Results for: uvalde

Nashville Shooter Bought 7 Guns From 5 Stores, Was Being Treated for an 'Emotional Disorder'…5-stores-was-being-treated-for-an-emotional-disorder-n722833
– own Bonchie lauded their actions and showed how it once again highlighted the horrible, ineffective response of police during the Uvalde … Like the Uvalde shooter, Hale had shown troubling signs that something was very, very wrong, but unfortunately, those signs went unnoticed…
Incredible Body-Cam Footage of Nashville Shooting Destroys the Uvalde PD and Its Left-Wing Apologists…destroys-the-uvalde-pd-and-its-left-wing-apologists-n722637
– I noticed that none of them had ballistic shields, something that Uvalde PD officers claimed they needed. … With the shooter dead and her rampage ended well before she could cause the same level of casualties as occurred in Uvalde. … Lastly, the press outlets that have made excuses for the Uvalde PD in an attempt to push an anti-gun narrative are ghouls.…
Fire at Southern Border Kills at Least 39 Migrants, Injures 29
– On Sunday alone, as RedState’s Jennifer Oliver O’Connell reports, two migrants are dead and 14 are in critical condition near Uvalde
Biden Mercilessly Mocked for Tweet Claiming Republicans Would Cut Border Funding…tweet-claiming-republicans-would-cut-border-funding-n721640
– On Sunday alone, as RedState’s Jennifer Oliver O’Connell reports, two migrants are dead and 14 are in critical condition near Uvalde
Mexico and Biden Administrations Play 'See No Evil, Hear No Evil, Speak No Evil' With More Illegal Immigrant Deaths on the Southern Border…more-illegal-immigrant-deaths-on-the-southern-border-n721627
– Another tragedy near Uvalde, Texas, this time involving human smuggling. … Video from the scene earlier today, courtesy of Uvalde Mayor Don McLaughlin. … ”. — Bill Melugin (@BillFOXLA) March 25, 2023 Video from the scene earlier today, courtesy of Uvalde
Jack Teixeira Was Denied a Gun License After Making Threats Against His School, but Somehow Got Intel Clearance…s-against-his-school-but-somehow-got-intel-clearance-n738261
– that he was rooting for groups like Islamic State, and used his government computer to search terms like “Las Vegas shooting” and “Uvalde
Gun Rights Under Attack: Tennessee Gov. Bill Lee Is Waving the Red Flag
– gun-grabbing Second Amendment abusers in Congress passed gun control measures after the school shooting at Robb Elementary School in Uvalde
Going Beyond Feel-Good Legislation: The Truth about Gun Control Laws
– , may be the only debate on gun control in the Texas Capitol this year, following the deaths of 19 children and two teachers in Uvalde … Greg Abbott, along with Republicans in the state legislature, are not too keen on the idea of using the Uvalde school shooting to impose … One can understand why the families of the victims of the Uvalde shooting and other similar incidents would be looking for answers.…
Texas Gov. Greg Abbott Soundly Defeats Beto O'Rourke, Winning a Third Term
– In the aftermath of the school shooting in Uvalde, O’Rourke used the tragedy to attack Abbott and Texas Republicans on gun rights.…
The Gun Control Crowd Just Got Some Bad News From a New Gallup Poll
Uvalde, Buffalo, and other high-profile atrocities received national media attention. … Democrats, with the help of some Republicans, managed to pass a federal gun control measure in the wake of the school shooting in Uvalde … reports: Americans’ support for stricter U.S. gun laws has receded after sharply increasing in the wake of two mass shootings in Uvalde
Scandal Ahead of Its Release - The Harry and Meghan Docuseries On Netflix Shown Filled With Fraud…meghan-docuseries-on-netflix-shown-filled-with-fraud-n669637
– When Markle showed up in Uvalde Texas after the school shooting the response to the photos of her there was a uniform – “But, why?”…
Joe Biden and Barack Obama Use Sandy Hook to Display Their Stunning Skills in Hypocrisy…y-hook-to-display-their-stunning-skills-in-hypocrisy-n674899
– Earlier this year, he uttered the same empty bunk over the Uvalde school shooting. … Last May a shooter in Uvalde, Texas killed 19 schoolchildren and two adults.…
Eight Months Later, We Now Know the Reason the Uvalde Police Chief Didn't Confront the Shooter…n-the-uvalde-police-chief-didnt-confront-the-shooter-n686834
– One of the worst domestic acts of violence in American history, the school shooting in Uvalde, Texas, still horrifies us even all…
Matthew McConaughey Teases No Longer, Paves the Way for Beto
– As a simple kid born in a little town of Uvalde, Tex., it never occurred to me that I would one day be considered for political leadership…
Democrats' Differing Responses to Mass Shootings in Chico, CA and Allen, TX Expose Their Hypocrisy…ings-in-chico-ca-and-allen-tx-expose-their-hypocrisy-n742787
– blasts” Governor Greg Abbott over his policies, airing everything about the mass shootings that have occurred in Texas, including Uvalde
Florida Man With Guns Arrested for Trespassing on CIA Grounds and at Preschool…sted-for-trespassing-on-cia-grounds-and-at-preschool-n750791
– Which brings up the sober reminder that today is the one-year anniversary of the horrible Uvalde massacre at Robb Elementary School … Due to the gross incompetency of the Uvalde police force, two teachers and 19 children were shot and killed by Salvador Ramos.…
CNN Exploits Grief of Uvalde Mothers to Push Gun Control Narrative
– In a recent CNN article, the mothers of children who survived a school shooting in Uvalde, Texas, nearly a year ago were eager to … However, the District Attorney in Uvalde had locked down all investigative materials, leaving the families with unanswered questions … Roland Gutierrez, who represents Uvalde and has been an avid proponent of gun control legislation.…
Did the Justice Department Illegally Fund Red Flag Laws?
– passed and President Biden signed the Bipartisan Safer Communities Act in response to mass shootings in Buffalo, New York, and Uvalde
At Long Last, Monica Lewinsky Chimes in on the Gun Control Debate
– Of course, her latest commentary came on the issue of “assault rifles” in the aftermath of the mass shooting in Uvalde, Texas, which…
Trudeau Announces Legislation That Would Put a "National Freeze" on Handgun Ownership…hat-would-put-a-national-freeze-on-handgun-ownership-n572481
– look at what happened in Ukraine, what might happen in Taiwan w/ China – I can go on but you get the picture… What happened in #Uvalde … look at what happened in Ukraine, what might happen in Taiwan w/ China – I can go on but you get the picture… What happened in #Uvalde
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