Results for: illegal aliens 2023

New: Biden Homeland Security Quietly Ends Path to Amnesty for Over 500K Illegals It Flew Into US…h-to-amnesty-for-over-500k-illegals-it-flew-into-us-n2180165
– announcement in the work week's waning hours, stating that it will end plans to provide a path to citizenship for the over 500,000 illegalaliens from four nations that it flew into the United States. … Aliens to USElon Musk Exposes Biden's Little Known Program That Has Flown 320,000 Illegal Aliens Into the CountryFriday evening, CBS…
Former Border Chief Reveals He Was Ordered to Keep Quiet About Illegal Aliens With Ties to Terrorism…p-quiet-about-illegal-aliens-with-ties-to-terrorism-n2179524
aliens by the hundreds each day into communities who could not support them. … These flights simply brought aliens that would have been released in San Diego over to Texas.” … The Biden-Harris team has left a welcome mat for illegal aliens since day one of the regime, when they began systematically shredding…
Homeland Security Warns That Upcoming Oct. 7 Attacks Anniversary Could Spark Hate Crimes, Violence…oct-7-anniversary-could-spark-hate-crimes-violence-n2180160
– On Friday, the Department of Homeland Security released a warning that the upcoming first anniversary of the heinous October 7, 2023 … institutions and gatherings that we should expect to be targeted, just as the Re'im music festival was targeted in Israel in October 2023 … There are roughly 11 million - minimum - illegal aliens present in the United States right now, and if one percent of them harbor ill…
Nearly 530,000 Migrants Paroled Into US As Part of Little-Known Biden-Harris Program…nto-us-as-part-of-little-known-biden-harris-program-n2179440
– We write about illegal immigration plenty here at RedState, and how the Biden-Harris regime has laid a virtual welcome mat at our southern … immigrants from foreign countries into at least 43 different American airports from January through December 2023.The program was … Aliens Into the CountryCruz, Musk Hit Kamala for Working With Mexico to Flood US With Illegal ImmigrantsHere’s the problem:Every single…
WATCH: Hung Cao Pummels Tim Kaine at Virginia Senatorial Debate…he-moderators-apart-at-virginia-senatatorial-debate-n2180089
– of illegal immigrants in the country who have committed crimes other than crossing the border. … to deport the criminals and more recent illegal immigrants who are a massive drain on U.S. taxpayers? … The only people better off today than they were four years ago are illegal aliens, criminals and senators like Senator Tim Kaine.”…
Mayorkas Gives DHS Employees Extra Vacation Time, Taxpayers Pick Up $2.6 Billion Tab…vacation-time-taxpayers-pick-up-the-26-billion-tab-n2178846
– In 2023, he doled out nine full additional vacation days to each employee, and he is on track for 10 this year. … While their actual pay varies widely, a conservative estimate, with a starting hourly rate of $50, extra paid time off (PTO) in 2023Aliens in Softball Interview—'Wouldn't It Be More Orderly?'…
Gavin Newsom is Still Thirsty and Will Probably Be More Dangerous in 2028…thirsty-and-will-probably-be-more-dangerous-in-2028-n2178618
– He is a retired detective, and he and his wife escaped a few years before we made our exodus in 2023.While he is concerned about a … One that recently passed the legislature gives housing subsidies to illegal aliens so they can buy a house. … abortion past birth, to gender ideology and stealing minors from their parents who resist gender transition, to rampant crime and illegal
WATCH: Rachel Morin's Mother Delivers Heartbreaking Remarks at Arizona Border With Donald Trump…s-donald-trump-to-deliver-remarks-at-arizona-border-n2178421
– He was joined at the event by family members of victims murdered at the hands of illegal aliens, including Patti Morin, mother of Rachel … Morin, who was murdered in August 2023 while out for a run on a pedestrian trail in Bel Air, Maryland. …  Mother of Rachel Morin, brutally murdered by illegal alien, speaks alongside President Trump in Cochise County, AZ…
Crisis at the Border: Under Biden, at Least 99 Illegals on Terror Watch List Released Into United States…llegals-on-terror-watch-released-into-united-states-n2177766
– , at least 99 illegal aliens on the FBI terror watchlist were released into the US after being arrested by Border Patrol at the southern … aliens have become a national issue. … some cities are housing illegal immigrants in nice hotels while Americans struggle to pay their rents and mortgages.…
House Judiciary Report: How One Illegal Alien Gang Member Was Allowed to Terrorize New York…alien-gang-member-was-allowed-to-terrorize-new-york-n2177858
– According to new, nonpublic information uncovered by the Committee, in early 2023, the Biden-Harris Administration released Daniel … This besets the entire Western world.See Related: After Unchecked Waves of Illegal Immigration, the British Are Now Strangers … aliens who are on the Terror Watch List have been released into the United States.That's right.…
The Irrational Exuberance Among Democrats About Harris
– He had consistently led Joe Biden in the average since September of 2023. … have explained before, the economy is still bad, with inflation harming working families; the border is still out of control, with illegalaliens attacking American citizens almost every week; and the world is still on fire because of Biden’s appeasement, with anti-Semites…
Minneapolis Four Years After Floyd: Leftist Policing And 'Justice' Theories Are a Bust…secutor-in-minnesota-goes-soft-on-violent-criminals-n2177564
– The daughter of illegal aliens, Cano had earned a degree at the University of Minnesota (an institution she calls “the belly of … In 2023 she joined Dean Phillips’ campaign for President.…
Progressive Lawmaker Shares Memo for Democrats Debunking 'Misinformation' on Kamala's Border Role…points-about-how-to-talk-about-kamalas-border-role-n2177373
– migration from those countries started at 41%. 41% of people that were marketing were coming from the northern Triangle countries in 2023aliens being allowed to stream across our southern border? … aliens into this country as he could get away with.…
NEW: Rep. Andy Ogles Files Articles of Impeachment Against Kamala Harris
– Andy Ogles (R) first filed an Article of Impeachment against Harris in June 2023. … Customs and Border Protection Agency “encountered” 251,978 illegal aliens at the southwest border in December 2022, the highest monthly … total ever recorded and representing 10 consecutive months of over 200,000 illegal alien “encounters”.Here We Go: Articles of Impeachment…
Kamala Harris Championed California's Sanctuary State Policies and People Are Dead As a Result…n-of-california-as-an-illegal-alien-sanctuary-state-n2177284
– As Attorney General, Harris was complicit in the release of Jose Francisco Lopez-Sanchez, a Mexican criminal illegal immigrant who … She opposed death penalties for both David Hill, murderer of Officer Isaac Espinoza, and for MS-13 illegal alien Edwin … Kamala Harris’s legitimated sanctuary policies freed thousands of criminal illegal aliens to murder cops and innocents, e.g.…
It’s the End of the World As the Democrats Know It: And No, They Aren’t Feeling Fine (Part I)…crats-know-it-and-no-they-arent-feeling-fine-part-i-n2176772
– Heavily Democrat New York is also closer than expected.Donald Trump has had an edge in the national polling average since September of 2023 …  Also, the economy is slowing down; a new criminal attack from illegal aliens seems to happen every other week; the war in Gaza…
Democrats Have Aided an Invasion of Illegal Immigrants Linked to ISIS – Who Will Hold Them Accountable?…rants-linked-to-isis-who-will-hold-them-accountable-n2175987
– A shocking new revelation from the Department of Homeland Security (DHS) indicates dozens of illegal aliens linked to an ISIS-affiliated … CNN reported in 2023 that the Keystone Cops at the FBI were desperately trying to track down a dozen illegal immigrants after officials … aliens with ties to an ISIS-affiliated operation.…
WATCH: Texas Official Lays Blame for Brutal Rape and Murder of 12-Year-Old Jocelyn Nungaray on Trump…utal-rape-and-murder-of-12-year-old-jocelyn-nungary-n2176006
– There have been several cases of late where defendants are illegal aliens charged with serious felonies. Too many. … The suspect is an illegal alien. It was first reported by The Midwesterner. …  A mother of five, Rachel Morin, was brutally raped and murdered in 2023 — again the suspect is an individual who crossed the…
Enquiring GOP Minds Want to Know: Why Is Team Biden Releasing Illegal Aliens With Terrorist Ties?…biden-releasing-illegal-aliens-with-terrorist-ties-n2175925
aliens to continue to stream into the country at a record clip. … aliens with terrorist ties continue to be released into the country. … aliens who may very well lead to the next terrorist attack on U.S. soil.…
Reporter Just Shreds Associated Press After Report on Child Murder Suspects Leaves Out Critical Detail…on-child-murder-suspects-leaves-out-critical-detail-n2175770
– high-profile cases like the February murder of Georgia nursing student Laken Riley, the recent arrest of the suspect in the August 2023 … Rachel Morin Maryland rape/murder case, and the June 2024 rape of a 13-year-old NYC girl.In all of them, those arrested were illegal … Both suspects are illegal aliens from Venezuela who were both recently caught & released at the border - one on May 28th, the other…
Illegal Immigrants Target American Women - Where Are the Feminists?
Illegal aliens continue to rape and murder American women.Where are the feminists? … In February, Laken Riley was killed by an illegal immigrant from Venezuela. … In 2023, Rachel Morin was killed by an illegal immigrant who was recently apprehended.…
Pants on Fire: Gavin Newsom Caught in Apparent Fib About CA National Guard at Border…t-in-apparent-fib-about-ca-national-guard-at-border-n2175533
– CalGuard members deployed to crack down on fentanyl smuggling.This work will help take down transnational organizations & the illegalaliens crossing the border daily:...Newsom posted a video to social media from the San Ysidro Port of Entry. … at the end of the day, they need more resources," he said.Newsom's no stranger to preening, using his visit to China in November 2023
The Skinny on SCOTUS - 6-14-24 Edition: Triggers, Deportations, and Fees
– Things are starting to pick up steam in the (for all practical purposes) closing weeks of the Supreme Court's 2023 term. … Gun Rights Victory With Bump Stock DecisionThen, too, there was a welcome ruling on deportation notification requirements on the illegal … None of the aliens showed up for his hearing, and each was ordered removed in absentia by an Immigration Judge.…
OUTRAGE: Sources Say Biden Administration Has Granted De Facto Amnesty to 350K Illegal Immigrants…anted-de-facto-amnesty-to-350000-illegal-immigrants-n2174973
– On Sunday, the New York Post revealed that the Biden administration has been handing out de facto amnesty to illegal immigrants at … aliens allowed to remain in the country and granted de facto amnesty in this fashion has spiked since 2020, rising from 18,119 in … 2021 to 149,305 in 2023 - with 113,834 so far in 2024.…
NEW Info About the Chechen Illegal Who Was Shot While Possibly Surveilling Special Ops Soldier's NC Home…al-who-was-on-army-special-forces-soldiers-property-n2174705
– If I had to guess, I'd say that the base they were taken to is Fort Liberty.Bombshell: Illegal aliens from Chechnya were found outside … of a special forces officers home near a North Carolina military base with a telephoto lens on their camera.What were the illegal … The company was incorporated on December 20th, 2023.…