Moore to the Point: It's Time to Take Dad's Keys Away

AP Photo/Alex Brandon

It's hell getting old — and it's hell watching someone you love get old. Father Time is a thief and often a cruel one at that. We lost my Dad to Alzheimer's four years ago. It was hard, and it was heartbreaking, as were the several years preceding it, though, blessedly, his onset didn't come until he was in his early 80s. 


There came a time, though, when we had to take the car keys away to ensure his safety and that of others. He didn't put up much of a fuss. He got it in his head that it was due to his pacemaker. After trying to explain that wasn't it, we quit forcing the issue. He accepted the change in roles and responsibilities, and we adapted. 

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When all is said and done, I don't know what Joe Biden's formal diagnoses will be. What I do know is that we've reached that point where it's time to take the keys away. He doesn't seem to see it — of course, he doesn't. He's never had a clear sense of himself, and that's only worsened as age has clouded his vision. One suspects those closest to him haven't helped in that regard, either. 

It's no easy thing. And no matter how you look at it, it's sad. But it's time — to ensure his safety and that of others. 

This “Moore to the Point” commentary aired on NewsTalkSTL on Friday, July 19th. Audio included below.


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