Results for: the big guy

John Oliver: Multi-Millionaire, Big Government, Big Business ‘Champion of the Little Guy’…naire-big-government-big-business-champion-little-guy-n75329
– HBO’s alleged comedian-host John Oliver (I’ve never found him to be particularly amusing) has the same problem a lot of wealthy Leftists have. God has blessed Oliver (whether Oliver realizes it or not) – Oliver is wealthy. He makes a whole lot of money – in a field where...
Sen. Rubio's Clarity on Venezuela May Have Prompted High Level Assassination Plot Against Him
– Senator Marco Rubio is the go-to guy when it comes to being tough on Latin American regimes, but now it may be putting him in real … Cabello himself seems to be a pretty rotten guy, with U.S. officials accusing him of being pretty big in drug trafficking circles. … If you check out this video, you’ll see why Rubio is the guy you go to for Venezuela, and why they would have a problem with him.…
Will Richard Cordray End Up Running for Ohio Governor?
– Richard Cordray (above) might be the top guy at the Consumer Financial Protection Bureau, but there are rumors he’s eyeing a political … According to the House Financial Services Committee, whose leadership opposes the rule, “Even the CFPB’s own study shows that consumers … The average payout for consumers in a class action is $32, while the average trial lawyer receives nearly $1 million.…
Will Richard Cordray end up running for Ohio Governor?
– Richard Cordray (above) might be the top guy at the Consumer Financial Protection Bureau, but there are rumors he’s eyeing a political … According to the House Financial Services Committee, whose leadership opposes the rule, “Even the CFPB’s own study shows that consumers … The average payout for consumers in a class action is $32, while the average trial lawyer receives nearly $1 million.…
Obnoxious Politico Cartoon Mocks Victims of Hurricane Harvey
The cartoon is the handiwork of some guy named Matt Wuerker, who has taken to Twitter in a pathetic attempt to explain his intention … Twitter, of course, was more than happy to explain to the condescending cartoonist that the very people he is mocking are indeed the … a mental disorder and that no crisis is too big or painful to be used by the left for political gain.…
Total Shocker As Louise Mensch's Conspiracy Theories Turn Out To Be Fake News
– Pictured: The guy Louise Mensch believes will be indicted by the Supreme Court of the United States and replaced by a triumvirate … to work for the New York attorney general was not checked, according to emails seen by the Guardian. … The hoaxer, who fed the information to Taylor by email, said she acted out of frustration over the “dissemination of fake news” by…
Does Anybody Understand What These New Trumpers Think They're Achieving?
The New Trumpers are the frauds. … I grew up in the household where the patriarch of the family was a truck driver from Brooklyn. … Trump was the guy who said being President was so easy. He said he’d get things done like nobody’s business.…
Sixteen Years Later: Where I Was On September 11
– When I got above ground, there was a crowd gathering to see the horror above: a big hole somewhere in the top 15-20 stories of the … I thought of the guy who cleans the coffee machines, someone I barely speak to but see every day, who has to be in at that hour. … Aragorn responds that, to the contrary, it is the simpleness and even the pettiness of the hobbits that makes the task worthwhile,…
Trump's Attorney Updates Email Prankster On the Status of Mueller's Investigation
– In this episode, @SINON-REBORN assumes the guise of White House social media director Dan Scavino (note the guy never hides his actual … Kelly are the only adults in the White House. … The prankster tries to go for the big score and Cobb gets suspicious: One thing for sure from this, regardless of the accuracy…
With Trump leading GOP, what's a RINO these days?
The GOP has long been a “big tent”…  at some level Trump is proof.  The tent was so big some guy brought his own circus. … What are the core aspects of the GOP that couldn’t be killed no matter how RINO-y the leader?   … of individual liberties vs the priorities of the group.  …
Is Former Missouri SoS Jason Kander Running for President or Sputtering for President? Obamaland, Kander Circle Member Disagree…ing-president-obamaland-kander-circle-member-disagree-n76456
– He’s already been giving big speeches in Iowa geared towards the Democratic Party base there, about the “way forward for Democrats. … But per this Kanderite, the focus doesn’t seem to do much to tap into the Bernie Sanders-esque base rage that proved so powerful in … Moreover, Kander is a Midwestern white guy, who simply may not get the credit or mileage out of talking about protecting voting rights…
KOREA UPDATE: New Missile Launches Imminent, the Trolling of China, Nikki Haley, and the Importance of Being Mattis…imminent-trolling-china-nikki-haley-importance-mattis-n76274
– These are the big items. New ICBM launches by North Korea are thought to be imminent. … The timing of the explosion indicates it was designed to get the attention of China and not merely to up the ante with the United States … James Mattis is the guy the world is looking to for clarity.…
Fox News Puts the Spin to Trump's Wall Flip
– Former Utah Representative Jason Chaffetz was trotted out, like the guy with the shovel that follows the elephants around the circus … solely in the camp of the United States Congress to fund what the president promised he would do. … Who needs actual, physical barriers on the border? Trump was appealing to the big, beautiful wall in your hearts.…
OUTRAGEOUS: This Town Right Outside of DC Just Decided to Let Illegals Vote
– This guy was for it: “The reality is allowing all people to vote in municipal elections is going to make College Park more inclusive … It’s also written at the state level and it also belongs at the local level.” … Rewarding them with the right to vote – a right secured with the blood of many brave men and women – is a slap in the face to all law…
Decades of Bad Global Trade Deals - Have Led to MUCH More Government Everywhere
– These people are natural allies of the less government movement. But of course, big government and its advocates know this. … These fifty state silos – turn the insurance companies into big government advocates. … of should-be-domestic-allies in the fight…against us, into big government advocates abroad.…
Water Cooler 9/28/17 Open Thread; 135 Billion/yr The Cost Of Illegal Immigration; Clueless Left Strikes Again; Are You Better Off Than You Were in 2007 ?
– by free medical care, education and a huge law enforcement bill, according to the the most authoritative report on the issue yet. … Which is why when the left opens their mouth and lets the compassion flow out, it destroys their ability to be for the little guy. … Quote of the Day Debt is the slavery of the free. — Publius Syrus   Drink up That’s it for the Watercooler today.…
Someone Posted Confederate Flyers at AU, Racism or Another Hate Crime Hoax?
– It’s big news in Washington, D.C. and being picked up by major outlets around the nation. … The signs included the phrase “Huzzah for Dixie.” … The person in the photographs, in the video… is the suspect who committed this crime," Phil Morse says…
George Clooney vs Donald Trump (and Bannon), It's Hard to Pick A Side but It's Definitely Interesting…ld-trump-bannon-hard-pick-side-definitely-interesting-n77350
– At times Clooney makes some sense but comes across as the guy who is more interested in scoring a good put-down on whomever he’s criticizing … I would buy suits that were too big and too long and cut the bottom of the pants off to make ties so I’d have a tie to go on job interviews … So this idea that I’m somehow the “Hollywood elite” and this guy who takes a sh*t in a gold toilet is somehow the man of the people…
Trump's Russia Defense Funded in Part by Man with Ties to Russian Oligarchs
The article lists details about several other donors, but I skipped ahead to the part about the Ukranian guy, to see what the Wall … The White House referred questions to the RNC. Mr. … in Russia in the years following the collapse of the Soviet Union.…
Ben Affleck Reviles Republican Artists but Sex Fiends Just Fine
– “When I watch a guy I know is a big Republican, part of me thinks, I probably wouldn’t like this person if I met him, or we would have … That s—t fogs the mind when you should be paying attention and be swept into the illusion.” The statement isn’t all that crazy. … shown toward Weinstein over the last 20 years, at the expense of the reputation and safety of women in the industry…including women…
How Did the Weinstein Story Not Break Before? Maybe This Is How
– It sure is bad when journalists have the story of a famous guy in Hollywood who mistreats women — but the journalists don’t report … the details. … It almost seems like Lee Smith has the story about a famous guy in Hollywood who mistreats women — but isn’t reporting the details!…
The Apprentice Tapes: Is There Still a Harvey Weinstein Moment Waiting for Trump?
The word is that Weinstein’s perversions were the worst kept secret in Hollywood. … The rich and the powerful get away with things the rest of us can’t just by virtue of the implied threat of their position. … On an NPR podcast this week the former producer of Donald Trump’s show The Apprentice said that there are still tapes from the show…
Panthers QB Cam Newton Sets off Wave of Feminist Rage
– So Cam Newton, the quarterback for the Carolina Panthers held a press conference that took an unexpected turn to the stupid. … So while I didn’t take offense to it, you can imagine how the rest of the oh-so-sensitive internet world reacted – especially the feminazis … This guy has the right idea. I couldn’t agree more.…
Rock Legend Tom Petty has Died at 66
– You’d have thought the guy wouldn’t be done for a long time by watching him. … The legend began his career in the 1970’s with his band Tom Petty and the Heartbreakers. … I’d be lying if I didn’t say I was thinking this might be the last big one. We’re all on the backside of our sixties.…
Judge Denied Restraining Order Against Gunman Who Shot Five People in Maryland Today
The Harford County Sheriff’s Office said the shooting took place at the Emmorton Business Park in Edgewood, located about 20 miles … In the application for the order, the man wrote: “I felt very threatened because he is a big guy and very aggressive on me.” … Maryland’s handgun laws are among the strictest in the country.…
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