Grifter Rick Wilson Tries on His 'Constitutional Conservative' Hat, Gets Responses He Deserves

I’ve written numerous times before about how when you’re trying to convince a group of people of something, that you darned well better put your best foot – and face – forward because sending out a messenger who has thoroughly and irrevocably corrupted him or herself previously on said “message” won’t do much of anything in the way of winning over friends and converts.


Apparently, the “principled” genuises at the Lincoln Project either don’t know of or don’t care about this unwritten but vital messaging rule, because they have continued to make fools of themselves in the three months after they spent tens of millions in losing causes in various House and Senate races across the country.

Prominent grifter Rick Wilson is the embodiment of the type of embarrassing beclownery we’ve come to expect from the Lincoln Project. For example, his supposed disdain for Trump supporters who wave Confederate flags at rallies is very much at odds with the Confederate flag items that were spotted in numerous pictures on his Instagram account earlier this year.

Not only that, but his enthusiastic support for Democratic presidential nominee Joe Biden was very much at odds with his previous comments calling Obama’s former veep a lecherous, undignifiedmoron.” This is in addition to his complete 180 on supporting Republicans, which goes without saying.

The latest example of Wilson showcasing his “talents” aboard the Buffoonery Express came from a tweet he posted yesterday where the former “GOP strategist” proclaimed that Georgia Republican Sen. Kelly Loeffler’s Democratic opponent Rev. Raphael Warnock was “the constitutional conservative” in their runoff race, which is taking place today:


To see a fake “conservative” like Wilson, whose picture should be next to the word “sellout” in the dictionary, acting as though he is some type of authoritative source on what a true conservative is and isn’t was just too much for some people:

This is in addition to the email sent from Wilson this morning to Lincoln Project supporters, advising them to “stand firm, stay vigilant, and teach traitors and seditionists a lesson” by voting for both Democratic nominees in the two Georgia Senate runoff races today.

“Today, we can ensure Joe Biden and Kamala Harris are able to govern and begin to heal our nation’s deep wounds,” Wilson also wrote in the email because apparently, this is how one goes about “conserving conservatism” or something.


But back to his declartion about Warnock: Then came that déjà vu moment when Wilson’s past words came back to bite him in the you-know-where:

I think it’s safe to say that while there are many annoying Never Trumpers out there, none are more deserving of mockery and ridicule than Rick Wilson. None.

Related/Flashback: Never Trumper Rick Wilson Tries Canceling Dominos Over Old Tweet to Kayleigh McEnany, It Does Not Go Well


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