As Streiff wrote this morning, so-called “journalists” at the New York Times became very triggered after the paper’s editorial section decided to publish an op-ed from Sen. Tom Cotton (R-AR) Wednesday in which he argued that the only way to quell the violence in the cities on fire in the aftermath of the death of George Floyd was by having President Trump invoke the Insurrection Act:
The pace of looting and disorder may fluctuate from night to night, but it’s past time to support local law enforcement with federal authority. Some governors have mobilized the National Guard, yet others refuse, and in some cases the rioters still outnumber the police and Guard combined. In these circumstances, the Insurrection Act authorizes the president to employ the military “or any other means” in “cases of insurrection, or obstruction to the laws.”
For instance, during the 1950s and 1960s, Presidents Dwight Eisenhower, John Kennedy and Lyndon Johnson called out the military to disperse mobs that prevented school desegregation or threatened innocent lives and property. This happened in my own state. Gov. Orval Faubus, a racist Democrat, mobilized our National Guard in 1957 to obstruct desegregation at Little Rock Central High School. President Eisenhower federalized the Guard and called in the 101st Airborne in response. The failure to do so, he said, “would be tantamount to acquiescence in anarchy.”
This greatly fauxfended New York Times reporters, who rushed to the Twitter machine to allege that allowing Cotton’s argument to be published in their paper put their black colleagues “in danger.”
A “sick-out” was also staged in protest, because words are violence or something.
Sen. Cotton, a U.S. Army veteran who served in the post-9/11 Iraq and Afghanistan wars, appeared on Fox News today and called out the reporters over their ridiculous pearl-clutching:
“I think it once again exposes the hypocrisy of all these woke progressives who claim to defend liberal values, but as soon as they’re presented with an opinion with which they disagree, they go into meltdown; they demand censorship; they refer to words as violence; they call for firings at their newspaper,” Mr. Cotton said on Fox News.
“I will commend the New York Times leadership. We obviously don’t agree on very much, but in this case they ran my opinion piece with which they disagreed and they’ve stood up to the woke progressive mob in their own newsroom,” Mr. Cotton said the “America’s Newsroom” show.
There is both a legal basis and a long historical precedent for using our National Guard and—if necessary—federal troops to put down domestic violence.
Woke progressives who choose to ignore these facts are simply throwing a temper tantrum. pic.twitter.com/nNC3xXCExl
— Tom Cotton (@SenTomCotton) June 4, 2020
Earlier this evening, he jabbed at the reporters at the paper again:
How is everyone at the @nytimes doing tonight?
— Tom Cotton (@TomCottonAR) June 5, 2020
It is fascinating to me how often so-called “progressive” journalists who paint themselves as “tough as nails, you can’t handle this” types when it comes to defending “the need” for their (biased) reporting and their supposed desire for a variety of opinions to be expressed all of a sudden reach for the fainting couches whenever an argument is presented that they don’t like.
Why, it’s almost as if all their lectures about the need for diversity and inclusion of differing viewpoints in the newsroom were nothing more than empty virtue signaling efforts.
Quelle surprise.
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