Tuesday Morning Minute

Cicada. (Credit: Susie Moore)

Good morning, and welcome to RedState's "Morning Minute" — a brief glimpse at which stories are trending at the moment and a look ahead at what the day may bring. Consider this your one-stop shop for news to kickstart your day. 



'Full-Blown Freakout,' Democrats Are Having a Panic Attack Over Joe Biden's Electoral Prospects

Things could change, but as they stand in late May, Democrats have every reason to be experiencing a "full-blown freakout."

NEW Info About the Chechen Illegal Who Was Shot While Possibly Surveilling Special Ops Soldier's NC Home

Since the original reports, some disturbing information about the deceased and the company he was allegedly contracting with has come out - and it's got special forces families nationwide spooked.

Richard Dreyfuss' Remarks at 'Jaws' Screening Incite Firestorm and Question As to What He Actually Said

Dreyfuss hasn't been shy in the past about making comments about some "woke" topics, and he's definitely set off some people on the left when he criticized the new Academy Award "inclusivity" rules.


Today on Capitol Hill...

All's quiet on the Capitol front this Tuesday morning after Memorial Day. The critters don't return to hearings and whatnot until Wednesday, and even then, it's one field hearing in North Dakota and one afternoon briefing on the Hill. 

White House What's Up

It's quiet at 1600 Pennsylvania Ave. on Tuesday, too. (I'm starting to wonder why the rest of us schlumps are back at work.) Not a thing on President Joe Biden's schedule save for his daily briefing, though it does appear Press Secretary Karine Jean-Pierre will be holding a press briefing in the afternoon. 

Full Court Press...

Big day in Manhattan as the prosecution and former President Donald Trump's legal team deliver their closing arguments to the jury. It's likely the summations will take all of Tuesday. After that, Judge Juan Merchan will instruct the jury, then it's deliberation time. 



I don't know who needs to hear this, but cicadas are gross. And they are out in full force here in the St. Louis metro area. They're loud — really loud — and they're everywhere. A gorgeous Monday afternoon at the pool was punctuated over and over by the winged aliens divebombing us and/or suiciding themselves in the water. They were fairly easy to rescue and, once on the concrete, quickly dried out and revived — only to resume their divebombing. At my brother's house Monday evening, they were flitting about all over the trees, reminding me of Harry Potter's Golden Snitch. Anyhoo, I'm sure they serve some grand purpose (the story below reminds us of that), but they're still gross. 

The Story a Black Rock Told Me on a Montana Mountain


H/t to the handsome beau for sharing this one with me: 


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