Results for: the big guy

Trump Contradicts a Key Staff Member On Immigration... Again.
The Wall is the Wall, it has never changed or evolved from the first day I conceived of it. … How many articles and blogs have been written on the right showing and lamenting pictures of big, open, desert spaces with no wall … And Kelly, being a practical and matter-of-fact guy, simply stated a reality about the President’s position.…
The Trump Administration Follows Through on a Pledge to Protect Religious Freedom
– inspired the First Amendment to the U.S. … A prime example is the Masterpiece Cakeshop case where the federal government reversed the position taken by the Obama administration … The guy heading the Office of Civil Rights, Roger Severino, has been a civil rights litigator at Justice and headed the religious freedom…
School's In: CEO Blasts Nancy Pelosi's "Crumbs" Comment (WATCH)
– and the evil corporations. … the broader economy … On how the Democrats actually work.…
Exiled and Disgraced: Steve Bannon Sits Before the House Intelligence Committee Today
– “Specifically what’s the basis for his assertion that the president met with the participants in the Trump Tower meeting,” the committee … And it’s not just the book that has Bannon in the crosshairs, today. … “It was a matter of, ‘Hey, while you’re here, there’s a Russian guy that we’ve done some business with in the past, and it’d be interesting…
How Local Press and Media Priorities Have Failed Women in Politics: An Insider's View
– Just over a week ago, #metoo was back in the headlines as the Golden Globes went sartorially black to “draw awareness” to the issue … Apparently, allegations of domestic abuse on the part of a congressional candidate just weren’t that big a deal—though to be fair, … The point is that the media industry needs to take a look in the mirror, not just in terms of the conduct of its own members, whether…
No, Guys, Dating a Transsexual Doesn't Mean You're Tolerant and Open-Minded
the potential to make aberrant behavior the norm. … Can you spot the flaws in the logic in that? … also has nine kids and he’s not a conservative Catholic) refused to kiss a man, he is the bad guy.…
Ballot Integrity Makes a Strong Showing at the Supreme Court
The Board of Elections would have examined his ballot the week after the election. … “We don’t want them on the voter roll,” Breyer declared. “That used to be a big problem, voting dead people.” … At the same time, they want to strip away from the state its clear authority under the Time, Place and Manner Clause of the U.S.…
Trump's Tweet Reversal on FISA, and What It Says About His Presidency (With Bonus North Korea Discussion)
– This is the act that may have been used, with the help of the discredited and phony Dossier, to so badly surveil and abuse the Trump … It’s still concerning that a guy whose ad libs are often this uninformed and off-message is the Voice of America. … reveal about the way in which the officials guided the expression of opinions from the “normal citizens.”…
The Problem With Thinking That Donald J. Trump Was Divinely Appointed
The self-described community organizer. The guy who played identity politics. The man who ushered in Obamacare. … Trump is the rude, big tough guy on the playground who has a questionable background, but he’s doing it for Jesus! … Falwell continues to excitedly preach the Trump gospel during media appearances. Graham tweets out glowing praise for the guy.…
Trump Plays the Protective Father of DACA Recipients (NOBODY Wants Them Taken Care of More)…ather-daca-recipients-nobody-wants-taken-care-of-more-n83613
– I, along with many others told you not to trust the guy. … He wants to lock the doors after those he painted as criminals are already in the house. … We’re going to solve the DACA problem.…
Nancy Pelosi Again Calls $1,000 "Crumbs" Further Painting Democrats as Short Sighted and Out of Touch…ls-1000-crumbs-painting-democrats-short-sighted-touch-n83568
– “And that’s the thing,” said Pelosi. “Get this little thing and we get this big bonanza. … That’s awfully short sighted for someone who sells herself a champion of the little guy. … The rhetoric aside, the corporations are proving first hand that cutting taxes works to stimulate the economy and elevate the people…
Not Even This Cherished Icon of Childhood Was Immune to Hollywood's Wave of Perversion
– Today, Joyner has hung up the big purple suit and his new career couldn’t be much further away from the innocent kids TV show, working … He says his tantric training helped him to endure the 120 degree heat inside that big purple suit and to find ‘joy’ during long shoots … He also says sex should be unprotected because condoms ‘block the energy.’ Joyner played the big T-Rex between 1991 and 2001. …
Gross: Trump's Bald Pate Revealed in Nauseating Video
– ’s now got the big phony tits and everything. … The clip above seems to confirm the account given by that demon from Hell, Michael Wolff, in his book “Fire and Fury.” … The color, she would point out to comical effect, was from a product called Just for Men — the longer it was left on, the darker it…
Former Trump Aide Carter Page May Be His Own Worst Enemy (Learn When to Shut up, Man)
– “These are your words: ‘I served as an informal adviser to the staff of the Kremlin.’ … You’re advising the Kremlin,” Stephanopoulos said in the clip. … He’s in the big time, now. Steele continued: “It’s a guy who thinks he’s playing a game: ‘Well, I didn’t say that.…
WATCH: What Do Hope Hicks, Louis Farrakhan, and Trump Have in Common? (SNL's Latest Cold Open)
– Of course, not as big as the ratings for my State of the Union speech, which was watched by 10 billion people including all of China … It would have been a big ball drop for the SNL writers to let mention of the memo get away from them. … “But guys, this memo might be the greatest memo since the Declaration of Independence.…
Remember Charlie Crist? Things Are Not Going Well For Him
The trajectory of the past decade has not been kind to Charlie Crist. … To put this new humiliation into perspective — and, let’s be honest, have a little fun at the expense of the guy who saddled the Republican … This one, to paraphrase Julia Roberts’ character in Pretty Woman, made a big mistake, a big, huge one by drawing attention to the very…
Death and Despair (and Everything THE MEMO Is Not)
– None of the subsequent renewals mentioned Clinton or the DNC, either. … According to the fourth item on the memo, when the initial FISA application was filed on Page, the act of corroborating the dossier … Trump during the election, that somehow ties all of this up in a big, pretty, conspiracy bow.…
Could the Imminent Release of THE MEMO Cause Some High Level Resignations?
The White House had, at one time, suggested that perhaps redacting the names within the memo could solve the issues that are putting … “I think Chris Wray’s motto is speak softly but carry a big stick,” said one person inside the FBI. … Top officials inside the bureau have been trying to identify who might be considered a “Trump guy” in the order of succession in the
John Kelly Has Choice Words for the High School Teacher Who Called Military Members "A Bunch of Dumb S***s"…school-teacher-called-military-members-bunch-dumb-ss-n83920
– were “the lowest of the low,” in a rant about how long the wars overseas have dragged on. … “Why after the national anthem do we have a killing machine fly over the freaking stadium? You know, the stealth bomber comes in. … He had this to say: “I think the guy ought to go to hell.…
The Trump Administration Needs to Stop Continuing Obama’s Big Government Policies…needs-stop-continuing-obamas-big-government-policies-n83867
– A little cooperation from the Deep State Dead Enders – with the guy We the People elected to be their boss – shouldn’t be too much … the right thing. … Put it where the entirety of the Obama Administration is – or should be. In the rearview mirror.…
Not to Be Missed, Robert Mueller Has Interviewed Former Trump Legal Team Spokesman
– Today’s big news is the indictment of 12 Russians for interfering in our 2016 election. … found it hard to stomach the president’s criticism of the attorney general. … Daily Beast at the time.…
DREAMers Win Their Second Court Case to Preserve DACA...and Probably Guarantee the Program Dies…ase-preserve-daca-and-probably-guarantee-program-dies-n84654
– Such tweets, the judge said, bolstered the idea that keeping the program going was in the public’s interest. … Alsup is the guy who was just slammed by the Supreme Court for ordering the government to turn over pre-decisional memos to the defense … The test is really very simple: does the body that made the decision have the legal authority to do so.…
Community-Focused, the Federalist Party of America Aims to Restore What the "Big Two" Parties Have Buried…ist-party-america-aims-restore-big-two-parties-buried-n84634
thebig two” political parties. … They have both become big government behemoths, pulled and molded by special interests that are less motivated by the will and well-being … That guy went on to be the Libertarian party chairman in Florida after that, by the way. No, this feels very different.…
Reince Priebus Ready to Spill on Trump White House Chaos ("It's Worse Than You Heard")
– “Take everything you’ve heard and multiply it by 50,” Priebus said, according to an excerpt from the book “The Gatekeepers: How the … Priebus said that he didn’t agree with the new president making a big deal out of it, obsessing over it, and basically making himself … “I still love the guy,” Priebus said in the book.…
FBI Director Wray: No, President Trump Has Not Told Me That I Have to Do My Job
– FBI Director Christopher Wray was on Capitol Hill today and this exchange with Rhode Island Democrat Jack Reed is the big gotcha …   The set up is Reed, acting as smug as any 90 IQ guy can possibly look, asks if President Trump has specifically ordered the … This is vintage Reed, a guy who always managed to make Chuck Hagel look like the smartest guy in the room.…
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