Results for: gain-of-function

The COVID-19 Select Subcommittee Will Give Long-Overdue Answers to the American People…ill-give-long-overdue-answers-to-the-american-people-n699158
– agree that Congress should conduct an investigation into the origins of COVID-19, and 45 percent of that number say they “strongly … We will start with exploring the origins of COVID-19, including the extent of our government’s participation in gain-of-function research … Anthony Fauci, one of the architects involved in gain-of-function research has “retired,” and no longer has government immunity, he…
RedState Weekly Briefing: Benefactor Clawbacks, Vegan Mishaps, and Pfizer Two-Steps…efactor-clawbacks-vegan-mishaps-and-pfizer-two-steps-n698349
– Grab a cup of coffee and sit down with this 21st Century Weekend Edition of your favorite (online) publication! … While Pfizer insists it performs no gain-of-function research, it goes on to admit that in a “limited number of cases,” the company … To completely frame that pursuit as nefarious would be to dismiss and discourage lots of positive research throughout the history of
Google Attempts to Censor Rand Paul Article but Folds Like a Cheap Suit When Exposed to the Public…t-folds-like-a-cheap-suit-when-exposed-to-the-public-n704945
– The pandemic was one of the largest naked seizures of power in the United States we’ve ever seen and a man like Paul doesn’t take that … kind of thing lightly. … It’s this focus that led him to pen an article for Townhall titled “Gain of Function Research: A Death Wish for the World,” in which…
EcoHealth Alliance Raked in Over $46 Million in Government Money Since Start of Pandemic, Investigation Shows…nt-money-since-start-of-pandemic-investigation-shows-n703376
– Senator Roger Marshall (R-KS) and his colleagues back the Viral Gain-of-Function (GOF) Research Moratorium Act, which would defund … Senator Rand Paul (R-KY) has also had numerous heated exchanges with former COVID czar Fauci, and is a vigorous opponent of gain-of-function … Grant to Peter Daszak and Ecohealth Alliance to Study Bat Corona Viruses Fauci Lied: Funding to EcoHealth Alliance Was Always For Gain-Of-Function
Now It's FBI Director Chris Wray Who Says COVID 'Most Likely' Came From a Lab…hris-wray-who-says-covid-most-likely-came-from-a-lab-n709868
– Department of Energy (DOE) which concluded that the COVID virus escaped from the Wuhan Institute of Virology in China, FBI Director … to the prevention of future pandemics, and will bring some semblance of closure to the families of those who lost loved ones during … Regarding Wuhan Coronavirus Origins Infuriated Republicans Demand Answers After Bombshell Wuhan Lab Report White House Endorses Gain-of-Function
China Claims They've Been 'Open and Transparent' Regarding Wuhan Coronavirus Origins…and-transparent-regarding-wuhan-coronavirus-origins-n709671
– Possibly in terms of quantity, but it was definitely not complete. … Was it omitted in the hope that nobody would notice this evidence of the gain-of-function origin?” … Some researchers were pretty pointed in their criticism of the Beijing regime when announcing the end of the WHO origins investigation…
WATCH: Chinese Virologist Says China 'Intentionally Released' COVID All Over World…ys-china-intentionally-released-covid-all-over-world-n709584
– As we reported, a Department of Energy report said the theory that COVID leaked from the Chinese Wuhan Institute of Virology is the … and booted off of social media. … The relationship between the NIH, the WIV, and EcoHealth raises serious questions about use of taxpayer dollars for gain-of-function
How RedState and Townhall Media Are Being Targeted by ‘Big Censorship,’ and How We Fight Back…ing-targeted-by-big-censorship-and-how-we-fight-back-n708210
– The exposure of Twitter, courtesy of Elon Musk and his Twitter Files, has been one glaring example, and many others are cropping up … Earlier this month, Senator Rand Paul wrote an op-ed at Townhall titled, “Gain of Function Research: A Death Wish for the World.” … The notable aspect of this is that the lengthy list featured only right-of-center sites.…
White House Endorses Gain-of-Function Research in Incredibly Bizarre Exchange…of-function-research-in-incredibly-bizarre-exchange-n709366
– "Does the president believe that the reward outweighs the risk when it comes to gain-of-function research?" … gain-of-function research done by the Chinese government. … Regardless, I think most can agree it’s inexplicable for the White House to put its stamp of approval on gain-of-function research…
Infuriated Republicans Demand Answers After Bombshell Wuhan Lab Report
– As RedState reported, the US Department of Energy now claims that the theory that COVID leaked from the Chinese Wuhan Institute of … taxpayer dollars for gain-of-function research and when U.S. health officials became aware of the WIV’s role in the COVID-19 pandemic … Whatever the origin of COVID-19 may be in China, the origins of our censorship scandal is closer to home.…
Ted Cruz Gets the Last Laugh After COVID-19 Origin Report
of Virology was the most likely cause of the COVID-19 pandemic. … That comes after years of censorship of the theory under the guise of policing “misinformation.” … Because if the virus was created in a lab via otherwise banned gain-of-function research, China would hold full moral responsibility…
U.S. Department of Energy Drops Bombshell, New Intelligence Shows Lab Leak Most Likely COVID-19 Origin…hell-now-agrees-lab-leak-most-likely-covid-19-origin-n708766
– the origins of the virus. … of the gain-of-function research going on there. … I’d also like to know why two of the 18 intelligence agencies (of which the DOE is one) still believe the virus arose via natural transmission…
China Scuttles Second Phase of World Health Organization's Investigation of the Origins of COVID-19…ganizations-investigation-of-the-origins-of-covid-19-n706145
– A lot of theories have been put forth by a lot of people. … This “institute” contains a BSL-4 lab engaged in “gain of function” research funded by EcoHealth Alliance. … of function.”…
EXCLUSIVE: Siemens Would Rather Repeat History Than Learn From It With Its Employee Vaccine Mandate…than-learn-from-it-with-its-employee-vaccine-mandate-n463370
– As a German-based company, they are used to following orders, so they are fine with this state of affairs; many of its U.S. employees … Eighteen months ago we assumed that our government would care for its elderly and didn’t fund Gain-of-Function research. … on the basis of conscience.…
A Vindicated Rand Paul Calls for Fauci's Firing After NIH Admits to Funding Gain-Of Function Research…fter-nih-admits-to-funding-gain-of-function-research-n462976
– In an interview with Axios’s Mike Allen, Paul noted that the NIH made it seem like the actual gain-of-function for COVID-19 was an … gain or loss of function. … The NIH admitted its involvement in gain-of-function research and that means Fauci did lie. Full stop.…
Dr. Anthony Fauci Definitively Proves He's a Shameless, Lying Hack Who Needs to Be Prosecuted…es-a-shameless-lying-hack-who-needs-to-be-prosecuted-n462489
– Rand Paul, among others, involving whether Fauci’s agency had funded gain-of-function research at the Wuhan Lab of Virology in China … For over a year, Fauci has steadfastly denied the allegation that any funding went toward gain-of-function research. … Fauci clearly lied to the Senate when he pointedly denied his agency had funded gain-of-function research.…
Dopey CNN Host Calls Rand Paul an 'A**' — Rand's Wife Kelley Returns Fire
– Rand Paul during intense questioning from the Kentucky Republican about whether Fauci authorized — and/or had knowledge ofgain-of-function … As we reported on Wednesday of last week, the National Institutes of Health (NIH) confirmed that Fauci, Director of the National Institute … The NIH says the research by grantee EcoHealth Alliance wasn’t aiming to achieve gain-of-function, but it did.…
Bipartisan Group of Lawmakers Demands Answers From Fauci About 'Cruel' Experiments on Puppies…nswers-from-fauci-about-cruel-experiments-on-puppies-n462134
– at the University of Georgia to test the efficacy of a potential vaccine for lymphatic filariasis on beagle subjects. … White Coat Waste vice president of advocacy and public policy, Justin Goodman applauded the efforts of Rep. … ” doctor did in fact lie to Paul during Senate testimony about funding gain-of-function research at the Wuhan Institute of Virology…
Marble Halls & Silver Screens With Sarah Lee Ep. 110: The 'Fauci Fib, Concrete Cowboy, and Baldwin Tragedy' Edition…auci-fib-concrete-cowboy-and-baldwin-tragedy-edition-n461956
– research, with critics immediately contending this means the Wuhan lab collaborator had indeed been conducting gain-of-function research … Rand Paul, who Fauci condescendingly lied to and intimated was an ignorant rube regarding what gain-of-function research is (which … of function; and that going through the EcoHealth Alliance was just how things are done and wasn’t an attempt to subvert transparency…
Rand Paul Takes Well-Deserved Victory Lap After Documents Prove Fauci Lied His A** off to Him…ap-after-documents-prove-fauci-lied-his-a-off-to-him-n460735
– Paul accused Fauci of lying about funding gain-of-function research at the Wuhan lab; Fauci lost his cool and called Paul a liar. … Fauci vehemently insisted that neither the NIH nor the NIAID ever funded gain-of-function research at the Wuhan Institute of Virology … lying “dozens of times” during a September interview on “Hannity” while discussing a report about the NIH’s funding of gain-of-function
BREAKING: NIH Docs Confirm Fauci Lied to Rand Paul About US Funding of Gain-of-Function Research at Wuhan…alth-alliance-violated-terms-of-virus-research-grant-n460349
– During that hearing Fauci stated in no uncertain terms, that the NIH nor the NIAID ever funded gain of function research at the Wuhan … Here at RedState, we have led the story regarding gain-of-function research and were among the first media outlets to accurately report … gain-of-function research.…
Fauci Just Can't Stop Lying to Rand Paul and to the Rest of Us
– If the research wasn’t gain-of-function then, it should still not be gain-of-function now.  … just not the type of gain-of-function research that would have required additional oversight. … ban on gain-of-function experiments.…
Rand Paul Takes a Blowtorch to Dr. Fauci's Lies and Excuses About Gain of Function Research…cis-lies-and-excuses-about-gain-of-function-research-n469901
– Anthony Fauci since the NIH admitted to funding gain-of-function research in China occurred today. … Fauci, Round 7: NIH "changed the definition [of "gain of function"] on the website to try to cover your ass, basically. … about gain-of-function research?…
REPORT: NIH Allowed EcoHealth Alliance to Redefine Banned Gain-of-Function Research, Emails Show…edefine-banned-gain-of-function-research-emails-show-n469363
– A new report out today from The Intercept shows that NIH officials were aware of EcoHealth Alliance conducting banned gain-of-function … (I have previously pointed out that both of those SARS gain-of-function studies were also funded by the NIH and the NIAID, and were … also conducted during the ordered pause and ban on gain-of-function research and funding.)…
Senator Rand Paul, Congressman James Comer Send Letter Demanding Answers About NIH Deletion of Gain-Of-Function Information…s-about-nih-deletion-of-gain-of-function-information-n468583
– a letter, admitting to gain of function research at the Wuhan Institute of Virology. … and Human Services’ published definition of gain-of-function research.  … gain-of-function.…
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