Results for: elites

Republican Fantasy Fan Porn vs. Democrat Fantasy Fan Porn
– Washington political elites may long for his perfect hair and his focus grouped mom jeans, but the rest of us will take a pass.…
Open primaries with open runoffs are a bad idea
– As the conservative wing (known as the “fringe” or Tea Party by the beltway elites) of the party attempts to restore sanity by backing … good, philosophically sound Republican candidates, the elites fight back with everything in their dirty tricks bag.  … Not only can it be done by the GOP elites to GOP challengers, but it can also be done by the Democrats looking to cherry pick the best…
Why Have a Bill of Rights ?
– home but instead because we have spent ourselves into bankruptcy with bread and circuses to amuse the masses while a clique of elites
Robots Are Taking Away Your Job
– are eating the last of America’s—and the world’s—traditional manufacturing jobs Get Ready To Lose Your Job Another Road: The Blue Elites
Mike Bloomberg: “I do think there are certain times we should infringe on your freedom"…are-certain-times-we-should-infringe-on-your-freedom-n45708
– “We” is he and the other elites, unencumbered by such infringements since they are the ones that make the rules, not the ones that … The ability for elites to make decisions for the rest of us that takes our freedom away solely because the wealthy few living in their…
The Debasing of Marriage
– Unfortunately, societies tend to be run by elites who are often dismissive of norms of behavior  and the masses which emulate them…
Obama’s Economics – Equality At The Zero
– Obamanomics – Because Screwing People Is Manual Labor And meanwhile amongst the elites we read the following: Hedge fund billionaire…
California Republican Wins State Senate Seat With - YES! - Hispanic Support [Promoted]
– , “Vidak, a working class candidate, resonated with working class Hispanics in the district who also saw how coastal California elites … Vidak ran broadly on “the bifurcation of California: the coastal liberal elites versus the Valley folks.” … So a farmer – in classic American tradition – shows the pusillanimous Republican elites, who have thrown up their hands and despaired…
The Hillary Clinton conundrum
– But don’t kid yourselves – the Democrat Party’s voting legions will fall obediently into line and support whoever their elites tell…
An industrial nation of prosperity, opportunity and achievement.
– The service economy serves the ruling class elites, mostly Democrats, who benefit by having segregated groups vying against one another…
Losing Family, Losing God, Losing the Country
– Court finding a right to sexual perversion, have their genesis in the fact that it has become déclassé among the self- described elites
Federal Workers Make Me Embarassed To Be One Myself: ObamaCare Edition.…make-me-embarassed-to-be-one-myself-obamacare-edition-n46857
– I suspect that history, including great historical novelists of the future, will look back and see that many of our elites simply decided…
On Conservative Reformers
– The public, regardless of party, loathes Washington and the elites. Merely by virtue of geography, many of them are tainted.…
Anti-Muslim Speech and Consequences
– The dreadful thing about this scandal, what makes it ominous, is that this is the elites versus regular citizens.…
Oppose A Feel-Good Intervention In Syria
– This scenario is playing out again in Washington as the Democrat foreign policy elites begin beating the drums for a US intervention…
Cruz vs. McConnell and Why it Matters
– Mitch McConnell represents the old guard in Washington, a class of political elites who believe they are entitled to power by virtue…
Honest freedom
– Their religious faith in the power of benevolent tyranny, engineered by compassionate elites, cannot be shaken.  …
Eugene McCarthy Erotic Fan Fiction
– The West is willingly being played the fool by a player elites assume is actually rational, but is not.…
Stranded at the gates of Paradise
– The theme of that memorable speech was freedom, and cooperation, not regulatory management by arrogant elites.  …
A time for testing
– Let’s hear what he had to say about arrogant elites claiming the power to re-organize our lives: Not too long ago, two friends of … The elites grow visibly angry when they are reminded of their original commitments, their rosy projections and fanciful timetables.…
The government needs to start respecting us
– And even with voting made so easy, we still get arrogant elites declaring that the people who took the time to vote don’t really matter…
Democrats still confused as to why the South has given up on them.
– …and then the aforementioned bicoastal ‘elites’ that actually run the Democratic party will scream, browbeat, fold, spindle, and mutilate…
Person of the Year 2014: The Invisible Kwanzaa Celebrant
– The elites hold this out as incontrovertible evidence that you are wrong, and therefore should not be trusted with any significant…
On trying to shoehorn populism into the modern Left. Somehow. Somewhere.
– Populism is an ideology extolling the virtues of the people against the depravities of elites — such as Harvard Law professors like…
Every Day, Democrats Remind Us That It Isn't Trump Undermining Democracy
– There was this sense that all others would have to jump on the elites’ train rather than the elites having to take the time to understand…
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