Results for: democrats should replace

Like a Boss: Martha McSally Calls CNN Reporter a 'Liberal Hack' Over Impeachment Question…nn-reporter-a-liberal-hack-over-impeachment-question-n125739
– Arizona’s governor has named McSally to replace U.S. Sen. Jon Kyl in the U.S. Senate seat that belonged to Sen. John McCain. … Democrats, with their helpmates in much of the media, have been doing everything they can to find a way to take down President Donald … drooling over the Democratic articles of impeachment walk to the Senate, talking about if statues would be built to any of the Democrats
Pete Buttigieg Tells Pro-Life Democrats That There Is No Place for Them in the Democrat Party…hat-there-is-no-place-for-them-in-the-democrat-party-n126710
– “The best I can offer is that if we can’t agree on where to draw the line, the next best thing we can do is agree on who should draw … Replace abortion with prostitution, human trafficking, narcotics distribution, child pornography, insider trading or Ponzi schemes … be legal up to nine months, the government should pay for it,'” Day said.…
2020 Elections: Democrat Party Activists
– of the energy in the Democrat Party these days is contained within the radical base of activists who are entirely motivated to replace … Obama’s radical roots with ACORN should have been a warning of what was to come – and to some who shouted about it during the 2008 … It’s about damn time – and should be signed by all real Americans!…
Evidence Says DNC Has Found Joe Biden Nonviable and Will Proceed to Abort
– (READ: Trump’s Approval Rating Rises to All-Time High as Democrats Melt Down) They need a new moderate candidate to put forward in … order to attract back the voters they’ve lost, and hopefully, put forward someone new who should have been what Biden was from the … A weapon to replace the old, rusted weapon that can’t seem to get in front of a camera without embarrassing them.…
SOTU: Senator Kennedy Takes San Fran Nan and Willard to the Woodshed
– In America, we can unravel the human genome; we can take a diseased human heart and replace it with a new one and make it beat. … Kennedy: When my colleagues ask my opinion about a vote, and they ask me how they should vote – doesn’t happen often, but it happens … president) Pelosi hurt the country by forcing a partisan impeachment while trying to “normalize it as a political weapon” The Democrats
The DNC Has Given Up On Joe, and Here's How I Know
– You don’t need to work in politics to know that the Democrats are pretty much circling the 2020 drain and that they’re at their … How do they replace Joe? Enter the ban hammer, former Mayor of New York, Michael Bloomberg. … With Democrats abandoning the party and even rich donors taking a hike in order to avoid supporting candidates that would make them…
Impeachment Trial: An Open Letter to Pierre Delecto, Alias Willard “Mitt” Romney…pen-letter-to-pierre-delecto-aka-willard-mitt-romney-n127118
– And you should have been able to mop the floor with him, especially after the Benghazi debacle, during which Obama was physically absent … But that didn’t stop you from asking for the President’s endorsement in your 2018 campaign to replace Orrin Hatch as a Republican senator … But your most despicable act to date was to vote with the Senate Democrats for more witnesses in the Senate impeachment trial.…
Opinion: The Immorality of Democrat Thought
– my daughter’s bike got stolen off of my back porch one year, two weeks after Christmas, and I had to perform some extra labor to replace … The Democrats are taking this disregard for property rights, for human rights, to a whole new level. … Please understand, Christian charity is a personal, moral obligation…just not one that should be state-mandated via the threat of imprisonment…
CNN's Jake Tapper Challenges Media Narrative on Russian Interference
– Hence, firing Maguire and looking for someone more in line with his thinking on how this process should work. … ’s thread, by the way, though I know it will draw more pro-Trump readers’ ire. 7/ None of this disputes that Trump desires to replace … It is, after all, his right as the chief executive to replace these security officials with those he prefers.…
Intelligence Community Hits the Panic Button as Deep Staters Are Thrown out and Sidelined…button-as-deep-staters-are-thrown-out-and-sidelined-n130844
– Maguire could legally remain the acting director until mid-March, but Trump acted to replace him. … The DNI should, in my view, be the focal point for the PDB, not the CIA. … Parts of the Intelligence Community should not be freelancing their personal views to Congress.…
The Democrat Intergenerational War
– Let us examine how the Democrats are once again hoisted on their own petards in this battle. … Justice Democrats. … What do these younger activists really know, and why should we blindly accept their arguments?…
A Different Way to Look at Socialism – and to Educate the Fools Who Support It…at-socialism-and-to-educate-the-fools-who-support-it-n130088
– Globalism and collectivism and Democrats go hand in hand in hand. … The Make America Great Again agenda is completely contrarian to the Democrats’ globalist/collectivist agenda. … Are we going to go complacently into November and let the socialists/Democrats steal the elections as they did in 2018?…
Bernie and Biden: Two Old Geezers Talk Past Each Other, Part V
– The CNN/Univision moderators and most Democrats are like lemmings to the climate alarmist pied pipers. … You clowns don’t even support the one green energy source that could potentially replace the oil and gas industry – nuclear energy. … And to think that there are millions of idiot Democrats (and others) who swallow their swill. The end.…
Joe Biden's 'Plan' for Dealing With Wuhan Virus Was Mostly Plagiarized From the Most Amazing Source…n-virus-was-plagiarized-from-the-most-amazing-source-n131085
– No effort should be spared. None. No excuses should be made. … Tests should be available to all who need them and the government, the government should stop at nothing to make that happen. … The Department of Defense should be planning now should have been planning to prepare for the potential deployment of the resources…
Ukraine-Russia War Update: Javelins Work, but the Ukrainians Need a Lot More Help…avelins-work-but-the-ukrainians-need-a-lot-more-help-n130988
– These were the funds that the Democrats caterwauled about during their impeachment farce. … It should be repeated again and again that the Trump Administration is actually providing lethal military aid and equipment to the … More lethal military aid to Ukraine should give President Zelensky some leverage as he discusses ending the war with Putin.…
The Name 'Andrew Cuomo' Keeps Popping Up; Could He Replace Biden? Could He Beat Trump?
– him to replace the Party’s current presumptive nominee, Joe Biden. … 18 percent said abortion should be allowed any time until birth. … Five percent said abortion should be banned altogether.”…
Here's Your De Facto Dem Nominee, Joe Biden: Goobledygook, Illogic, and All…o-dem-nominee-joe-biden-goobledygook-illogic-and-all-n133827
– According to Biden, there’s absolutely no way you should postpone the November election, saying we had an election in the middle of … talk about masks since it’s his administration that failed to replace the masks that were used from the national stockpile after the … This is your de facto nominee, Democrats. God help us all……
Dan Crenshaw Injects Facts Into the Debate After Hillary Clinton Attempts a Wuhan Virus Timeline Dunk on Trump…clinton-attempts-wuhan-virus-timeline-dunk-on-trump-n133730
– (AP Photo/Charles Krupa) The Washington Post has received a lot of ooohs and aaahs and back pats from journalists as well as DemocratsReplace this man in November. — Hillary Clinton (@HillaryClinton) April 6, 2020 Rep. … You may be confusing him with the Washington Post, telling America to get a grip, that COVID19 wasn’t scary, & that we should be wary…
An Honest Liberal? Former Hillary Clinton Advisor Joins the Ranks of #DropOutBiden…lary-clinton-advisor-joins-the-ranks-of-dropoutbiden-n135495
– I wrote: Osama, if you thought he was incompetent then, you should see him now.) … DIFFICULT THREAD — #BIDEN SHOULD WITHDRAW 1. I respect the will of the voters. 2. … To avoid potential catastrophe in Nov., #Biden should withdraw. 6.…
Is #ReplaceBiden Gaining Steam? High-Profile Bernie Bros Share Video Noting Party's 'MeToo' Hypocrisy…bernie-bro-share-video-noting-partys-metoo-hypocrisy-n136255
– They’ve gotten so loud, in fact, that pieces are being written asserting that it either should be done, or noting that it can be done … Here are a few examples, some of which were written the day of the Joe/Mika segment: –NY Mag: Can Democrats Force Joe Biden Off the … B –Cedar Rapids Gazette columnist Lyz Lenz: Biden should step aside.…
Intel Director Dan Coats Is About to Resign and His Replacement Is Upsetting the Right People
– Now, the person likely being nominated to replace Coats has the right people sweating. … Trump should be thrilled with Ratcliffe’s performance last week. … “I think the first thing we need to do is make sure we don’t do what the Democrats have done,” the Texas Republican told host Maria…
Solomon: 'Long Wait For Transparency' Over Russian Collusion Docs May Soon End; Could 'Rock Washington' This Fall…ian-collusion-docs-may-soon-end-rock-washington-fall-n113567
– Two names said to be currently under consideration to replace Coats are Pete Hoekstra and Fred Fleitz. … Devin Nunes (R-CA) should be included on that shortlist, however, he may be considered too partisan. … The fall may be setting up to be a perfect storm for Democrats.…
Trump Gets to the Heart of Why Dems Continue to Target Kavanaugh, Urges the SCOTUS Justice to Sue for Libel…inue-target-kavanaugh-urges-scotus-justice-sue-libel-n115364
– the Senate Judiciary Committee on Capitol Hill in Washington, Thursday, Sept. 6, 2018, for the third day of his confirmation to replace … Kirsten Gillibrand (D-NY) – who was a presidential candidate at the time, made clear that “action” should be taken against Justices … start suing people for libel, or the Justice Department should come to his rescue.…
My Preferred Pronoun Isn't 'Honey' so Stop Picking Stupid Hills for Conservatism to Die On…stop-picking-stupid-hills-for-conservatism-to-die-on-n621355
– That is what should be concluded, like it or not. … Why should any of this matter to you? Welp. There are a few realities we need to collectively face. … But, my friends list is not Democrats; they fail to thrive there.…
Do Progressives Really Want to ‘Defund the Police’?
– In fact, the only reason Democrats have eschewed the slogan is that it became toxic politically as crime rates surged across the nation … Even the aptly-named Charles Blow conceded this in a recent op-ed: When Democrats underperformed in 2020, party leaders placed part … In light of this, we should not be fooled into thinking the hard left wants to get rid of the police.…
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