Moore to the Point - One Fine Day

It’s weird, isn’t it? How some events from the recent past seem like a lifetime ago, while others from decades ago seem like yesterday. It’s not hard to understand why the events of September 11th, 2001, will always be seared into the memories of those of us old enough to recall the gut-wrenching tragedy of that day, but I do find it odd some of the details that most stand out. 


Just about everyone I’ve ever heard share their memories of that awful day relates how they turned on the TV after news of the first plane striking the north tower broke — just in time to see the second plane come in low and mean and take out the south tower. There was no doubt, from that moment on, that evil was afoot. 

I know I’m not alone in recalling the iconic, horrific image of The Falling Man — one of many who chose to leap to eternity rather than be consumed by the flames engulfing the towers. 

I’ll never forget driving by the airport and seeing the planes lined up, coming in one after another after being grounded — and thinking: “Get down, birds. Get down.” I can’t explain why. It just…made sense at the time. 

Nor will I ever forget how brilliantly blue the sky was that cruel September morning. Beautiful — but cold, and haunting. 

They say we should never forget — they needn’t worry. We won’t. 

This “Moore to the Point” commentary aired on NewsTalkSTL on Monday, September 11. Audio included below.


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