Results for: hatred

Fetterman Lights Up South Africa and the Anti-Israel Activists With an Epic Rebuke
– John Fetterman turned himself into the most popular Senator in America simply by being a Democrat who rejects the extremism and hatred
Biden Stands on the Graves of Dead Black Bodies to Warn About Trump's Hatred…es-of-dead-black-bodies-to-warn-about-trumps-hatred-n2168438
– Welcome to the Biden 2024 Campaign Carnage Tour. Someone in the campaign office convinced the president that it is a good idea to do whistle stops at places where unrest or tragic deaths occurred in order to reinforce what is at stake in the 2024 election should former President Donald...
Anti-Israel Activists Try to Storm, Block Dallas' Love Field Airport as Biden Lands…to-storm-tarmac-at-dallas-love-field-as-biden-lands-n2168464
– READ MORE: Biden Stands on the Graves of Dead Black Bodies to Warn About Trump's Hatred Imagine what slimy people you are when you…
Biden Shows Up at a Black Church and Gets Heckled While Making Wildly False Claims…ck-church-and-gets-heckled-while-telling-wild-tales-n2168440
– READ: Biden Stands on the Graves of Dead Black Bodies to Warn About Trump's Hatred He spoke at Mother Emanuel AME Church, a historic…
NYC Girls' Basketball Game Canceled After Home Team Hurls Antisemitic Slurs at Visiting Jewish School…eam-hurls-antisemitic-slurs-at-visiting-jewish-team-n2168379
– I have played a sport every athletic season throughout my high school career, and I have never experienced this kind of hatred directed … Instead of responding to hatred with more of the same, we chose to separate ourselves from the situation and leave with dignity and … However, being forced to shake hands with and say “good game” to people who had expressed such hatred did not sit right with me afterwards…
Pro-Hamas Protestors Shut Down West LA and Desecrate the National Cemetery, Making More Enemies…ecrate-the-la-national-cemetery-making-more-enemies-n2168415
– Once again, pro-Hamas protestors made their hatred and ignorance of Israel and America's support for the Jewish state public when…
Biden Officials Quitting Over Israel Show Their True Colors - Historical Ignorance…israel-show-their-true-colors-historical-ignorance-n2168308
– Middle East and Israel specifically, it gets worse, as bits and pieces of history are completely ignored or altered to justify hatred
Islamic State Claims Responsibility for Explosive Attacks in Iran, Tehran Vows Payback…y-for-explosive-attacks-in-iran-tehran-vows-payback-n2168286
– The only thing that the Islamic State and Iran would appear to have in common is hatred for the United States and Israel; this commonality…
Anti-Israel Crew Storms, Blocks Entrance to World Trade Center, Shouting 'Revolution' and 'Allahu Akbar!'
– and taking a position that helps terrorists, maybe not a good thing to try to storm a building that commemorates more devastating hatred
Maine Secretary of State Gets Destroyed After Removing Trump From the Ballot
– right," according to Bellows, unless we are talking about the right to vote for a presidential candidate she holds an inherent hatred
Cenk Uygur Tries to 'Clap Back' at Douglas Murray, Humiliation Follows
– now as they look at Douglas Murray's insipid, fact-free, non-sensical defense of mass slaughter in Gaza and obvious disdain and hatred
No, the Colorado Supreme Court Ruling Does Not 'Call the Originalists’ Bluff'…e-court-ruling-does-not-call-the-originalists-bluff-n2167806
– going after Trump through the 14th Amendment continue to make: They are only looking at the issue through the lens of their Trump hatred
If You're Trying to Shut Your Enemies Up, You're Only Proving Your Argument Is Weak…enemies-up-youre-only-proving-your-argument-is-weak-n2167785
– It's incredibly frustrating, especially since the reason behind the attacks comes from a place of cowardice and hatred. …
Reaction Continues to Pour in Over CO Court's Shock Decision to Bar Trump From Ballot, RFK Jr. Slams…hock-decision-to-bar-trump-from-ballot-rfk-jr-slams-n2167758
– the level of countries we used to excoriate; here's his conclusion: The Democratic court majority, based solely on its partisan hatred
A Jihadist's Worst Nightmare: Jews Who Are Armed and Ready
– more people are coming to see how important that is; sadly, it took a horrific event like October 7th and the rise of outright hatred … nor indeed any American — should meekly submit to this kind of aggression, to this kind of savagery, to this kind of unreasoning hatred
The Polarity of Quality in Sports Journalism, As Rich Eisen Shows Deadspin How It Is Done…rnalism-as-rich-eisen-shows-deadspin-how-it-is-done-n2167415
– It leads to assumptions, such as declaring a young boy has a hatred for an ethnicity only to have it revealed he derives from the very … the antisemitism and these three college presidents suggesting there is a level of interpretation towards condemning this kind of hatred
Trump's Call for Ideological Screening of Immigrants Gets Attention but Misses the Mark by a Mile…igrants-get-attention-but-misses-the-mark-by-a-mile-n2167388
– Trump is clearly not saying that; he's saying that if you have a hatred of Christianity, you can't immigrate. … I'd think that religious hatred is something we can all agree we don't need here. … eradicate the Marxist "class consciousness" and the obscenity of Diversity, Inclusion, and Equity, racial and religious division and hatred
Alan Dershowitz Blisters Harvard President, 'Orwellian Groupthink' DEI — But Will the Reckoning Continue?…lian-groupthink-dei-but-will-the-reckoning-continue-n2167387
– Harvard President, Under Intense Pressure to Resign, Now Says Threats to Jewish Students Are 'Vile Dershowitz Rips Obama's 'Deep Hatred
Three Blind Mice: Victor Davis Hanson Scorches Disgraced University Presidents…scorches-disgraced-ivy-league-university-presidents-n2167379
– punished immediately—followed by the usual performance-art, virtue-signaling, “this is not who we are”/“there is no place for such hatred
WATCH: Here Comes the Groveling Apology Video From Penn President Liz Magill
– It is intentionally meant to terrify a people who have been subjected to pogroms and hatred for centuries and were victims of mass … Magill went on to say that campus policies dealing with the vocal hatred of one group for another group need to be "clarified and evaluated…
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