Biden Campaign Throws Hitler Card at Trump, Scott Jennings Nails Perfect Way to Counter It

AP Photo/Evan Vucci

It is just a fact of life in American politics that inevitably someone somewhere is going to throw the Hitler card out there in hopes it'll stick to their political opposition and damage them. That's exactly what Joe Biden's 2024 presidential reelection campaign did Wednesday in a tweet where they pounced and seized on recent comments Donald Trump made about illegal immigrants to "prove" that they make him Hitleresque:


It was a comparison Joe Biden himself has also made recently:

Biden's campaign had made similar comments when Trump first used the word at a rally in New Hampshire in November — where he said he would "root out the communists, Marxists, fascists and the radical left thugs that live like vermin within the confines of our country." Back then, Biden said this kind of language could be heard "in Nazi Germany."

Opinions of course vary across the political spectrum on the appropriateness of drawing such comparisons considering Hitler gave the words depravity, evil, and sinister whole new meanings and is pretty much a universally reviled and despised historical figure.

But if Joe Biden and his campaign team really want to go there we should go there, suggested Republican political strategist/CNN commentator Scott Jennings, who in a tweet Thursday advised a perfect way for GOP candidates including Trump to counter the allegation:


In my view, that is an undeniably fair assessment of the situation, and it also applies to the woke, antisemitic members of AOC's Squad aka the House Hamas Caucus, all of whom Biden is trying to placate with his calls for "humanitarian pauses" and the like. 

Why anyone would give a second glance to any of these people is beyond me considering they seem to be okay with Hamas terrorists' longtime "by any means necessary" approach to eradicating Jews, but here we are.

For decades now, Democrats at all levels of government have made the Hitler card a key part of their arsenal to use against whichever Republican they fear the most. They used it against Trump in 2016, and 2020, and they are using it now. For many people, though, the repeated bogus comparisons have caused them to shrug and move on with the understanding in mind that its overuse has caused it to lose some of its meaning and shock value.

But considering the situation the world currently finds itself in with terrorist groups in the Middle East attempting a modern-day Holocaust and Jews in America and elsewhere facing threats and calls for extermination as well, the Biden administration may soon come to regret injecting Hitler into the debate because their own actions, as Jennings indicated, are proving to be far worse than anything that's been alleged about Trump as far as Hitler and hate go.


Flashback-->> WATCH: Hurt Feelings Erupt After Scott Jennings Reminds CNN Panel Who Hunter Biden Really Is


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