Moore to the Point - Make a Joyful Noise

Christmas caroling. (Photo by David Beale on Unsplash)

I’m usually one of those who drags my feet about turning on the Christmas music each year — not because I don’t enjoy it, but mainly because it starts playing so early. I don’t want to get burned out on it by the time Christmas actually arrives. 


It was different this year — by accident. A colleague shared a video of — kid you not — Austin Powers after I remarked on the fact that Argentina’s President-Elect, Javier Milei, bears more than a passing resemblance to the Mike Meyers character. 

I watched the video in amusement, of course, and then it auto-played right over into “Relaxing Christmas Music” — soft piano renditions of maybe four or five classics. Rather than closing out of it, I let it play. And continue to play. It’s been an open tab on my computer for a couple of weeks now. I don’t play it constantly, but I do return to its soothing melodies when I want to just chill out as I write and edit. 

Another colleague shared an article and audio commentary Thursday regarding Christmas songs — including one, in particular, he doesn’t care for — but it was a 2011 flash mob video he shared that caught my attention. 


It’s actually a T-Mobile ad, but commercialization aside, as I watched it, I unexpectedly found the tears streaming. Not because it was a sad song — quite the opposite — but because it reminded me of times gone by, when it seemed easier to get caught up in making a joyful noise unto the Lord. 

I think this year, more than ever, I’d like for us all to truly revel in that Christmas spirit. 

This “Moore to the Point” commentary aired on NewsTalkSTL on Friday, December 8. Audio included below.


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