Results for: the big guy

Silicon Valley: If Something on the Internet Is Free - You’re the Product
– And in an Internet World where so much content from everywhere is delivered for free…the guy charging for the deliveries is bizarrely … perceived to be the bad guy. … You’d love Amazon – and loathe the shipping guy. It’s human nature.…
'Intelligent' Jimmy Kimmel Proves His Stupidity By Getting A Gay Wedding Cake Ruling Completely Wrong…dity-getting-gay-wedding-cake-ruling-completely-wrong-n84375
– Smart Guy: “The State’s purpose to ensure an accessible public marketplace free from discrimination is laudable and necessary public … The same goes for salad, Mr. Big Brains. One might wonder whether or not Mr. … Well-Informed Wonder purposely didn’t get the point of the judge’s ruling for the “benefit of the audience” or if he and his writers…
Director Kevin Smith Tells People to Stop Being Mean About Offering Thoughts and Prayers…people-stop-mean-offering-prayers-thanks-chris-pratt-n85607
The hate was so unbelievable that Guardians of the Galaxy director James Gunn had to step in and back up Pratt by telling the world … according to the Daily Wire: “Poor Chris Pratt, one of my favorite actors on the planet, f—ing put up a nice tweet, where he’s just … some of the most wacky extremism.…
Hall of Famer and Avid Hunter Has Thoughtful Take on Gun Debate (And He Quotes Scalia)
– But in the wake of the Parkland shooting and the murder of 17 innocent people at a Florida High School, he told The Atlanta Journal-Constitution … And, for the record, Federalist 29 is all about the militia, which is understood to be the reason the Framers wrote 2A: to protect … And that may be the place to start with the gun debate.…
Would Trump Have Rushed in to Stop School Shooter? (Well, He Did Stop a Mugging in '91)
– During the pre-meeting presser, Trump said he believed he personally would have run into the school as a way to question the reaction … Trump said the attacker, “a big guy with a big bat,” delivered five or six “good whacks” before he arrived at the scene. … “The guy with the bat looked at me, and I said, ‘Look, you’ve gotta stop this. Put down the bat,’” Trump told The Daily News.…
Famed Analyst and Statistician Nate Silver FAILS Basic US History
– facts regarding the make-up of the House and the Senate. … Therefore, the purpose of the Senate is act as a shield against the dominance of the urban/coastal majorities, and the House balances … At the time, there were 13 states, all located along the eastern side of the country, and all growing.…
One Parkland Survivor Gets a Call From the President, but It Wasn't What She'd Hoped It Would Be
– She received a call from the president, but in an interview with the New York Times, she discussed the call, and according to Fuentes … “He said he heard I was a big fan of his, and then he said ‘I’m a big fan of yours, too,’ ” Fuentes told the Times. … He doesn’t have the capacity.…
If Not Collusion, Then Obstruction of Justice? Hold On There, Also
The Director of the FBI, being a part of the Executive Branch, serves at the discretion and pleasure of the President.  … Whether it was their bungling of the Clinton server investigation, the behind-the-scenes attempts to discredit Trump, the sleaziness … My best guess is the criticism is predicated upon the open-ended nature of the Mueller probe. …
Leftist Heads Pop Like Overripe Zits at How HHS Is Allocating Family Planning Funds
– For the life of me, I don’t understand why the federal government is in the family planning business. … BREAKING: A @USGAO report I requested in 2016 on @PPFA reveals more than $1.5 BILLION in taxpayer $ is going to the big abortion industry … A big believer in abstinence-only-until-marriage programs, Valerie Huber has been orchestrating attacks on the nation's teen pregnancy…
The Left Attacks the Evil of 'Gunsplaining' and the Fun Begins
The first thing to keep in mind is that this guy used to write for Gawker. … Beauchamp, if you recall, is the guy who wrote the “explainer” titled “11 crucial facts to understand the Israel-Gaza crisis … Palestinian population center — the big green blob to the east of Israel, the West Bank.…
Invoking Weinstein and Scientology, AdAge Writer Delivers Most Bizarre Take Yet on the NRA…cientology-adage-writer-delivers-bizarre-take-yet-nra-n85805
The media is almost monolithically opposed to the NRA. … Which brings us full circle to the current talk of #BoycottTheNRA—and the two dozen big companies that have severed ties with the group … “little guy” with little criticism from the left wing pseudo-intelligentsia.…
The Real Protectionism: Defending DC’s Crony Globalist Fake ‘Free Trade’
– Read “The Art of the Deal.” Very often you threaten, but never enact – the threat is enough to better the deal.) … Globalist big business robber barons have spent the last half-century-plus lobbying DC for more and more one-sided, America Last trade … Rather than fight for less government domestically – thereby making it more tenable to remain in the States – the globalist big business…
POLITICO: Those Damned Republicans are "Seizing On" the Issue of the Coward County Sheriff
The same is true, not just of candidate criticism, but of any story Big Media hates. … “The Republicans needed a shiny-ball guy to get away from assault weapons, and the sheriff was like: Hey, I’ll be your shiny-ball guy … “At first, it looked like the kids would be the shiny-ball guy, but everyone loved the kids.…
More Airline Pet Mistreatment Highlights Need for Competition
– And given the risks involved in starting up an airline, and the advantages that big established airlines hold, the prospects of getting … The Big Three airlines are using the levers of power to keep competition out of the United States. … But the more the Big Three consolidate their power, the worse service we’ll get.…
Florida Man Shoots Wife, Stabs Children, Burns House Down, Blames 'White Devils', Shouts 'Allah Akbar'…children-burns-house-white-devils-shouts-allah-akbar-n86583
– That is, unless the would-be killer is shot by a good guy with a gun, then mum’s the word. … It turns out Oneal identifies himself as a member of the Nation of Islam, an American sect led by vicious anti-Semite and big pal of … You know, the guy who Women’s March (and Student Walkout) organizers back to the hilt.…
Trump Congratulates His Favorite Dictator Despite a Specific Warning Not To Do So
– They want people who know what they’re doing around at all times because while the president makes the final decision, he takes into … I thought Trump was big tough, strong guy. According to Trump, Obama did what he did because he was “weak.” … Well, how weak is it to ignore the advice of the people around you know better?…
Is Ted Cruz really cruising to victory in Texas?
The Democratic vote surged, with about 1 million voters having participated in the Democratic primary, roughly double the number from … balance in the race. … But he might be the candidate that helps deliver a big shock to the GOP on election night this year, purely because this race will…
Melania Trump Holds Event on Cyberbullying
The meeting Tuesday marks her first public event on the topic, a choice some observers have questioned given that her husband often … Amazon, Snap, Facebook, Google and Twitter are among the companies that are expected to attend the meeting. … Maybe once she conquers that, she can take up the cause of reading, or promote the importance of wedding vows, or the need to be modest…
McConnell and Chao: As Corrupt As The Clintons
The first is in the New York Post, and it’s review of a chunk from an upcoming book on big money in politics. … The book details one of the myriad ways we as citizens are getting screwed by our supposed betters, from the Democrats and the Republicans … The book is written by Peter Schweizer, the same guy who wrote Clinton Cash in 2016.…
Is U.S. Foreign Policy Too Masculine?
The idea is simple: the group leader draws a big box on the chalkboard, and the boys brainstorm stereotypes of masculinity. … All of those go inside the box. Then they discuss what happens if a guy tries to behave in a way that’s not described in the box. … Those punishments and threats hover around the outside of the box.…
Protectionism, Bowling Balls and Every Crazy Thing Trump Said at a Recent Fundraising Event…every-crazy-thing-trump-said-recent-fundraising-event-n86237
– “Nice guy, good-looking guy, comes in – ‘Donald we have no trade deficit.’ … While claiming that South Korea had gotten rich off of cheating the United States in trade, he pushed: “We have a very big trade … They take a bowling ball from 20 feet up in the air and drop it on the hood of the car,” Trump said of Japan.…
To the Cowards Hiding Behind the Parkland Student Activists
– He ignorantly spreads falsehoods about the law, the Constitution, the function of government, the institutions of society, and the … As CNN’s Don Lemon declared, you’re a bad guy if you criticize the students in any way. … This is crass opportunism at the expense of teens who were part of something too big for them to understand. Let’s be clear.…
Trump Lashes Out at Amazon but His Facts and Motivations Are Suspect
– Trump’s concern for “the little guy” is a political affectation for people in red baseball caps. … Trump also pays close attention to the Amazon founder’s ownership of The Washington Post, which the president views as Bezos’ political … You may have different feelings about the mom-and-pop operations and the way they’ve been affected by the online retail giant, but…
Mueller's Latest Court Filing Has the Russophobes Going Crazy
– In fact, the phrase “pertinent to the investigation” does not appear in the filing. And this is how Twitter covered it. … Big news: Mueller told the court that Gates knew that he and Manafort were working with a former Russian intelligence officer. https … The fact that the guy was known to be a former intelligence officer is a nice McCarthyite description but it is pretty meaningless.…
Trump's Silence on the Stormy Daniels Affair Isn't Revealing, Surprising, or Complicated…daniels-affair-isnt-revealing-surprising-complicated-n86982
– (AP Photo/Matt Sayles) The big Conventional Wisdom floating around the media and liberal thinkers is that Donald Trump has been way … He has bragged about it after the fact. That’s the kind of man he is. … If you can’t see that, despite having watched the guy for the last few years and also decades, then you aren’t really much of an analyst…
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