RedState Weekly Briefing: Kennedy Comeuppance, Tucker's Love Letters, and Biden's Beachy Sabbatical

AP Photo/Matt Rourke

Welcome to the RedState Weekly Briefing  — where we take a quick look at the week’s most viewed stories in case you missed any of them. Grab a cup of coffee (or something stronger — it's been a helluva summer), and sit down with this 21st Century Weekend Edition of your favorite (online) publication!


#1 - Here's the Most Brutally Honest Response to RFK Jr's Siblings After They Betrayed Him for Kamala — by Jennifer Van Laar

RFK Jr's wife, actress Cheryl Hines, is standing by her husband even though she doesn't agree with him politically and even though she undoubtedly will pay a heavy professional price for her loyalty and love. It's no secret that her "Curb Your Enthusiasm" co-star Larry David has one of the more severe cases of Trump Derangement Syndrome in Hollywood, and her other colleagues are right there with him.

It's too bad RFK Jr's siblings are so blinded by their own political dogma to have that kind of grace. As Sister Toldjah shared, his sister Kerry shared a statement from a number of the siblings calling his endorsement of Trump a "betrayal of the values" their father held dear, and called this action "a sad ending to a sad story."

#2 - PRICELESS: Tucker Posts Hilarious Letter of His Own After Kamala Posts Support Letter From 'Tucker' — by Nick Arama

Now the first problem here is knowing that anyone seeing the name "Tucker" is going to think it's Tucker Carlson. So, it's deliberately misleading. Second, anyone with any sense would know that's not Tucker, but it might fool some on the left. Third, no one who is conservative would write a letter that way and use the term "common sense gun safety laws." It also lists things that already exist, like age restrictions and background checks. If an actual person wrote it, he doesn't sound like a conservative. It was also pretty funny that the letter writer made sure to thank and recognize both her and Biden — so she wouldn't be accused of claiming credit without him. And who even knows she heads the White House Office on Gun Violence Prevention? But the writer thanks her for that. 

Some people believed it was AI-generated. 

Some then took up the task of writing letters of their own to Kamala. Including the real Tucker Carlson, who finished her off with his own letter from "Kamala."


#3 - WATCH: Secret Service Agents Shove Civilians Out of the Way As Joe and Jill Continue Endless Vacation — by Bob Hoge 

We’re in a dangerous time, when we don’t seem to have a functioning commander-in-chief. Our enemies are fully aware that our compromised, permanently off-duty president is not up to the job. Meanwhile, it’s fun to poke fun at Kamala Harris’ endless cackling and laugh-out-loud word salads, but on a more somber note, she has consistently proven that she is not ready for the position. No foreign leader is going to take her seriously; Russian strongman Vladimir Putin and Chinese dictator Xi Jinping are probably laughing in their boots at the thought of any confrontation with her. As clear-eyed, cold-hearted realists, they are more than aware that simply repeating “joy” and “happiness” does not a foreign policy make.

The Democrats, led by their sniggering standard-bearer Nancy Pelosi, have engineered a coup, ousted a sitting president, and installed their preferred candidate. They may be craven and devious, but they either purposefully or by accident forgot to account for one thing: we need a competent leader in the White House during these dangerous times.

#4 - HOT TAKES: Internet Reacts to Weird Staging of Kamala's CNN Interview and Hulking Tim Walz — by Bob Hoge

Well, wonders will never cease—Kamala Harris actually sat for a formal interview. Of course, it wasn’t live, it was taped, and it was conducted by a friendly face in CNN’s Dana Bash. Meanwhile, the VP needed the comfort blanket of her running mate and Emotional Support Governor, Minnesota's Tim Walz, just to get through it.

Many subjects were discussed, and to be fair, Bash actually asked her some pointed questions on her frequent flip-flopping, but the internet had a field day with something simpler: the staging. Namely, Kamala appeared to get the child’s seat, while Walz looked like he was Hagrid sitting next to her.


#5 - WATCH: JD Vance Wrecks NBC Simp Who Was Silly Enough to Challenge Him on Trump's Economic Record — by Mike Miller

Welker asked Vance: "How do you respond to that charge that Trump's tariffs would hurt the middle class?" 

JD was ready with an answer — and more than eager to respond:

If you sit back a little bit, Kristen, there's this whole thing that Kamala Harris did at the convention where she made a bunch of claims about what would happen, and not enough ... reflection on what already happened, because Donald Trump already was president; he used tariffs to bring manufacturing jobs back to our country and I' think he'll do it again. He did it while keeping prices extremely low. 

[I]f you go back to the Trump presidency, we had 12,000 factories that were built during Donald Trump's presidency, inflation never really ticked above two percent during his entire administration ... and was about one-have percent, most of the time. So when Kamala Harris says, 'If we do the thing that Trump already did, it's gonna be way worse than it was last time.' I just don't think that makes a lot of sense.  

Welp, that was easy.  


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