The current round of war in the Middle East has put the indigenous Christian communities of the brink of extinction. Not only are they being pushed out of their communities into refugee camps. Once the are in refugee camps they remain in danger from the Islamist in those camps and, for reasons that escape me, Obama has not made resettling of those endangered Christians a priority. Quite the opposite.
We’ve discussed this issue on RedState in the past, now you can do something about it.
The Catholic fraternal organization, Knights of Columbus, has started a drive to provide money for the relief of Christian refugees. This is not a totally Catholic thing, they are working in conjunction with the Holy Land Ecumenical Foundation. I gave this morning and will continue to contribute as I can. The Knights of Columbus are a solid organization and you can count on your money being well spent.
Give if you can. Share the link with your friends. We may not be able to save those ancient Christian communities but we can save lives and give hope.
Full disclosure. I am Roman Catholic. I am not a member of the Knights of Columbus.
Via commenter NightTwister:
I thought this was important to add:
100 percent of every dollar you donate will be used for humanitarian aid for Christians and other religious minorities being persecuted in the Middle East and Ukraine.
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