Results for: the big guy
The Right, The Wrong, & The Remaining
This may be basic to some, but apparently it was not clear enough to prevent the rise of a Big Govt. … Populism is a pretty broad term politically but generally it has a leader who claims to be for the little guy and represent the interests … I’ve given you the right, the wrong, and the responsibility of the remaining. …
EXCLUSIVE: Mike Rowe Talks About Stupid Platitudes, Presidential Runs, and How Following Your Passion Is Dumb…g-platitudes-presidential-runs-following-passion-dumb-n59676…g-platitudes-presidential-runs-following-passion-dumb-n59676
front of the camera is rarely the genuine article. … As far as the message itself goes, “don’t follow your passion but always bring it with you” was really one of the first big lessons … near the top.…
WATCH. Hillary Clinton Lies About the Clinton Foundation. Anderson Cooper Licks Her Boots (VIDEO)…clinton-foundation-anderson-cooper-licks-boots-video-n59656…clinton-foundation-anderson-cooper-licks-boots-video-n59656
By even the most charitable view, the activities of the Clinton Foundation are corrupt and hopelessly compromised. … Last night he said, and I quote, ‘The Russians, the Saudis, the Chinese all gave money to the foundation and got favorable treatment … I’m proud of the work it has done…
COOPER: But some big donors clearly want the association with you or your husband that being linked…
Why Is Donald Trump Silent On SCOTUS Abortion Ruling?
The man who is supposed to represent the values of the Republican Party as their nominee, Donald Trump should have plenty to say on … next presidential term, a chance to replace, say, Justice Ginsberg would be a big plus, and could make the court solidly 5-4 or even … Trump is exactly the type of guy who would support abortion. But, he won’t even admit that, either.
Donald Trump is a coward.…
Polling Update: The Swing States are Still Swing States, There are Just a Lot More of Them
The 2012 election presented the clearest contrast in any election to date between the national polling and the state level polling … Up until the final days of the campaign, the national polls looked pretty favorable to Romney. … Otherwise, the big population states where the Democrats run up the vote count look to remain solidly Democratic this cycle.…
Report: Donald Trump Gives LESS to Charity than the Average Middle Class Family
In fact, he’s been so loud about his generosity that he is like the guy Jesus had in mind when he warned us in Matthew 6:2-4:
Therefore … when thou doest thine alms, do not sound a trumpet before thee, as the hypocrites do in the synagogues and in the streets, that they … (I’ve Storified the coming story at the bottom of this post.)…
Here's What Donald Trump Said About Jesus in that Playboy Mag that Jerry Falwell Jr. Posed in Front Of
them, there is a playboy magazine on the wall with Trump on the cover. … Certainly, in the grand scheme of things, it’s no big deal. … who might be concerned about The Donald’s commitment to his alleged Christianity and the ideals and priorities of the church community…
Lewandowski Firing Proves Trump Would be as Bad as Hillary, If Not Worse
If Donald Trump had woken up two or three months ago and said to himself, “Gee, this guy Lewandowski cannot do the job I hired him … Lewandowski came to the meeting unaware that he had lost the support of the GOP presumptive nominee, the source said. … Most importantly the polls, indeed. Firing your campaign manager in the middle of an election is a big deal.…
Jeffrey Epstein and the triumph of the cultural 1%
The day after that indictment was returned, Reiter was relieved to have the FBI step in and take over the investigation. … Brunel received $1 million from the billionaire around the time he started the agency. … These people that constitute the cultural 1%, much more than the financial 1% that the Occupy Wall Street movement railed against,…
"I Have Absolutely No Regrets"
I didn’t tell the guy I was pregnant. He wasn’t my boyfriend. He was a very good guy. … According to the law of the state in which I was living at the time, the birth father had to be notified of the birth and my decision … My mom is a big feeler, though, and did suggest that we could bring him home. God gave me the words to lead her away from that. …
Peter Beinart: Obama's problem is that he isn't enough like Jimmy Carter
The only reason I can come up with is that he likes losing but I know a big-brain guy like Beinart is playing Seven Dimensional Backward … SINCE CARTER LEFT the presidency, the hawkish critique of him has become a political cliché: He entered the White House with the naive … that terrorists and tyrants are on the march while the U.S. retreats, the truth—as in the Carter years—is largely the reverse.…
RedState 2016 Presidential Primary Power Rankings: Week 1
He is acting accordingly as he has commandeered the lion’s share of the organization that toppled the Iowa GOP and was subsequently … Paul remains the “wild card” candidate in the primary and stands to benefit the most from the anticipated lack of a contested Democrat … (Link) The NY Times outlines the difficult path Christie now faces.…
Jeb Bush is not the answer
The cheers of GOP voters is nice but the plaudits of the media and the “smart set” is their catnip. Case in point: Jeb Bush. … The event occurred one night before the first anniversary of the Benghazi attacks. … I’m sure Jeb Bush is a nice guy. But ultimately he’s a member of the same school of thought as Hillary Clinton.…
I Got Cider In My Ear!
One of these days, a guy is going to show you a brand-new deck of cards on which the seal is not yet broken. … Then this guy is going to offer to bet you that he can make the jack of spades jump out of this brand-new deck of cards and squirt … Now this guy was the least likely person in the world to chew tobacco, at least in my nineteen year-old eyes.…
Oppose the Local Radio Freedom Act
This is one important way we can demonstrate to the American people that small government is for the little guy, and big government … is for the big, well-connected guy. … One way to do this is to defeat the Local Radio Freedom Act, which is a massive giveaway to big, well-connected media companies, at…
Videos: Guy Who Convinced Obama to Dramatically Ramp Up Internet Power Grab - Is an Uber-Boob…obama-dramatically-ramp-internet-power-grab-uber-boob-n52070…obama-dramatically-ramp-internet-power-grab-uber-boob-n52070
But please – watch the entire 8:17.
It is amazing that this guy could build a site as big as Tumblr. … It’s amazing he could tie his shoes and make his way out the door and through the world. … It’s amazing the President was almost singularly swayed – by this guy.
We weep for our future. Certainly the next two years.…
Hillary Clinton to America: Bite me!
Hillary Clinton used the occasion of her appearance at the UN on behalf of the ongoing RICO violation and money laundering operation … the extent to which Hillary Clinton used the program. … I’m just a donut in the on-deck circle. Wait until the real guy gets here. Wait until that big guy comes back.…
Shoot First, Ask Questions Later
I may have shot you dead, but at the end of the day the only crime committed was yours. … I’ll let the police investigate, do the cleanup, and reopen the following morning. … There’s also a big problem, especially in black communities, where these thugs are protected by the community at large.…
Comedic Gold At The Bloomberg View
If These Guys Win Than The Joke Is On US.
I examine the potential members of the so-called Democrat bench. … Senator Elizabeth “Lieawatha” Warren occasionally sends up a few smoke signals indicating she might want to be The Big Chief. … These are nearly all people who were completely destroyed, munched, pulverized, and told to hit the road by a guy from Illinois with…
Tech at Night: The Patent fight is on (with bonus Logan Act "violation")
The trial lawyer lobby games the system, fake inventions are jammed through the USPTO (which has an incentive to generate more patents … We need to fix that, but we don’t need a big, lobbyist-infested, comprehensive bill.
Big bills always help the big guy. … Last time the rhetoric was strongly tuned to appeal to Democrats, the plan overreached, and was DOA in the Republican House.…
Why Does the House Continue to Act Like They Don't Have the Majority?
Fast forward to the first 30 days of the Trump administration, and the same thing might be happening. … This, plus the House having a guy in charge of transportation policy who’s spent much of his career pushing for a cronyist, union-loved … Sure, the guy knows firsthand about the problems that have been plaguing the agency and how efforts to fix them have been working (…
RUMOR. White House Is Mulling Staff Shake Up
During the campaign he operated by setting his various staffers against each other and then entering in as the good guy who was the … is the good guy. … But now he is in the big leagues.…
2020 Race Begins Now, As Trump Begins Insults Of Potential Opponent Mark Cuban
Call it “Battle of the Billionaires,” or something. … Cuban also slammed Trump on the execution of the travel ban, which he called a “horrible misstep.” … When something like this happens, it calls into question the management skills of the guy in charge,” Cuban said during an interview…
What Doesn't Matter And What Really Matters About the Mike Flynn Story
The other is real.
First, the bullsh**. … If the guy will lie about stuff and he knows he will get caught — Flynn, as a senior intelligence officer knows that phone calls to … the Russian ambassador and embassy are routinely intercepted and recorded by the FBI — then the guy will lie to you about literally…
Democrats Retreat Marred By Ideological Squabbles: 'We're not far enough to the left!'
Remember, the beltway press thinks if something doesn’t exist within the beltway, it doesn’t exist at all. … The Democrats have been insisting for the last 4-5 years the country agrees with them and the reason they’re losing is they’ve just … They’re like that 80’s anti-drug PSA where the guy argues in circles as to why it’s no big deal he does cocaine:
“I do coke uh…