Results for: jill biden

Bonus Cartoon—President Jill Biden Isn't Leaving the White House Without a Fight…aving-the-white-house-without-a-fight-bonus-cartoon-n2176515
Jill, to you.“She said, ‘I was so sick of the mail coming to Sen. and Mrs. Biden. I wanted to get mail addressed to Dr. and Sen. … Biden.’ That’s the real reason she got her doctorate”.Jill wanted a doctorate because she dreamed of a title. … Jill Biden is the president. She's in charge.Jill’s presidency is too important to her. She isn’t leaving without a fight.…
Jill Biden Loses It on Reporters as She Campaigns (While Joe Stays Home)…reporters-as-she-campaigns-while-husband-stays-home-n2176540
– President Madame Ironfist Jill Biden did the campaigning instead. She was hitting three different states on Monday. …  First lady Jill Biden to reporters:"Why are you screaming at me? You know me. …  READ MORE: REPORT: Jill Biden Melting Down at People Who Want Joe to Step AsideJill Biden Gets 'Woman to Woman' Letters…
Really, 'Dr.' Jill? First Lady Bragged About Biden's 'Vigor' and 'Energy' in Interview Just Months Ago…idens-vigor-and-energy-in-interview-just-months-ago-n2176522
– Far be from me to call First Lady Jill Biden a li— let's just call her a "truth-stretcher." …  Bonus Cartoon—President Jill Biden Isn't Leaving the White House Without a FightMrs. … Megyn Kelly tears into First Lady Jill Biden.…
Desperate People Do Desperate Things: Team Biden Calling Delegates, Leading With Boilerplate Question…calling-delegates-leading-with-boilerplate-question-n2176644
– Such is the current state of the Joe Biden presidential campaign. …  The Bottom LineIs Team Biden trying to ferret out wavering delegates? … Then there's Frau Doktor Jill. God Help us.…
The Lie-Able Sources Podcast: More Biden Fallout, and the White House Gets a POC Journalist Fired…out-and-the-white-house-gets-a-poc-journalist-fired-n2176597
–  In a related storyline, Biden attempted to resucitate his campaign with a speaking stop in Wisconsin, and he only made himself … A Biden policy caused a black reporter to be fired.We also have Kristen Welker taking “Meet The Press” further to the left of where …  Jill Filipovic claims that the media was deceived, and they erred in trusting the administration.Brian Stelter continues his…
Vulnerable Democrat Senator Goes Bottom Line: 'President Biden Has Got to Prove ... He's Up to the Job'…president-biden-has-got-to-prove-hes-up-to-the-job-n2176533
–  First, like a growing number of Democrat lawmakers, the senator called on Biden to, in effect, put up or shut up. … Jill, who's more of minder. … Jill Biden is now campaigning for Joe since he’s unable to appear in public without embarrassing himself.Jill said, “He’s all in.”If…
Chuck Todd Drops Troubling Admission on What a Senior Cabinet Sec. Told Him About Biden Two Years Ago…a-cabinet-member-told-him-two-years-ago-about-biden-n2176634
– he doesn't think Biden "can serve another four years." … He was well aware that the Biden we saw on June 27th on that stage was the Biden we've warned about since before he even took office.And … In it, he confessed that a senior cabinet secretary for Biden said two years ago that he didn't think Biden would be able to run again…
Biden Campaign Tap Dances to Convince Democrats He’s the Only One Who Can Win Against Trump…to-convince-democrats-hes-the-only-one-who-can-win-n2176675
– CBS News Senior White House and Political Correspondent Ed O'Keefe took to X to post a memo the Biden campaign has shared with … Some votes are taken from Trump, but not a significant amount to kill his lead over Biden. … for either of these candidates over Biden or Trump.…
Jill Biden Confirms Biden Will Not Step Aside—Which Could Lead to Even More Dem Infighting…not-step-aside-which-could-lead-to-more-infighting-n2176524
– First Lady Jill Biden is at the forefront as more Democrat mega-donors and elected officials call on the president to step aside and … /drPmb2vBwI— Jill Biden (@FLOTUS) June 9, 2021The Democrat infighting is definitely not a good look for the U.S. as world leaders are … looking in from the outside; it shows that Biden is not up for the job.…
Another Brutal Presser for Karine Jean-Pierre Capped by Russia Hysteria, Biden Senility, and Peter Doocy…an-pierre-capped-by-russia-hysteria-and-peter-doocy-n2176576
–  SEE: Hunter Biden Now a 'Gatekeeper' for Joe BidenIn another exchange, Jean-Pierre was asked about the time Biden searched the … Nurse Jill? … Is it Jill Biden? Is it a conglomerate of handlers? The answer is probably a bit of both.…
White House Clown Show Continues As They Announce Biden Will Hold a 'Big Boy' Press Conference…latest-announcement-about-big-boy-press-conference-n2176534
– The Biden administration is truly a continuous clown show. …  But it's Joe Biden, so they can always go lower. … Jill Biden is a— End Wokeness (@EndWokeness) June 28, 2024They truly must be the stupidest people…
Wednesday Morning Minute
–  TOP O' THE MORNIN'Biden Team's Childish Response to Trump Golf/Debate Offer Gets Mocked Into Next WeekIf Biden thinks this is …  To Avoid 'Kids in Cages' Headlines, the Biden Administration Has Done Something Far WorseAll of this was largely preventable … In the evening, he and First Lady Jill will host a dinner with NATO allies and partners.…
More Cracks in Dem Gov. Coalition? NC Governor Issues Interesting Statement Ahead of Jill Biden's Visit…ues-intriguing-statement-ahead-of-jill-bidens-visit-n2176518
– Roy Cooper, whose office issued a statement Monday indicating he would not be in attendance for a campaign visit First Lady Jill Biden … In addition to that, multiple House Democrats have also pushed for Biden to step aside in the last week. … : The Next Shoe Drops in the Push to Get Joe Biden Off the Democrat Ticket…
Megyn Kelly Demolishes Jill Biden in Brutal Takedown About Her Desire for Power
– I wrote earlier about the ABC report that Jill Biden was "lashing out" at people who want Joe Biden to step aside from the campaign … Megyn Kelly tears into First Lady Jill Biden. … I wrote about it at the time:Prepping for the G7.— Jill Biden (@FLOTUS) June 9, 2021Was she telling us even…
Hunter Biden Now His Father's 'Gatekeeper,' and Democrats Have a Deadline for Joe Biden to Drop Out…democrats-have-a-deadline-for-joe-biden-to-drop-out-n2176478
Biden — backed by first lady Jill Biden and his convicted son, Hunter, who's serving as de facto gatekeeper for longtime friends — … Jill Biden knows that, and Hunter Biden knows that.Still, the president leaning on his degenerate son is exactly what you'd expect … A near unquantifiable number of reports have expressed the discontent raging within the party, yet they can't make a move if Jill Biden
Jon Stewart: 'Get on Board or Shut the F*** Up' Doesn't Allay Voter Concerns About Biden's Brain…en-concern-erodes-faith-in-the-system-of-government-n2176552
– As the Democrats' "Biden Problem" continues to rage, it's becoming clearer and clearer that the party is engaged in an internecine … battle about whether cognitively vacant, 81-year-old Joe Biden should be "forced" to bow out of the presidential race or supported … his reelection bid.Publicly, Some Democrats Want Biden to 'Show Us More.'…
Hawaii Governor: Biden to Make Decision About Future 'In Next Couple of Days'…o-make-decision-about-future-in-next-couple-of-days-n2176481
– According to Hawaii's Democrat Governor Josh Green, President Biden will be making some sort of major decision on his political future … Biden and the couple's ne'er-do-well son Hunter give the go-ahead.Previously on RedState: EPIC: Sen. … There are only two rational options open to the Biden camp at the moment.…
About Joe Biden's $100 Million Reasons to Stay in the POTUS Race...
Biden Confirms Biden Will Not Step Aside—Which Could Lead to Even More Dem InfightingEach possibility has different legal and political … Much depends on when Biden drops out, assuming that he does. Spies writes:If Mr. … Biden says he's not leaving.Some Biden bundlers have paused efforts to raise money.— Brian Schwartz (@schwartzbCNBC…
Pressure Continues to Mount As Another Democrat Mega-Donor Urges Biden to Step Aside…as-another-biden-mega-donor-urges-him-to-step-aside-n2176497
– until he can get more clarity.He's not the only one, which should raise major alarms in Biden headquarters. … campaign has received thus far will be far easier if Harris is the one who replaces Biden. … It remains to be seen if the first lady, Jill Biden, allows her husband to drop out of the race, but it seems like she's the one most…
New Report of How They Prep Biden for Events Adds to the Furor
– I reported earlier about the binder that Joe Biden was caught reading during his visit to a black church in Philadelphia. …  Biden Displays Scary Look During Visit to Black Church,and What the Bishop Said Is Raising EyebrowsThe reason I wanted to say … This leak is truly going to make Jill flip out.…
Joe Biden Is Exhausted. So Is the Country. Our Rocky Road Toward Divorce.
– He added, as a desperate cover: And by the way, we'll do it again in 2024.Co-President Jill Biden aside, there's really no need … Nowhereville say Biden should resign? … Biden had a bad night. He had a cold. Trump’s lying shocked him.The latest excuse Biden himself offers is exhaustion.…
RedState Weekly Briefing: Cruz Predicts, Trump Contradicts, Biden Constricts
– might get more votes than Biden. … Virginia, which should have been safe blue for Biden, is now in play because of the strength of Trump and the weakness of Biden.#3 … Jill Biden who I’ve seen on TV in the last five years is not the same person I married or that I recognize in any way," Stevenson lamented…
WATCH: Joe Biden Goes on 'Morning Joe,' Appears to Read From a Script and Starts Screaming Incoherently…ears-to-read-from-a-script-and-still-makes-no-sense-n2176503
– The comeback tour continued for Joe Biden on Monday morning with a brief stint on MSNBC. … BIDEN (angry rambling): "I've been testing myself! ... It drives me NUTS people talking about this!" … He's simply operating as a proxy for Jill and Hunter Biden, and they aren't letting go of the grift.…
Biden Question Scandal Brings Consequences for Radio Host and Earns Scathing Response From Station
– Even knowing what would be asked in advance, Biden still said crazy things. … Michael LaRosa, who formerly worked communications for Jill Biden, also said it has long been a tactic for the Biden team to pre-submit …  But now there have been some consequences from the Biden team's effort to manipulate things for Biden.…
REPORT: Jill Biden Melting Down at People Who Want Joe to Step Aside
Biden" either, that appears to have gone out the window. … And it says something that even after all this, they think they can take people in again, enough to vote for Biden. … SICK.— Megyn Kelly (@megynkelly) July 6, 2024Jill Biden is a terrible woman. A terrible wife.…
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