Results for: Biden Family Business

House Oversight Decimates Biden Defenses in Brutal Thread That Lays Out the Evidence on Joe Biden…es-in-brutal-thread-on-joe-and-hunter-biden-scandal-n2167466
– Frankly, there are other bases on which you could justify an inquiry, in addition to the Biden family financial scandal. … We identified 20 shell companies created by the Biden Family – most of which were created when Joe Biden was Vice President. … What was the Biden family business?…
President Biden Could Bow Out, Blame Hunter, Ensure No Second Trump Term, But It Won't Work
– Hunt asserts the perfect reason for Joe Biden to drop out of the 2024 race: to help Hunter. … But then, lying is something of a habit for Joe Biden. … Joe Biden stepped aside in 2016, citing the recent death of his son Beau and the need to be with his family.…
Carbon Passports? Climate Doomcrier Claims It's Time to Ration Travel
– For one thing, our family is all in the lower 48, meaning air travel is involved to see any of them; also, we like going to see new … Lots of people like seeing new places and lots of people have to travel to see family and friends. … And what about business travelers, as I was for many years, whose livelihood depends on frequent travel, often on short notice?…
Jonathan Turley Would Like a Word After San Francisco Democrat ‘Leader’ Assigns Blame for Homeless Crisis…isco-democrat-leader-lays-blame-for-homeless-crisis-n2167472
– bring, like crime, open-air drug use, public urination and defecation, rodent/insect infestations from bodily fluids and trash, business … Francisco roadways and sidewalks had everything to do with the distinguished dignitaries who would be visiting, including President Joe Biden … wants to continue to live in a state where not only is it hard to make ends meet and you are fearful on behalf of yourself and your family
'A Marvel of Evasion': Hunter Indictment Intentionally Written by the DOJ to Avoid Implicating Joe Biden…ts-carefully-written-to-avoid-implicating-joe-biden-n2167341
– All the while, Joe Biden continued to make two statements, both of which cannot be correct. … First, he has insisted that he never discussed Hunter's foreign business dealings with him. … It opens up questions about the millions of dollars going to the Biden family from foreign sources, a topic that Attorney General Merrick…
Is Biden Singing His Own Swan Song?
– House Oversight Committee Chair James Comer (R-Ky.) has signed off on subpoenas for multiple members of the Biden family, including … Hunter Biden and James Biden, as the investigation into the Biden Family Business continues to bear fruit, including evidence of influence … Here's Comer detailing Joe's lies. 🚨 BREAKING 🚨Hunter Biden’s business entity, Owasco P.C., made DIRECT monthly payments to Joe Biden
James Comer Battles NBC News Hack, Calls Him 'Financially Illiterate' in Heated Exchange
– The claim from Joe Biden has always been that he did not benefit from his son's corrupt business ventures, including the money made … Two, even if it were, it doesn't change the corruption of the Biden family in running such an operation. … Comer said that Nobles was simply repeating talking points that he received from the Biden administration and from the Biden legal…
The Hits Just Keep Coming: House Committee Reveals Biden Corresponded With Hunter Biz Partner 327 Times…iden-corresponded-with-hunter-biz-partner-327-times-n2167224
– There have been all sorts of damning revelations about the Biden Crime Family in recent days. … 🧵Never before seen evidence from IRS whistleblowers confirm that Joe Biden lied when he claimed he knew nothing of his son's business … sent and received at least 327 emails from Hunter Biden, James Biden, and Hunter Biden’s business partner Eric Schwerin– all from…
Senility Now: Biden's Tribal Nations Summit Includes Fibs About College and 'Beers Ears'…summitt-includes-fibs-about-college-and-beers-ears-n2167250
– Joe Biden wasn't done for the day after he shut down a press conference over questions about him and his son's business dealings. … BIDEN: "Beers Ears" — RNC Research (@RNCResearch) December 6, 2023 BIDEN: I restored protections from my … BIDEN: Please clap — RNC Research (@RNCResearch) December 6, 2023 To hear Biden tell it, he parachuted in…
Hunter Biden Received $4.9M From 'Sugar Brother' Hollywood Lawyer Who Paid His Taxes, Bought His Art…hollywood-lawyer-who-paid-his-taxes-bought-his-art-n2167225
– That seems to have worked out well for First Son Hunter Biden, who reportedly received over $4.9 million from Hollywood lawyer Kevin … , his son, and his claims that he has no knowledge of Hunter’s business activities: IRS whistleblower Ziegler described a troubling … They have exposed that President Joe Biden is corrupt and that he repeatedly lied about his connections to Hunter’s business activities…
NEW: Subpoenaed Bank Records Show Hunter Biden's Owasco, P.C. Made Direct Monthly Payments to Joe…idens-owasco-pc-made-direct-monthly-payments-to-joe-n2167149
– As the House Oversight Committee's investigation into the Biden Family Business (and the resultant impeachment inquiry) proceeds apace … President Joe Biden claimed he never spoke to his son, Hunter Biden, about the Biden family’s shady business dealings. … Payments from Hunter’s business entity to Joe Biden are now part of a pattern revealing Joe Biden knew about, participated in, and…
WATCH: Former Mob Boss Sammy 'the Bull' Gravano Blasts Biden's 'Treason,' Other Scandals…vano-expertly-analyzes-biden-treason-other-scandals-n2167049
– As evidence continues to drop in the Biden Family Business scandal, the side stories continue to grow more interesting. … Brand new developments in the Biden bribery scandal. You remember how Joe Biden cashed a $40,000 check that came from China? … As the never-ending story of the Biden Family Business drags on, we need more Sammy "the Bull" Gravanos in this country and fewer people…
Are D.C. Democrats Finally Ready to Throw Hunter Biden Under the Bus?
– The House impeachment inquiry into the Biden Family Business is already bearing fruit, with Speaker Mike Johnson (R-La.) on Wednesday … officials have repeatedly lied about his knowledge and involvement in his family’s business activities.  … The Bottom Line Hunter Biden was born on third base and thinks he hit a triple.…
Catherine Herridge Posts Fascinating Bank Record Exposing Biden Biz Dealings, Troubling Threat From China…sing-biden-biz-dealings-troubling-threat-from-china-n2166996
– Bank record from @GOPoversight probe of Hunter Biden, Biden family foreign business deals. … Hunter Biden was not a registered lobbyist. … The other is a summary of a Biden family associate’s defense of their corrupt schemes.…
Crickets From Biden Campaign on Question of Debates With Trump
business dealings. … Hunter Biden is set to testify before Congress in December concerning the investigation into Joe Biden and members of his family. … He stated, “I think the Biden campaign would love the opportunity [to debate Trump]. Biden performed well in the 2020 debate.…
Jonathan Turley: Hunter Is Finally Going to Have to Answer Up - or Face Possible New Charges…nally-going-to-have-to-answer-up-or-face-new-charge-n2166971
– The Biden team has a lot of gall.  … The investigations into the Biden family's financial dealings have been going on for some time, and the Biden team has tried to stall … His whole "business" was using the family name.…
Report: Biden White House Makes Another Disgusting Decision That Slights Grandchild Navy Roberts…ite-house-decision-on-grandkids-christmas-stockings-n2166883
– Grandparents Joe and Jill Biden have as well, with "family man" Joe Biden refusing to acknowledge her existence until it became a political … As I've said before, for a family that says they pride themselves on inclusiveness and family supportiveness and all that, this is … not a very inclusive thing to do, nor is it evidence of a supportive family environment.For those keeping score at home, Hunter Biden
Former DIA Officer Running for Congress Warns 'Biden's Foolishness' Is Botching Gaza Crisis
– Shoemaker said that in the end, Biden will be seen as Hamas' benefactor. … “He's met Joe Biden before when he was vice president, and so Mr. … “It's kind of like the family business,” he said.  “My dad was in the Coast Guard for 28-and-a-half years,” he said.…
Flying the Friendly Skies: How We Can Make the Whole Thing Less Stressful…kies-how-we-can-make-the-whole-thing-less-stressful-n2166698
– President Biden has predictably screwed up the traditional turkey pardon, everything costs more, and on top of all that, it’s travel … Speaking as someone who, for many years, traveled for a living, having done business all over North America as well as Asia, Europe … can always spot the amateur travelers, not least because they are usually struggling to check in with a dozen suitcases and the family
The Latest Attack on Mike Johnson May Just Be the Silliest Yet - Gets a Community Note for Its Trouble…silliest-yet-gets-a-community-note-for-its-trouble-n2166544
– He thought he'd nailed Johnson with some kind of financial funny business. … and the money the Big Guy allegedly got through the "family business"? … No, Democrats don't want to talk about that — there's "no evidence" at all, according to them, when it comes to Biden (despite all…
Alaska's Own Mary Peltola Goes Through Staffers Like a Grizzly Through a Salmon Run…hrough-staffers-like-a-grizzly-through-a-salmon-run-n2166535
– Congressional representation, bearing in mind that Alaska is a fairly reliably red state; in 2020 the Great Land voted for Trump over Biden … put anyone out of sorts for a while, and indeed, our hearts go out to her family when remembering that incident. … I will bend every personal effort to ensure we do not; politics is a rough business.…
EXCLUSIVE: Ben Swann's Truth In Media & Sovren Promotes Independent Journalism, Changing Media Narratives…es-independent-journalism-changing-media-narratives-n2166467
– journalists like Lara Logan could tell "The Rest of the Story" about January 6 or where a heartwarming and powerful tale about a family … trial in multiple states for supposedly trying to overthrow the outcome of the last election, and then you have him on trial for business … thing in the world is anyone who interrupts the two-party system, because bigger than any candidate, bigger than Trump, bigger than Biden
BREAKING: House Speaker Mike Johnson Gives Critical Update on Joe Biden Impeachment Inquiry…es-critical-update-on-joe-biden-impeachment-inquiry-n2166403
– The speaker indicated that the inquiry has already yielded fruit when it comes to showing wrongdoing on the part of the Biden family … It is not yet clear exactly which witnesses House Republicans will call to testify before Congress about the Biden family. … family corruption and impeachment inquiries.…
The '24 Race Enters a New Stage as Primaries Loom
– While Trump’s phone call to Ukraine seeking dirt on Biden brings a Democrat impeachment. … Biden, who did much the same longer in Congress and after his vice presidency, isn’t. He claims ignorance, though. Poor guy. … But pretty much everything else Biden touches — inflation, medical shortages, the Afghan withdrawal — melts into a mess. …
Michigan Town Votes Out Entire Local Government, Immediately Changes Locks…t-entire-local-government-immediately-changes-locks-n2166107
– To show they meant business, the townspeople immediately called in locksmiths to change the locks on the main government building.  … At a hearing last year, one resident remarked, “My family members fought communism, and you’re bringing it right here." … The hope is also, of course, that those new jobs will translate into votes for Biden in next year's presidential elections. …
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