Results for: democrats should replace

High Drama on Capitol Hill as Pelosi Nukes Nadler's Court-Packing Bill…itol-hill-as-pelosi-nukes-nadlers-court-packing-bill-n361638
replace her with threats of Total War if he and then-Sen. … Democrats from then-Sen. Minority Leader Chuck Schumer to House Speaker Nancy Pelosi to Rep. … But for some House Democrats, that wasn’t enough.…
How Could Democrats Defy Ruth Bader Ginsburg's Wishes by Trying to Pack the Supreme Court?…ader-ginsburgs-wishes-by-packing-the-court-like-this-n361564
– Republicans laughed it off, as they should. … So are some Democrats. Know who else was against it? Ruth Holy Bader Ginsburg. … Do Democrats actually care about the wisdom of RGB?…
Where Have All the Good Dems Gone?
Democrats feel that they should take from those who do and have and give to those who won’t and take.  … No good Republican suggests we should ignore those truly in need of help.  … It seems that there’s no one left to stop Democrats from forwarding outright Communist policies.…
Hey, Democrats — McDonald's Pays People $50 Just to Show up for Job Interviews…ds-pays-people-50-just-to-show-up-for-job-interviews-n369241
– This is because “when the cost of employing low-wage workers goes up,” some employers will replace them with machinery, technology, … Maybe these people “making starvation wages” should just get off their asses and write a bestseller or two. Right, Bernie? … Lack of understanding is not the Democrats’ problem; lack of honesty and integrity are. There, that’s better.…
Stefanik Reportedly Has Made Private Promises to Leave House Leadership in 2023…e-private-promises-to-leave-house-leadership-in-2023-n377158
– Trump, appears to be in position to replace Rep. … But in a significant twist, it was reported late on Friday that in calling around to gauge support for her move to replace Cheney, … Instead, she beats the drum — much to the delight of the Democrats and media — for the NeverTrumpers who somehow think there is some…
The Forgotten CA Candidates in the Recall Gavin Newsom Election
– The Recall campaign has reached that success, and now Californians are having that conversation — or we should be. … Mercuri ran as a Republican in the CD-25 Special Election to replace Katie Hill. … He hopes to unify Democrats and Republicans to find a clear path forward and improve people’s quality of life.…
Liz Cheney's Removal as GOP Conference Chairwoman Is Part of Her Strategy to Win Re-Election to the House…part-of-her-strategy-to-win-re-election-to-the-house-n375145
– Elise Stefanik Gets Support of Trump and Others To Replace Liz Cheney in GOP Leadership. … She won’t fight the Democrats. She has no ideas that are of use today. … So glad she’s in the GOP leadership, I guess they wanted to be more inclusive and put Democrats in there too?!?…
Liz Cheney's Pitch to Republicans Shows Just How Clueless She Truly Is
– But any conservative would realize that we are now in an existential battle with Democrats for the soul of our nation, with Democrats … When the WaPo is defending Cheney, you know you should be on the opposite side. … And if you do not, you should not be in leadership.…
The Left Loved Caitlyn Jenner, Until They Didn't
– Olympic gold medal in the men’s decathlon event, told the reporter the issue was a “question of fairness” and that biological boys should … But the fact that Jenner recently announced a run to replace Gov. … All that was before Jenner was considered a threat to the Democrats.…
Cheney Could Be Out as GOP Leadership Now Backing Replacement, Elise Stefanik…op-leadership-now-backing-replacement-elise-stefanik-n374542
– Then in a Fox interview, McCarthy said everyone needed to be working as one to defeat the Democrats in 2022 and that some were concerned … Cheney’s response exhibited exactly why she should be cut from leadership and why the Republicans are exasperated with her. … Elise Stefanik (R-NY) to replace Cheney as House Republican conference chair.…
We Need to Talk About the New Caitlyn Jenner Campaign Ad
– Olympic gold medal in the men’s decathlon event, told the reporter the issue was a “question of fairness” and that biological boys should … But the fact that Jenner recently announced a run to replace Gov. … As it turns out, Jenner is not done causing headaches for Democrats.…
For a Country Without Gas Shortages, There Certainly Are a Lot of Gas Shortages…shortages-there-certainly-are-a-lot-of-gas-shortages-n378916
– Yet despite the natural consequences of limiting one of the biggest supplies of oil on the East Coast, we should be grateful that we … I should know.  … I think we should replace Granholm with De Haan.  At least then we could trust the data.  …
Jake Tapper Gets Finished off by His Own Words — and CNN Itself
– Liz Cheney (R-WY) was removed from her leadership position and Stefanik was elected by Republicans to replace her. … — Ryan (@alwaysonoffense) June 4, 2021 Apparently, actual lies are acceptable for booking — if spouted by Democrats … So, if Tapper wrote this book, should he be barred from his own show, according to his own rules?…
A Democrat Completely Gives the Game Away in Quasi-Genocidal Memorial Day Post…s-the-game-away-in-quasi-genocidal-memorial-day-post-n389579
– Instead, a Democrat decided to dabble in some kind of quasi-genocidal call to replace Republicans so the country can turn into a utopian … seek to replace traditionally conservative American voters via artificially boosted demographic shifts, specifically with immigration … Democrats don’t live in reality, but that doesn’t mean you shouldn’t take them seriously because they are going to do everything in…
A.U.D.I.T. of Elections: The Bombshell Revelations Continue…
– Hand counting of ballots should wrap up today, then selective canvass is likely to begin. … Maybe you should focus on stopping terrorism. … (SB 1713) AZ Democrats had targeted State Rep.…
The Arguments Against a Juneteenth Holiday Are Skull-Hammeringly Ridiculous…juneteenth-holiday-are-skull-hammeringly-ridiculous-n398391
Democrats really need to stop trying to repackage segregation. I’ll be celebrating July 4th and July 4th only. … The event it commemorates is something that should be celebrated by all Americans. … Republicans, especially, should take pride in the notion that the slaves were finally freed in Texas.…
Kira Davis: Juneteenth Is Not a 'Black' Celebration, It's an American One
– The task should not end with Trump. Why would we want that? … of ammo to do just that, today) and possibly replace July 4th as a unifying celebration of patriotism. … Democrats will politicize anything if it helps make their emotional case. So?…
A.U.D.I.T. of Elections: Hot and Getting Hotter!
– be done at the local community level.We should go to paper only.We should be counting at the precinct level.We should declare voting … SOS Benson should resign or be impeached. 1. We have been lied to. … I thought the Democrats wanted the US to be “more like Europe”? What’s the problem?…
Octogenarian Dianne Feinstein Disappoints on Filibuster Reform, and the Left Discovers a Need for Term Limits…reform-and-the-left-discovers-a-need-for-term-limits-n394961
– However, the prospect of her possibly winning yet another senatorial race has even Democrats asking if it’s time to change out the … Gavin Newsom said he had a list of “multiple” potential replacements and would appoint a Black woman to replace her should she retire … Democrats are scared, which is why they are trying to shove H.R. 1 through—but save for AOC intimating that it might be time to put…
2016 US Senate Outlook: Can the GOP keep the Senate?
– In November we won five Class 3 seats, plus won the vacancy left by Barack Obama to gain 6 on the Democrats. … On top of that we won the special election to replace Ted Kennedy in January. … funding measure that would keep the government open past a midnight deadline easily sailed through the Senate on Wednesday and should
How Bernie Sanders got a conservative Supreme Court judge elected in Wisconsin.…nsin-supreme-court-rebecca-bradley-koanne-kloppenburg-n58134
Democrats win the Presidential election in Wisconsin by a decent amount.   … They also likewise elected progressive heroine Tammy Baldwin to the Senate to replace… Herb Kohl, was it? … So, that should have translated to success elsewhere, right? …Wrong.…
Here's what happens if you vote for that big star who pals around with Democrats #NeverTrump
– An outsider who fights, who should be trusted despite surrounding himself with Democrats, and taking the left-wing side on many issues … It was more important to beat the Democrats, than it was to stand on principle, you see. … His judicial picks included many Democrats, which in California means he loaded up the courts with extremists.…
Donald Trump Speech Focuses On Protectionism And A Crooked, Lying Hillary Clinton
– He reaches out to Sanders supporters and to working class Democrats. … trade deficit with China soared 40% during Hillary Clinton’s time as Secretary of State — a disgraceful performance for which she should … which there are many Cancel rules and regulations that send jobs overseas Lift restrictions on energy production Repeal and replace
I Want to Keep the Filibuster for Judges
– But I do not think that means we should for one reason. … We should not make it easier for them to do so. … President to replace her.…
Corrupt Governor John Kitzhaber (D, Oregon) MUST be recalled.
– In fact, it should have been the Democrats who started the recall process.   But they won’t.   … While I’d prefer to replace a corrupt Democratic governor with a non-corrupt Republican one, speaking as a good American I’d have to…
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