Results for: elites

Elizabeth Warren Wants to Undermine the Republic by Eliminating the Electoral College
– status/1107672130370465792 The Democrats would very much like to do away with that check on power because the coastal and urban elites
It Begins: Trump Goes After Beto as Chris Matthews Feels the Thrill Again
– Yesterday morning, Beto O’Rourke announced his entry into the Democratic primary race to much applause and frothing among our media elites
WaPo's Rubin Finds a Way to Shame Conservatives in College Admissions Scandal
– get opportunities over more talented non-elites.” … Since the beginning of time, mediocre elites have had more opportunities than talented non-elites. That’s the sad truth. … Our wonderful country was founded by non-elites who didn’t ask the crown for opportunity. They seized it.…
ANALYSIS: Affirmative Action for Rich People Revealed in College Admissions Scandal…tion-rich-people-revealed-college-admissions-scandal-n102674
– The elites employed the help of an admissions consulting company in Newport Beach, California that helped get the kids into the colleges…
Gavin Newsom Shows An Amazing Lack of Guts In His Death Penalty Decision
– A cultural divide in the nation has created a gridlock where the death penalty is supported by majorities of voters but the elites
LA Times Gets It Right!
– addition to the economy and the wall, Trump also needs to keep punching back when the leftists, their sycophantic press and Hollywood “elites
Democrats Should Be Focused on Helping Working Class, not Pandering to Coastal Elites
– As Democrats become more in tuned with wealthy coastal elites, can they be expected to truly look after the interests of the working … Gonzalez-Fletcher has campaigned on being the champion of the farm worker – yet proved herself instead to be a champion of big-spending union elites
Good News for America and Americans - Is Gaslight-Requiring Bad News for Leftists
– Net Neutrality If Portugal is a Net Neutrality Nightmare, We’re Already Living in It If Trump’s FCC Repeals Net Neutrality, Elites
Why Sweet, Sweet Connie of Grand Funk Railroad Infamy Matters
– This week, we have seen the effete elites smirk and snark at the sight of American servicemen killed and wounded due to the uncaring…
CODE RED: Democrats Dance With the Devil
– Not a mask in sight for the elites. Nope, that’s for the “unwashed masses”.…
With Infamous "Wine Cave" Donor Help, Pelosi Greases the Palms of 9 Democrats and the West Coast Elites…s-the-palms-of-9-democrats-and-the-west-coast-elites-n431226
– Kathryn Walt Hall is one of those blue-blooded, monied elites who own politicians through their largesse. … on their rear ends in 2022 if they vote with her for passage of this bill; but among these very monied, connected, and favored elites
New Loudoun County Policy Says Teachers Don't Have to Inform Parents of Student Gender Dysphoria, Teacher Quits on the Spot…f-student-gender-dysphoria-teacher-quits-on-the-spot-n429767
– There are more shenanigans from the elites of the Loudoun County School Board in Virginia, and more consequences that will be borne … When truth is silenced by the elites, it’s time to scream louder.…
Portrait of Gavin Newsom on the Struggle Bus
– Not only do the elites have contempt for flyover states, our own governor thinks every CA city/town other than SF and LA is flyover…
The Met Gala and Performative Pageantry of ‘Feel Good’ Activism
– What people should be highlighting is the fact that while these bourgeoisie elites get together once a year to congratulate one another…
Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez Manages to Add More Layers of Blunders to Her Met Gala Stunt…to-add-more-layers-of-blunders-to-her-met-gala-stunt-n444024
– It is clear this was a desperate move on her part, by wanting to partake in this cotillion of the elites while preserving her “support…
AOC Just Bought Herself More Trouble With Her Attendance at Met Gala and 'Tax the Rich' Dress…th-her-attendance-at-met-gala-and-tax-the-rich-dress-n443099
– What makes @AOC a bigger fraud: The "tax the rich" dress while she's hanging out with a bunch of wealthy leftwing elites or the lack…
Joe Biden Says He Wants to Soak the Rich and I Don't Care
– Meanwhile, Democrats have gotten to claim the mantle of the middle-class while raking in money from wealthy elites.…
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