'Trump Will Be Impeached Again' If Dems Control Congress, Says Montana GOP Senate Candidate

AP Photo/Matt Rourke

In living memory, no Republican president has evoked the blind hatred from the left that Donald Trump has. Not even Richard Nixon, for all his flaws, provoked this seething anger, contempt, and willingness to casually toss aside historical and constitutional norms to damage him. Some on the left made noises about impeaching George W. Bush, but few of them were in Congress, and there was no official proceeding, other than an attempt by the far-left pols Dennis Kucinich and Robert Wexler, which went nowhere.


But Trump? Twice. The second impeachment farce was after he left office. He was acquitted in the Senate both times, and the second Senate trial was arguably unconstitutional since Trump was 1) no longer in office, and 2) the trial was not presided over by the Chief Justice of the Supreme Court. This is a bit of a gray area, as the Constitution, in Article 1, requires the Chief Justice preside when a president is on trial, and Donald Trump was not president at that time; in fact, he held no office at all, making the whole thing seem like sheer spite on the part of Congressional Democrats - which it was.

As Montana's GOP Senate candidate Tim Sheehy warns us, Democrats aren't done yet - given the chance, given the numbers in Congress, if Trump wins the election - which is looking increasingly likely - they'll try again.

The former Navy SEAL argued that reelecting Sen. Jon Tester (D-MT) to a fourth term means not only that Donald Trump‘s agenda could possibly be thwarted but that the former president would also be impeached for a third time if he returns to the White House.

“Make no mistake: If he does not have a Congress that’s supporting his actions, we saw last time what happened. He was impeached twice,” Sheehy told a small group of supporters gathered for a rally on Monday. “Oh, by the way, your senior senator, Jon Tester, voted to impeach him not once but twice. If Trump doesn’t have the Senate when he gets there, he will be impeached right away.”

The case laid out by Sheehy comes in the remaining weeks of what has become the most expensive per vote Senate race in history, and it assumes Trump would retake the presidency while Democrats keep the Senate and flip the House.


It's a fair point. Given a House majority, it's near-certain the Democrats would return to that same old well.

See Related: With the Senate on the Line, It's All Over but the Crying for Jon Tester in Montana

GOP Only Needs to Flip Two Senate Seats to Win the Majority, but Polling Shows They Could Take Five

The supply of blind hatred and anger directed at former President Trump from the left seems unlimited, and should he prevail over Kamala "Queen of Word Salads" Harris, the first "Woman of Color" candidate, that rage will multiply. And there's more to it than just the impeachment issue. If the Trump/Vance team is to have any hope of enacting much of their agenda, they will need a friendly Congress to do so - and they should plan on a two-year window, based on the historical trend that the party in power almost always loses seats in Congress in off-year elections.

In fact, should Trump/Vance win the election in three weeks, that's when the planning should start. Formally or informally, that's when the groundwork should start - and the drafting of bills. Come January, when the new Congress is seated, all the Speaker of the House should have to do is bang down the gavel and yell, "GO!"

And, yes, the Democrats will start shouting "IMPEACHMENT" literally on day one. Bet on it. The best thing we, as conservative and libertarian voters, can do is to turn out, to deny them as many seats as we can, not only to enact a right-of-center agenda but to deny them a third, fourth, or fifth impeachment circus.


As for the presidency, the best thing for America would be to send Kamala Harris to the unemployment line and her running mate Tim "I'd Rather go Hunting With Dick Cheney" Walz back to Minnesota. Vote as though the republic depends on it - because it does.


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