DHS Admits Iraqi Terrorists As Refugees

kentucky terrorist

One of the great things about working for an administration with absolutely no standards is that your job is never really in jeopardy so long as you toe the party line. That is the secret of Janet Napolitano’s success.


From ABC News, who by some accident has actually decided to commit investigative reporting:

Several dozen suspected terrorist bombmakers, including some believed to have targeted American troops, may have mistakenly been allowed to move to the United States as war refugees, according to FBI agents investigating the remnants of roadside bombs recovered from Iraq and Afghanistan.

The discovery in 2009 of two al Qaeda-Iraq terrorists living as refugees in Bowling Green, Kentucky — who later admitted in court that they’d attacked U.S. soldiers in Iraq — prompted the bureau to assign hundreds of specialists to an around-the-clock effort aimed at checking its archive of 100,000 improvised explosive devices collected in the war zones, known as IEDs, for other suspected terrorists’ fingerprints.

It gets better:

In 2009 Alwan applied as a refugee and was allowed to move to Bowling Green, where he quit a job he briefly held and moved into public housing on Gordon Ave., across the street from a school bus stop, and collected public assistance payouts, federal officials told ABC News.


After the FBI received the intelligence tip later that year, a sting operation in Kentucky was mounted to bait Alwan with a scheme hatched by an undercover operative recruited by the FBI, who offered Alwan the opportunity to ship heavy arms to al Qaeda in Iraq. The FBI wanted to know if Alwan was part of a local terror cell — a fear that grew when he tapped a relative also living in Bowling Green, Hammadi, to help out.

The FBI secretly taped Alwan bragging to the informant that he’d built a dozen or more bombs in Iraq and used a sniper rifle to kill American soldiers in the Bayji area north of Baghdad.


Alwan even sketched out IED designs, which the FBI provided to ABC News, that U.S. bomb experts had quickly determined clearly demonstrated his expertise.


It is really hard to find a single federal agency that is more of a nexus of the stupidity, incompetence, and viciousness that the Department of Homeland Security. Whether it is some minimum wage mouthbreather checking out your genitals as you try to board an airplane, arming Mexican drug cartels, or using a Maryland State Police SWAT team to take care of a troublesome reporter, the DHS has shown itself to be a rogue, corrupt, and unreformable agency. Importing known, documented Iraqi terrorists when Afghan interpreters languish in limbo is simply another bit of the sorry legacy of Janet Napolitano.


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