Results for: House Freedom Caucus

Justin Amash’s Absurd Reason For Wanting Paul Ryan Replaced
– While House Freedom Caucus Chair Mark Meadows insisted last month that none of his group’s members were pushing for Speaker Ryan to … As a House Freedom Caucus member, it seems safe to assume Amash can’t mean he wants Ryan to start handing out goodies to Democrats. … If you’re scratching your head in bemusement thinking, isn’t that the guy the House Freedom Caucus helped usher out the door in 2015…
Will Healthcare Reform Get the Job Done?
– Not even two weeks ago, legislation to address Obamacare was pulled but, at the urging of Vice President Mike Pence and the House Freedom … While the White House looks to win over the Freedom Caucus, that group remains skeptical. … “I am confident that we need to look at the text to make sure that this works,” said House Freedom Caucus Chairman Mark Meadows.…
Freedom Caucus Fires Back: White House Aide's Attack on Amash 'Inappropriate'
– Last week, Dan Scavino, an aide to President Trump, tweeted that Freedom Caucus member Justin Amash should be “defeated in a primary … Freedom Caucus Chairman Mark Meadows said that it was “highly inappropriate” for a top White House aide to “personally call for the … Scavino is also the social media director for the White House and has made it clear how foolish he is to attack the Freedom Caucus
More Details: Bannon Considered Quitting After Removal From National Security Council
– Wednesday’s big news out of the Trump administration may have been the report of White House chief strategist, Steve Bannon, being … Bannon resisted the move, even threatening at one point to quit if it went forward, according to a White House official who, like others … Some suggest it was Bannon who instructed Trump to go hard at the House Freedom Caucus, but it was his son-in-law, Jared Kushner, that…
SC-5 Special Election Will Shape the Future of the Conservative Movement
– Two of the others are veteran members of the SC House of Representatives, both of whom are moderates critical of the House FreedomCaucus. … If Republicans cannot deliver conservative reform with control of the House, the Senate, and the White House, then the future is bleak…
Reported House Obamacare “repeal” compromise looks like a wimpy dog turd
– Late last night, Huffington Post broke news of a reported House compromise to “repeal” Obamacare. … Over to HuffPost: The deal, brokered between House Freedom Caucus chairman Mark Meadows (R-N.C.) and Tuesday Group co-chairman Tom … Obamacare *might* be repealed in your state, if your legislators and governor have the balls to do what the House GOP apparently does…
Ted Cruz Was Asked If Warren Could Beat Trump in 2020, His Answer Has Everyone Talking
– Ted Cruz is apparently already a little worried about Republicans keeping the White House in 2020. … “Those voices in the White House that are trying to get the White House to unload on conservatives, to unload on the Freedom Caucus … , are doing the bidding of the left, of [House Democratic Leader] Nancy Pelosi [Calif.] and [Senate Democratic Leader] Chuck Schumer…
Dear GOP: Why You Gotta Be So Hard On Yourself, Babe? (Or, Why AHCA Was So Hard To Pass)
– Speaker of the House Paul Ryan finally managed to do it: he got rid of that self-serving, “signature” legislation Democrats called … And then there’s the “House of Cards” nature of politics. … The Freedom Caucus voted no on Ryan’s original bill, but never really grandstanded about it (they could have been much more in the…
Rand Paul Says Freedom Caucus Made Healthcare Bill 'A Lot Less Bad'
– It’s not exactly a ringing endorsement of the healthcare bill that just passed in the House of Representatives. … The best thing Kentucky Senator Rand Paul could say was that the House Freedom Caucus made the bill “a lot less bad.” … @RandPaul: "The House Freedom Caucus made the bill a lot less bad." — Fox News (@FoxNews) May 4, 2017…
What's Next Now That Obamacare Repeal and Replace Passed the House?
– Today, the House passed the repeal and replace bill with 217 Republicans voting for it, 20 Republicans voting against and all Democrats … Once the Senate passes their bill, a conference committee will get together to iron out a compromise that will likely remove some House … Whatever bill that comes out of the conference committee will need House Freedom Caucus support and moderate support again in the Senate…
Who Are the GOP Representatives Who Voted Against the Health Care Bill?
– As RedState reported earlier, the American Health Care Act was passed by the House of Representatives today. … Not everyone in the Republican caucus was on board though. … Only one Freedom Caucus member was a nay. Only one member of the conservative House Freedom Caucus, freshman Rep.…
What's At Stake in Today's Health Care Vote
House leadership has assured reporters that they have the votes needed to pass the bill. … Voters first gave them the House immediately following the passage of Obamacare. … To make the bill palatable to the must-have House Freedom Caucus, two amendments were added.…
House Set To Vote Thursday On Health Care Bill
– The House announced Wednesday evening that it will vote on the American Health Care Act (AHCA) on Thursday. … #BREAKING House to vote tomorrow on health care — Chad Pergram (@ChadPergram) May 3, 2017 The AHCA was reintroduced last month … with changes that were clearly meant to assuage the conservative House Freedom Caucus.…
BREAKING: Freedom Caucus Announces Support of AHCA
– The House Freedom Caucus has announced its support of the American Health Care Act. … ) April 26, 2017 NEWS: Freedom Caucus announces support for AHCA with Rep. … Statement: — House Freedom Caucus (@freedomcaucus) April 26, 2017 In the statement on Rep.…
Donald Trump's Extremely Low Bar For Success, As Set By Supporters
– Pinning the blame on Speaker Paul Ryan, the House Freedom Caucus, and Mitch McConnell is another tactic Trump supporters employ when…
Freedom Caucus Member and Family Receive "Credible and Real" Death Threats
– That is just one of the chilling messages Freedom Caucus member Rep. Tom Garrett (R-Va.) has received in recent weeks. … Republicans have been dealing with raucous town hall crowds for a few months stemming from House debate over the repealing and replacing…
Ted Cruz Spearheads Another Obamacare Repeal And Replace Bill
– Cruz went on to say he has been working around the clock with members of Trump’s administration, as well as the conservative HouseFreedom Caucus to craft this alternative measure. … The current incarnation of a repeal and replace bill has made it through the House, but still must clear the Senate, and nobody is…
Ted Cruz: Republicans In Good Conscience Must Work To Pass Obamacare Repeal Bill…good-conscience-must-work-pass-obamacare-repeal-bill-n71452
– After the House passed the GOP version of an Obamacare replacement on Thursday, Democrats taunted Republican lawmakers by singing, … The first version of a replacement didn’t make it as far as the first vote in the House. … The Freedom Caucus successfully shut down a vote before it could even happen, feeling the bill in that incarnation did nothing to bring…
Freedom Caucus Member: I "Attempted" to Read Healthcare Bill Before Voting for It…ttempted-to-read-healthcare-bill-before-voting-for-it-n71424
– The conservative House Freedom Caucus has gotten much of the credit – or blame, depending on your point of view – for yesterday’s … But one caucus member has admitted that he attempted to read the entire bill, but ended up glossing over a lot of it. Rep.…
The Importance of Distinguishing Between Media Perception and Reality
– He spoke about the importance of freedom of speech (which does include that handful of individuals’ right to walk out of a commencement … Once a beacon for freedom of thought, speech, and ideas, college campuses have turned into “safe speech zones” where individuals value … He is also Chairman of the House Freedom Caucus.…
Freedom Caucus Chair Has Pro-Life Demand for Senate Health Care Bill
– Mark Meadows is chair of the House Freedom Caucus, a group of representatives whose disgust with the initial version of the AHCA put … Mark Meadows, (R-N.C.), a leader of the House Freedom Caucus who helped negotiate the final language in the House bill. … If not, House Freedom Caucus members will not be the only ones who consider the bill to be unacceptable.…
Obama's Domestic Surveillance Puts Wiretap Law in Jeopardy
Caucus—a congressional bloc of conservative and libertarian Republicans allied with the Tea Party movement who stormed back to relevance … “They are trying to strategize how best to attack this issue,” Rizer said, noting that he had met with several Freedom Caucus members … House Intelligence Committee Chairman Devin Nunes, R-Calif., said the FISA leaks would make renewing the law difficult in the House
Two Conservative Favorites Aren't Ready to Pull the Trigger on the Senate's Healthcare Bill…ites-arent-ready-pull-trigger-senates-healthcare-bill-n73571
– appears that, while Republicans in Congress are ready to get something done about Obamacare, there are still many holdouts in the House … For the House, the opposition came largely in the form of the Freedom Caucus, which has been a thorn in the side of House Leadership…
Steve Scalise's Shooter Was Carrying a Hit List Targeting the Freedom Caucus
– Sanders supporter and failed assassin, James Hodgkinson, was carrying what amounts to a hit list containing names of members of the FreedomCaucus: The list of names included Alabama Rep. … All six congressmen are members of the House Freedom Caucus, which contains the lower chamber’s most conservative members.…
Senate Leadership Fund Targets A Conservative For Daring To Oppose Trump... MONTHS Ago
– Mo Brooks, a conservative representative and member of the House Freedom Caucus, is challenging Senator Luther Strange, and some GOP … Brooks was also a vocal opponent of the House healthcare bill (he eventually voted for it, according to the article linked above, after…
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