Results for: Gascon

LA District Attorney Whistleblower: Gascon's Sentencing Special Directive Is Illegal…er-gascons-sentencing-special-directive-is-illegal-2-n292073
– New Los Angeles District Attorney George Gascon has had the most active first week on the job of probably any officeholder ever, anywhere … The whistleblower wrote the following, which is also posted on the Recall George Gascon Facebook page (which grew to over 4,000 members … on the day it was created): “Gascon Issues Illegal Special Directive “Gascon’s sentencing special directive insists deputies do…
LEAKED DOCS: Details of Los Angeles DA's New Policies Are Even More Terrifying
– The Special Directives Gascon instituted cover the same broad areas referenced in my earlier piece: youth justice, death penalty, charge…
On MSNBC, George Gascon Claims Crime Victims Protesting His Policies Are Being Used by Police Unions…testing-his-policies-are-being-used-by-police-unions-n297809
– After a week of getting hammered in the media, Los Angeles District Attorney George Gascon took the time to do a softball interview … Gascon then claimed that he has “a tremendous amount of community support,” and blamed the backlash on those who “benefit…from mass … So, according to Gascon, the resistance isn’t really coming from crime victims who are now being revictimized as their attackers are…
VIDEO: L.A. DA Gascon Calls Mother of Murder Victim Uneducated When She Confronts Him About Her Son's Case
– With Gascon now in charge, that penalty phase retrial won’t happen. … Gascon? … Gascon himself, in response to this video.…
Retaliation Has Begun Against Deputy DA Who Publicly Called George Gascon Out…inst-deputy-da-who-publicly-called-george-gascon-out-n296718
– Los Angeles County Deputy DA Jonathan Hatami has been the voice of hundreds of his colleagues since George Gascon was sworn in as … Appearing on Fox & Friends on Thursday, Hatami basically ripped Gascon a new one. … Gascon nor any of his aides generated, approved of, or otherwise disseminated the form in question.…
One Face of California EDD Fraud Received a Plea Agreement: Which Tells Us the Corruption Goes Deep…ea-agreement-which-tells-us-the-corruption-goes-deep-n296110
– County, the progressive District Attorney George Gascon would probably have coddled her and treated her as a poor victim of an unjust…
Tucker Carlson Excellently Points Out How Big of a Threat George Soros Really Is to America
– In the end Gascon won. What happened next was the entire point of the exercise.” … “Gascon stopped enforcing the law in Los Angeles. … “George Gascon was San Francisco’s district attorney for eight years, from 2011 to 2019.…
DA Who Prosecuted 8-Year-Old Gabriel Fernandez's Killers Tearfully Refuses to Comply With Gascon's Directives…tearfully-refuses-to-comply-with-gascons-directives-n295405
– If George Gascon were still District Attorney at that time, a separate Special Directive prohibits DDA’s from even appearing at parole … If Hatami follows his conscience and the law and refuses to drop the strikes or enhancements, he’s subject to “discipline” by Gascon
Open Letter to George Gascon From LA County DDAs: "You Have Shown an Epic Failure in Leadership"…ty-ddas-you-have-shown-an-epic-failure-in-leadership-n303063
– Regarding the Special Directives Gascon issued on the day of his swearing-in, the DDAs point out that Gascon had a wealth of experience … This description of the meeting is hilarious, because it shows just how obtuse Gascon is. … It seems that internal and external opposition to George Gascon is growing exponentially by the day.…
ABC's Los Angeles Affiliate Bows to Threats From Gascon's Office, Substitutes Critical Article With Puff Piece…office-substitutes-critical-article-with-puff-piece-n301592
– Last night I reported that, according to court transcripts from a December 15 proceeding, LA District Attorney George Gascon attempted … This all stems from new justice reforms put in place by newly elected District Attorney George Gascon. … The reporter did ask Gascon about some of the controversies that are swirling, including judges and DDA’s who don’t agree with his…
FINALLY! LA District Attorneys Union Announces It's Seeking a Restraining Order Against Gascon…unces-its-seeking-a-restraining-order-against-gascon-n301508
– , and Tuesday the group announced that it’s seeking a restraining order against Gascon, blocking him from implementing a number of … Chemerinsky is a long-term Gascon ally who serves on his Public Policy Committee and his transition team. … Sure, there was more information on Gascon out there for people who were motivated to look for it.…
News of The Weird: California COVID Patient Murdered By Roommate for Praying…ornia-covid-patient-murdered-by-roommate-for-praying-n301290
– With Los Angeles County District Attorney George Gascon at the helm, and his new “reforms” in place, the murder charge against him…
New Los Angeles DA Gascon Almost Got Away With Giving Accused Gang Murderer a "Sweetheart" 7-Year Plea Deal…accused-gang-murderer-a-sweetheart-7-year-plea-deal-n301146
– Every day it becomes more clear that George Gascon will do whatever it takes to force his insane directives and policies on unwilling … As you know if you’ve been following Gascon’s brief but explosive tenure, on his first day in office Gascon issued a Special Directive … Some DDA’s weren’t too keen about that idea, but Trujillo and another Gascon adviser, Tiffany Blacknell (a Deputy Public Defender)…
NEW: LA County Jury Finds That George Gascon Retaliated Against Deputy DA, Awards $1.5 Million in Damages
– Blacknell was working as a public defender when Gascon was hired, but left that job to join Gascon as one of his top assistants after … This isn’t the first time Gascon has been accused of retaliation against a female subordinate. … As noted above, more than a dozen additional employment cases have been filed thusfar against Gascon.…
Defiant Trump Gets Standing Ovation at Wrestling Event, Appears Unfazed by Possible Indictment…estling-event-appears-unfazed-by-possible-indictment-n718560
– Meanwhile, at the local level, soft-on-crime district attorneys like Bragg and Los Angeles’ George Gascon appear to have no interest…
L.A. Prosecutor Jonathan Hatami Running Against George Gascon for District Attorney in 2024…against-george-gascon-for-district-attorney-in-2024-n723621
– If Hatami follows his conscience and the law and refuses to drop the strikes or enhancements, he’s subject to “discipline” by Gascon
LA County Registrar Claims Dead People Signed Gascon Recall Petition, Asks for AG Investigation…ned-gascon-recall-petition-asks-for-ag-investigation-n720118
– in two recent petitions circulated in the county, one a petition to trigger a recall election against District Attorney George Gascon … In a press release announcing the failure of the Gascon recall petition, Logan’s office didn’t mention that any signatures were disqualified … Let the Voters Decide (LTVD), the signature gathering firm that worked with the Recall Gascon effort, sued the recall committee in…
Now We Know Why They Wanted to Keep the Trump Indictment Sealed
– But if District Attorneys like Alvin Bragg and his fellow Soros-funded “justice reformers” George Gascon, Kim Gardner, Larry Krasner…
Los Angeles County Supervisor Hilda Solis Oversteps on De-Carcerate and De-Populate…ilda-solis-oversteps-on-de-carcerate-and-de-populate-n725693
– Everyone knows that Los Angeles District Attorney George Gascon is also an automatic buy-in. So, who are the final dominos?…
Welcome to Gavin Newsom's California, Where the Looting Is Easy
– where it belongs — on the politicians who do nothing to stop this kind of stuff, like Los Angeles County District Attorney George Gascon
CA Assembly GOP Scores Win Against Dems Attempting to Kill Bills That Would Punish Fentanyl Dealers…ing-to-kill-bills-that-would-punish-fentanyl-dealers-n733920
– 20, 2023 Los Angeles County Deputy District Attorney Jonathan Hatami, who’s already announced that he will challenge George Gascon … Not surprisingly, Gascon, who was endorsed by Jones-Sawyer, also doesn’t support the bills.…
PA House of Representatives Votes to Impeach Soros-Backed Philadelphia District Attorney…impeach-soros-backed-philadelphia-district-attorney-n659877
– George Gascon has ushered in an era of unprecedented crime and chaos in Los Angeles County since his election. … Krasner’s mentor, George Gascon, remains in his Los Angeles position. … As the empire of district attorneys Gascon has built begins to crumble, it looks like the emperor himself will remain on his throne…
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