
Will Ferrell's Comments On Fear of Transgenders Is What Makes Dialogue About It So Hard

Photo by Chris Pizzello/Invision/AP

At this point in our culture, many have retreated to their respective ideological corners when it comes to the subject of transgenderism. 

The issue has been on the scene long enough that it's pretty clear where each respective side draws their line, and each side makes it a point to habitually cross said lines. This makes transgenderism an insanely contentious issue that isn't getting any better in terms of dialogue, but it is resulting in the transgender activist community losing more and more ground. They are, after all, hopelessly outnumbered, and are reliant on the good will of the public to stay in a position of social power. However, their incessant intrusions are eroding the public's patience and kindness. 

I don't think I need to tell you what these intrusions are at this point. RedState has been covering them relentlessly. Needless to say, if you've worked in a corporate atmosphere, have children, or live in a blue city, you've likely faced some sort of direct pressure to accept and adhere to the societal rule and regulations the transgender activist community tries to apply to the rest of society. If you're sick of it, you're not the only one, by a long shot. 

Still, it has enough of a hold over mainstream society that it's still being sold in different ways. The left is well aware it's losing the cultural war to normalize transgenderism, and so it's shifting its tactics a bit. Instead of brute force, it will try to humanize transgender people. Smart move, if I'm being honest, but it won't work. 

It won't work because the activism around transgenderism requires total dominance, instead of the live-and-let-live mentality it should have. 

But I'm getting ahead of myself. 

The switch-up of strategies can be seen in the new documentary by Will Ferrell and Harper Steele, who was formerly known as Andrew Steele. Steele is a transgender individual who, was a comedy writer on SNL and helped write comedy movies. He and Ferrell are starring in the Netflix special "Will and Harper," which is described as "an ode and testament to long-lasting love, acceptance and evolution within a friendship," by critics according to Rotten Tomatoes, where the film is already scoring in the high 90th percentile with critics, because of course it is. 

This is just another attempt to normalize transgenderism, and the production makes that no mystery. The entire premise is Ferrell and Steele going on a road trip across America to talk to people about Steele's transgenderism. From the trailer alone, it does look like there's some genuinely funny moments, but it also does a bad job at hiding its intent. 

The interesting thing is that it doesn't come off as aggressive... at first. It presents Steele's transition as something they are trying to submit to you with hat in hand in hopes that you'll welcome Steele in, however it's clear that mistakes about "misgendering" won't be tolerated, and you will be corrected... nicely, but you will be corrected, and that's where the film goes wrong.

In the end, it's just more force.

But it's in the interview with the Independent that truly makes me distrust this film's intent. Interviewing Ferrell, we get this moment: 

“There is hatred out there,” Ferrell continues. “It’s very real and it’s very unsafe for trans people in certain situations.” He ponders my original question. “But I don’t know why trans people are meant to be threatening to me as a cis male. I don’t know why Harper is threatening to me.” The pair have a gentle rapport – there are lots of appreciative smiles back and forth. “It’s so strange to me, because Harper is finally... her. She’s finally who she was always meant to be. Whether or not you can ultimately wrap your head around that, why would you care if somebody’s happy? Why is that threatening to you? If the trans community is a threat to you, I think it stems from not being confident or safe with yourself.”

Ferrell is misrepresenting the problem and is demonstrating exactly why the dialogue about transgenderism is so muddy and abrasive. He immediately positions the resistance to transgenderism as one of fear and ignorance. Why don't you want someone to be happy? Who are you so afraid? Maybe you're the one who is insecure?

Strikes one, two, and three. 

Ferrell is right. It is fear that people have about the transgender agenda, but these are not illegitimate. In fact, they're demonstrable with every attempt to force itself into your workplace, making you obey certain modes of speech and etiquette lest you lose your job. It's demonstrated every time an "educator" attempts to force this ideology on your child behind your back, and when it's discovered, they attempt to fight you on it through government force. It's shoved in your face on television, movies, comics, video games, and more, consuming the culture so that you can't escape it. 

Then there's the literal violence that goes completely unacknowledged by transgender or gender-fluid people. In fact, when they act with violence, the blame is shifted to the rest of society. 

Transgenderism is a legitimate mental illness and yet, we're pressured on various fronts to not just accept it, but celebrate it. We must bend the knee to it. We must offer our children to it. 

If the transgender community and the general populace is going to come to terms with an understanding, then these things must be acknowledged fully, yet as Ferrell demonstrates, they don't want these very real issues to be a part of the conversation. So they frame it in a way that makes you the bad guy. 

Every. Time. 

This is entirely alienating to the public, who would otherwise have few qualms with transgenderism for the most part. If the transgender community was more apt to leave well enough alone, there wouldn't be an issue. However, their claim is that if they don't then they'll be slaughtered in the streets for sport... no that's not an exaggeration. Many of them truly believe this.

We will never reach stable ground with this kind of approach. This lacks humility in every regard. This is the approach of a conquering force, not one searching for acceptance for their humanity. 

But this is a losing strategy for the transgender activist community. Eventually, the pool of people willing to defend them will shrink to an inconsequential size, and that will be that. Its hold will be broken on society, and we'll be left with the remnants of a what is, in reality, a defeated invasion force. 

And if invasion and conquering was the goal, then broken and defeated is how this activist agenda should end. 


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