Results for: critical race theory

Greg Abbott Signs Anti-CRT Bill, Slamming the Door On Teaching Racism In Texas…t-bill-slamming-the-door-on-teaching-racism-in-texas-n397669
– Greg Abbott has signed a bill that would prohibit the teaching of “Critical Race Theory” in the state of Texas, making it one of 21 … What’s known as “Critical Race Theory” (CRT) is effectively the practice defining America’s founding and continued prosperity down … for actions committed in the past by other members of the same race or sex.”…
The Next Civil Rights Battle Is in Education, but Critical Race Theory Won't Be Involved…education-but-critical-race-theory-wont-be-involved-n397549
– Conservatives and progressives are in the midst of a battle over education as Critical Race Theory becomes a bigger and bigger issue … CRT is a sociological, legal, and educational theory that isn’t new. It originated about 40 years ago. … Movement between those classes is incredibly difficult, and the ultimate goal of Critical Race theorists is to create equity, not equality…
It’s Not Your Parents’ National Education Association
– Indeed, the tactics used by proponents of critical race theory share many parallels with old tactics used by the Bolsheviks…. … The key concept behind critical race theory is that every human endeavor should be looked at through the perspective of racism, which … And to think that more than half of the teachers who have heard of critical race theory support it.…
Joe Biden's Most Terrifying Move Is One No One Is Talking About
– threat comes from racially or ethically motivated violent extremists specifically those who advocate for the superiority of the white race … The definition is always expanding, and when mixed with ideologies like critical race theory, suddenly every white Republican is a…
DeSantis Wins Again: Florida Appeals Court Rules Mask Mandate Unconstitutional…da-appeals-court-rules-mask-mandate-unconstitutional-n397049
– Performance Was Disastrous in Possible 2024 Preview He Did It: Ron DeSantis Opens Florida’s Board of Education Meeting, and CriticalRace Theory Gets Banned DeSantis Continues to Show Leadership in Employment; Newsom Continues to Play Paternalist Ron DeSantis…
GOP Has Month of Record Fundraising Making the Midterms an Uphill Battle for Democrats…g-making-the-midterms-an-uphill-battle-for-democrats-n397079
– On top of that, Democrats have backed the divisive and racist Critical Race Theory, an issue that many across America have turned their…
Holy Moley: Ron DeSantis Signs Bill Requiring a Daily Reflective 'Moment of Silence' in Public Schools…daily-reflective-moment-of-silence-in-public-schools-n396855
– In May — amid the signing of a tax-cutting package — he promised to “play Whack-A-Mole” against Critical Race Theory, wherever it may … as ‘He,’ ‘She,’ and ‘Founding Fathers’ Columbia Medical School’s ‘Anti-Bias’ Guidelines Tout ‘People With Uteruses’ and Insist ‘Race
Parents Organize Nationally to Push Back Against ‘Woke’ Indoctrination in the Classroom…sh-back-against-woke-indoctrination-in-the-classroom-n396637
– It seems evident that the school was using Floyd’s death and the widespread debate over race relations that followed as an avenue through … race theory to promote the oppressor/oppressed trope. … These groups were categorized by race, sex, religion, and family income.…
CNN's Crazy Take on Why the Right Has Issues With Fauci and Critical Race Theory…right-has-issues-with-fauci-and-critical-race-theory-n396391
– CNN’s @brianstelter & @oliverdarcy suggest conservative media are reporting on Fauci’s emails & Critical Race Theory because their … Then Stelter claims that the reason that folks on the right are criticizing Fauci or Critical Race Theory is because “when Biden attacks … Race Theory?…
New York Law School Announces New Race Focus and Required Courses on Systemic Racism…w-race-focus-and-required-courses-on-systemic-racism-n396331
– and the Law Indigenous Rights in the Americas Critical Race Theory But don’t assume those are the only places in which racial issues … A deep look into “race and racism,” the announcement relayed, will be woven throughout. … Students will face race in multiple places, “including in courses that are not primarily or ostensibly about race.”…
Teacher Who Taught Kids How to Masturbate Loses Her Job…Finally
– Right now, the focus is on the teaching of critical race theory in these schools, but it is important to realize that this is not the … Perhaps the battle over critical race theory will also include the teaching of the rest of the hard left agenda.…
CBC’ing What Some Call “Diversity” These Days
– the pushback by the Congressional Black Caucus against Congressman Byron Donalds (R-FL 19th) has not been paying attention to how race … With most other items concerning race in our society, there continues to be a tragic blurriness that clouds our collective ability … Critical Race Theory – in its purest application – is a line of thinking designed to show Americans how our society has played out…
Joy Reid Says Kids Today Are Taught "Slavery Was Not so Bad", Gives CRT a Pass…y-are-taught-slavery-was-not-so-bad-gives-crt-a-pass-n395921
– But that isn’t what Critical Race Theory is at all. … Race Theory Briefing Book”: Critical race theory is an academic discipline that holds that the United States is a nation founded … None of these people who have made attacking Critical Race Theory their life’s work HAVE ANY IDEA WHAT CRITICAL RACE THEORY IS!!!!…
Media Now Admits Trump Was Right About Pretty Much Everything in 2020
– has emerged proving this theory is likely true. … “The media called the ‘lab leak’ story a ‘conspiracy theory.’ … Race Theory — an educational philosophy which not only teaches, but puts into practice discrimination against White students, and…
Law Professor Argues 'BIPOC' Marginalizes Races in the 'People of Color Community,' Could Unify White People…e-people-of-color-community-could-unify-white-people-n395720
– societal 180 of which I’m aware, cultural dictates have gone from “Skin color is irrelevant” to “People must be viewed according to race … It is critical that academics, advocates, and allies utilize language that is better than BIPOC… And what’s the potential impact … Race Theory Gets Banned Find all my RedState work here.…
The Failure Is the Point
– With the cultural issue of whether Critical Race Theory should be taught in grade school taking a prominent role in our current political…
The Europeans Love Us Again and All It Cost Us Was Everything
– You know what a parent battling Critical Race Theory in their local school district couldn’t care less about?…
That's Not the Ticket: Comedian Jon Lovitz Lances Cancel Culture
– World Rife With White Supremacy and ‘Extreme’ Capitalism He Did It: Ron DeSantis Opens Florida’s Board of Education Meeting, and CriticalRace Theory Gets Banned The Chauvin Trial Cost Minneapolis Millions in Overtime Police Pay Find all my RedState work here.…
Graduation Speaker Champions Social Justice, Warns of a World Rife With White Supremacy and 'Extreme' Capitalism…rld-rife-with-white-supremacy-and-extreme-capitalism-n395356
– The speaker eventually hit upon, for my money, a couple critical needs of the world — humility and gratitude. … ) February 11, 2021   See more pieces from me: He Did It: Ron DeSantis Opens Florida’s Board of Education Meeting, and CriticalRace Theory Gets Banned The Chauvin Trial Cost Minneapolis Millions in Overtime Police Pay Parents Protest Elite New York School…
Let's Talk Banning Critical Race Theory in Schools While Still Discussing It (VIDEO)…ce-theory-in-schools-while-still-discussing-it-video-n395347
– In my latest video, I want to address the concerns many have had about banning Critical Race Theory in schools based on the fear that…
The One Aspect of CRT the Left Isn't Addressing
– It’s from this ideological foundation that we get “critical race theory.” … Critical race theory is the idea that everything in our society boils down to one’s racial identity, and true to leftist form, they … And therein lies one of the most racist parts about critical race theory, and indeed all of social justice.…
Black Mother Goes to War Against Critical Race Theory In Education, Demolishing Leftist Narratives in the Process…cation-demolishing-leftist-narratives-in-the-process-n395123
Critical race theory (CRT) has become one of the largest concerns in America as various groups attempt to make it a required part … Fla. mom, Keisha King, to the State Board of Education: Critical Race Theory "does not teach the truth, unless you believe that whites … Race Theory has been banned as a curriculum option in the state of Florida.…
He Did It: Ron DeSantis Opens Florida's Board of Education Meeting, and Critical Race Theory Gets Banned…ucation-meeting-and-critical-race-theory-gets-banned-n395035
– Upon signing a tax-cutting package, he announced he’d “play Whack-A-Mole” against Critical Race Theory in Florida schools. … And we’ve got to do it. … It’s offensive to the taxpayer that they would be asked to fund Critical Race Theory. … Critical Race Theory teaches kids to hate our country and to hate each other.…
Two Boston School Officials Resign Over Being 'Sick of Westie Whites'
– Free ‘Antiracist Therapy’ for White Teachers Southern School District Tells Teachers to Ignore White Parents’ Complaints Over CriticalRace Theory – They’re Benefiting From Whiteness School District Apologizes for Including White Students in ‘Support Circles’ After … Their Privilege and Acknowledge Their ‘Thieved Inheritance’ We’re being comprehensively informed of the calamity of the white race
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