'Utterly Disconnected': Ted Cruz Expertly Explains Why the Kamala Harris 'Change Agent' Act Isn't Working

AP Photo/J. Scott Applewhite

Amazingly, though Democratic presidential nominee Kamala Harris is Joe Biden's vice president, she's been running around for weeks on the campaign trail, laughably trying to portray herself as the candidate of change in this election.


It's as if she hasn't been second in command for the last four years alongside one of the worst presidents we've ever had, even though it was made clear early on in Biden's presidency that this would be known as the "Biden-Harris administration" and even as Biden officials have said she played a central role in all of his major decisions.

"Vice President Harris has been the governing partner for every key decision that the president has made in his term in office," Biden White House communications director Ben LaBolt proudly proclaimed during an MSNBC "Morning Joe" interview back in mid-August.

READ MORE: White House Provides Unfortunate Money Quote for Kamala Harris As She Distances Herself From Joe Biden

While the Harris campaign and their media allies would like to make voters believe two opposing things at once - that Harris has been an "effective" leader and yet one who allegedly wasn't involved in some of Biden's more disastrous decisions (which, let's face it, was most of them) - the reality of the matter is she is tied to Biden whether she likes it or not. 

This is something Sen. Ted Cruz (R-TX) explained during a recent Fox News appearance:

"What Kamala Harris is trying to do here is really bizarre, which is she's trying to run as the change candidate. She's trying to treat Donald J. Trump like he is the incumbent president. And that's utterly disconnected from reality. She is the current administration. 

And, normally the way VPs run is they say hey, we did a great job, the president did a great job, let's continue the successes of the administration I was the VP in. Well, the problem is Biden and Harris, their policy record is a complete trainwreck. And so you look at her convention speech, you look at that [CNN] interview, the entire time she's saying 'well, I would do this to secure the border.' It's like, well if you would do that, why don't you do that? You're in charge right now, today.  

And so everything she's saying she would do, the way I would put it is actions speak louder than words. We know what she'll do on the border because she's been border czar for four years."



Cruz also gave a shout out to twice-failed presidential candidate Bernie Sanders (I-VT), who admitted in a Sunday interview that Harris was trying to shift to the center (and away from Biden) so she could get elected:

Perhaps the most hilarious part of the change agent farce was the discovery that parts of what was finally put on her long-awaited "issues" page over the weekend were copied from... Joe Biden's campaign website, as we reported earlier. 

"Kamala Harris seems to have borrowed her policies entirely from Joe Biden," blared one embarrassing sub-headline from The New Republic, which - in my view - pretty much says it all.

Related: Kamala HQ's Evasive Maneuvers on Policy Unravel As EV Mandate Shift Comes Into Focus



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