald Trump Mimicked an Orgasm Ever Had One).
So it was a critical mass of desperation.
Maddow lobbed some softballs at Page, giving her the chance to put her story on the record without fear of challenge or contradiction. One of those was the infamous”insurance policy” text exchange between Page and Strzok. The text sent by Strzok to Page on August 15, 2016, read: “I want to believe the path you threw out in [former FBI Deputy Director Andrew McCabe’s] office — that there’s no way he gets elected — but I’m afraid we can’t take the risk. It’s like an insurance policy in the unlikely event you die before you’re 40.”
This is via Townhall’s Tipsheet:
First of all it’s not my text so I’m sort of interpreting what I believed he meant back three years ago, but we’re using an analogy,” Page explained. “We’re talking about whether or not we should take certain investigative steps or not based on the likelihood that he’s going to be president or not. You have to keep in mind if President Trump doesn’t become president, the national security risks, if there is somebody in his campaign associated with Russia, plummets.”
Maddow then asked Page about the messages where she said she was fearful of a Trump presidency.
“By ‘we’ he’s talking about the collective we, like minded, thoughtful, sensible people who were not going to vote this person into office,” Page said. “You know, obviously in retrospect do I wish he hadn’t sent it, yes. It’s mutilated to death and bludgeon an institution I love and it’s meant that I’ve disappointed countless people. But this is snapshot in time carrying on a conversation that had happened earlier in the day that reflected a broad sense of he’s not going to be president. We, the democratic people of this country, are not going to let it happen.”
I’m not sure that Page’s explanation was very plausible, though I will give her credit that it is more plausible that many. Take this from some slug who writes over at the Qatar-funded Lawfareblog:
Strzok was reacting to the argument that there was no point getting worked up because Trump was bound to lose. He argued in response that the odds against a Trump victory offered no reason to be complacent and gave an example: The odds are also very much against you dying before the age of 40, but you probably bought insurance at that age because dying with a young family would be such a disaster; the expense is reasonable even if the event is unlikely. For the same reason, in Strzok’s view, horror at the prospect of a Trump presidency is reasonable even though the prospect is remote.
She says the discussion was about taking certain investigative steps with an objective of keeping Trump from becoming president. Not to root out possible Russian influence in the American political system but to use the power of the FBI to put Hillary Clinton in the White House. We don’t know conclusively what the insurance policy was but we know by that time a “friendly government had reported an anodyne barroom conversation between a former Australian diplomat and rumored MI6 asset, Alexander Downer, and Trump staffer George Papadopoulos to the FBI. And we know the Lawfareblog slug was clearly wrong because Page contradicts him. By the time of the text, the FBI had in its possession the Steele Dossier.
Given the evidence amassed by the Department of Justice IG, it is hard not to see the entirety of the Crossfire Hurricane farce as precisely the insurance policy Strzok was talking about. The only part missing was exactly why the insurance policy was not used against Trump in October and who decided to dust it off and use it for the decapitation strike that the Russia Hoax was designed to be.
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