Results for: Bernie Sanders

Revisiting the DNC/Podesta Hacks
– It was Bernie Sanders doing the most complaining about the process being “rigged.”  … If anyone benefited from this information, it was Bernie Sanders.  … And one needs to ask: who is the bigger dupe of Russia and Putin- Donald Trump or Bernie Sanders?…
Kamala Harris Wants You To Subsidize Someone Else's Rent
– What she’s doing is setting the stage to run a presidential campaign to the left of Bernie Sanders.…
Eric Holder for President? Reports Say...Maybe
– Dwayne “The Rock” Johnson Alec Baldwin Oprah Winfrey Bernie “Three Houses For Me But Not For Thee” Sanders Another name we…
Democratic Socialist Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez Tries and Fails to Answer "How Will You Pay For It?"
– Ocasio-Cortez, a Bernie Sanders mentee, does not live in reality. … To make Bernie Sanders sounds sane and controlled is quite the feat, but Ocasio-Cortez manages to pull that off.…
Election 2020: Joe Biden for President?!
– Will the Democrats pass Biden over in favor of Kirsten Gillibrand, Elizabeth Warren, or even Bernie Sanders? … Sanders, a self-described Democratic Socialist. … Even the young candidate for New York’s 14th congressional district, and Sanders mentee, Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez, has been welcomed…
Let's Talk About Enemies of the People While Steve Scalise's Life Is Threatened Again
– Here he is, righteously indignant following a contentious exchange with White House Press Secretary Sarah Sanders wherein she wouldn … the enemy of the people" — CNN Newsroom (@CNNnewsroom) August 2, 2018 Sanders … Steve Scalise (R-LA), who was shot last year by a deranged Bernie bro while taking softball practice, has had his life threatened again…
Politico Writer: Anti-Trump Republicans Should Join With Democrats. His Reasoning Is Ridiculous…trump-republicans-join-democrats-reasoning-ridiculous-n92925
– The current media darlings of the party are Elizabeth Warren, Bernie Sanders, Kamala Harris, Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez, Bill De Blasio…
Jesus Wasn't a Socialist and Here's Proof
– Rest assured, Jesus isn’t cheering on a “blue wave” of Bernie Sanders style candidates regardless of the reasoning behind much of the … arguments that I hear thrown around by the left quite a bit, and hopefully we can put this ridiculous declaration that Jesus and was a Bernie-bro…
Symone Sanders, Courtesy of CNN: The Trump Administration is Pooping on You (Yes -- It's Poop)
– Predictably, a panel member — Symone Sanders, press secretary for Bernie Sanders’s presidential campaign — accused Herr Trump of causing … Sanders praised Brennan: “John Brennan was in the situation room when American heroes took out Bin Laden. … Oh — and Sarah Sanders is crappy: “I think someone wants to muck up the news cycle, Jake.…
The Kids Love Socialism, They Just Don't Know What It Is
Bernie Sanders, I-Vt., for an example of a socialist country they look up to, and they’ll likely incorrectly name free societies such … During a speaking appearance at Harvard in 2015, Danish Prime Minister Lars Lokke Rasmussen corrected Sanders supporters who use Denmark…
Water Cooler 08/16/18 Open Thread; Why November Is So Very Important
– The Democrats Idea Of A Governor Is A Transgender Who Claims Not To Understand What Socialism Is Despite having backed Bernie SandersBernie Sanders (I-Vt.) has endorsed Hallquist, which should be all Americans need to know to understand just how pro-socialist this…
Cheering on Christine Hallquist's "Historic" Win in Vermont Is an Insult to Actual Womanhood
– Hallquist wasn’t even thinking of running for office three years ago, favors positions held by fellow Vermonter Bernie Sanders, and…
Ready to Make Herstory: Transgender Christine Hallquist Wins Democratic Nomination for Governor
– Vermont — home of socialist former presidential candidate Bernie Sanders — has turned up another revolution: on Tuesday, Christine…
Single Payer: Even When Presented with the Facts the Left Doesn’t Get It
Bernie Sanders, I-Vt., left, and Sen. … Sanders (D-VT) would cost taxpayers $32.6 trillion over its first 10 years. … Sanders citing the study and asserting Medicare for All will lead to a $2 trillion savings The problem: that’s just not true.…
Is Ocasio-Cortez a Harbinger? Poll Shows Democrats View Capitalism More Negatively Than Ever Before
– In 2016, throngs of Leftists placed their support behind Socialist Bernie Sanders. … Now, candidate Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez is following in Sanders’ footsteps in her hopes to obtain a seat in the United States Congress … Socialist Bernie Sanders competitively challenged Hillary Clinton for the Democratic presidential nomination in 2016, and more recently…
I'm No Scientist, but I Think a Black Hole Will Make Us Re-Live 2016 All Over Again
– “time repeats itself in reverse” sounds to me like I have to watch Donald Trump debate Hillary Clinton, Hillary Clinton debate BernieSanders, and so on.…
Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez Sets A Poor Example for Women in Politics
Bernie Sanders — a 76-vear-old white man — had inspired millions of young voters to support socialism and powerful government; it seemed…
Under No Circumstances Will We Support Democrats in 2018 or Beyond
– Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez, Bernie Sanders, and a growing number of Democratic candidates are proof that the older, more moderate Democrats…
Preview: The August 14th Primaries
– Interesting… Bernie Sanders is up for reelection and will run as a Democrat this time instead of an independent stoking belief he … However, a Bernie supporter- Nick Leonard- is in the race so keep an eye on it. …
Alexandria Ocasio-Cortex -- Are Voters Thinking 'Socialism?' Not According to Tuesday, Beavis
– Obama was certainly far to the left, but the Left has recently attempted a leftier Left than ever before — Bernie Sanders came out … with economics-defying socialist plans for America in 2016, and a lot of liberals — including Joy Behar, who said Bernie “aroused” … A whooole buncha people were on board with Calculator-less Sanders and Mama Mao. But…they lost. Bernie? Crushed. Hillary?…
Primary Preview for Hawaii, Alaska and Wyoming
– Ing has the support of the Bernie Sanders apparatus which means he also has the endorsement of the Democratic Socialists of America…
Elizabeth Warren’s Plan to Save Capitalism By Ruining it with Socialism
– In a clear bid to establish herself for the 2020 general election it seems Warren has gone full Ocasio, trying to out-Sanders the Bernie
Don't Blame Trump for Nominating Kavanaugh, Blame Hillary!
– Donna Brazille spilled the beans about how the DNC rigged the nomination process to keep Joe Biden’s fun alter ego, Bernie Sanders,…
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