Moore to the Point - So Long, Joe

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So long, Joe Biden. I’d say it’s been nice knowing you, but that would be a stretch. Unfortunately, your tenure as President has fallen into the “familiarity breeds contempt” bin. There was a time when I thought you innocuous enough, but I was wrong. Not the first time I misjudged a politician. Probably won’t be the last, though I’d like to think I’m getting wiser in my late-middle age.


Some may think it premature that I’m bidding 46 adieu. But I don’t think so. We’re through the mid-terms and less than a week away from the two-year mark of Biden’s terrible, no good, very bad presidency – and the worm has clearly turned.

While Biden’s brief, yet far too long, presidency has featured more than its fair share of disasters, the difference with “Car-a-Lago” is that it’s the legacy media that broke the story and continues to pursue it. And now, even prominent Democrats are criticizing Biden over his mishandling of classified documents – something for which all of the above players fell over themselves condemning Donald Trump just five short months ago.

That signals a bigger move is afoot, in my view, and the folks pulling the strings behind the scenes have determined that it’s time for Joe to go. Of course, then we’ll have President Word Salad to look forward to. Heaven help us all.


Note: This “Moore to the Point” commentary aired on NewsTalkSTL on Monday, January 16th. Audio included below.




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