Results for: Biden Family Business

They Are Our Enemies
– They are not our family members, colleagues, business associates, clients, customers, neighbors, or acquaintances. … And yet if pressed, these people don’t even believe that Biden won! … Deep down, they KNOW that the election is in the process of being stolen by Biden and the Democrats.…
Fox Drops News of Yet Another Federal Investigation Into Hunter Biden…ther-alleged-federal-investigation-into-hunter-biden-n293265
– Now Fox is saying that there’s even a new investigation, a fourth federal investigation, involving the Biden family. … Reporters asked Joe Biden. But Biden refused to answer the question, perhaps answering the question better that way. … Biden’s Chinese business partners.…
As The CA Recall Grows and Small Businesses Revolt, Newsom Gaslights and Says he Has "Great Reverence" for Small Business…s-and-says-he-has-great-reverence-for-small-business-n292837
– We’re on the brink of losing our business. … Newsom begins, “I am a small business owner. … Paul Getty family, and Getty’s son Billy is his business partner.…
Watch: Tucker Carlson Takes a Blowtorch to the Media Over Their Hunter Biden Coverage in Epic Monologue…a-over-their-hunter-biden-coverage-in-epic-monologue-n292749
– She is also, it turns out, the personal flak for the Biden family international finance corporation. … Hunter Biden has far better connections than, say, Roger Stone. Hunter Biden was allowed to tell his own story. … Related: Jill Biden Gets Asked About Hunter Biden Scandal, What Happened Next Was (Sadly) All Too Familiar…
Glenn Greenwald: With News of Hunter Biden Criminal Probe, Don't Forget the Media Outlets That Peddled the 'Russian Disinformation' Lie…outlets-that-peddled-the-russian-disinformation-lie-n292634
– Now that Hunter Biden is (finally) under criminal investigation, Pulitzer Prize-winning journalist Glenn Greenwald has a message for … received from CEFC [China Energy’]’s founder and former chairman Ye Jianming after a Miami business meeting.'” … Among her other activist “jobs,” she is a flack for the Biden family’s international wheeling and dealing.…
Video: Jill Biden Gets Asked About Hunter Biden Scandal, What Happened Next Was (Sadly) All Too Familiar…candal-what-happened-next-was-sadly-all-too-familiar-n292524
– Though the media has covered for the Biden family from the start on any troubling matter related to Hunter Biden – including helping … December 10, 2020 Sadly, this is not the first time reporters have been herded away from a member of the Biden family like cattle … Twice in one week back in August after Joe Biden announced Sen.…
CNN Reporting About Confirmation of Investigation of Hunter Biden Is Laughable in Many Respects…of-hunter-biden-is-laughably-wrong-in-many-respects-n292409
– dealings of Hunter Biden, which do not involve his father, President-elect Joe Biden, a person with knowledge of the probe said.  … in the dealings of Hunter Biden. … documents found on Biden’s laptop – ended up being a direct payment of $5 million to a shell company controlled by Biden family members…
My Prediction: If Joe Biden Is Sworn in, the Investigation of Hunter Biden Will Lead to Joe's Resignation…igation-of-hunter-biden-will-lead-to-his-resignation-n291896
– There is no “happy ending” to this story for the Biden family.  … difficult situation of having to determine if Hunter Biden should be criminally charged — especially if Joe Biden is a potential witness … The fact that this is being done in Delaware means everyone in Delaware who has a business connection to Hunter Biden is at risk for…
Chinese Academic Bragging About Influence in Washington Proves Why Tech Censorship Is A National Security Threat…es-why-tech-censorship-is-a-national-security-threat-n291378
family had uncomfortably close connections to sketchy Chinese business deals; a story that has gained new momentum with news that … HUNTER BIDEN.💻 The Senate report on Hunter Biden just dropped. … Biden looks to take his place in the Oval Office come January 20.…
Your 'Right to Work' Is at Stake in Georgia Senate Runoff
– Now, clearly if Biden issued an executive order, that could be undone by the next president. … Biden has already named one of the California judges involved in Dynamex as one of his SCOTUS picks. … Your freedom to provide for your family is literally at stake.…
Senate Investigation Reveals Hunter Biden Used Family Name To Land Deals With Foreign Tycoons…used-family-name-to-land-deals-with-foreign-tycoons-n299386
– The Journal’s reporting did not find that Joe Biden was involved in Hunter’s business dealings. … Biden as a business partner were looking to build ties to the Washington establishment that Joe Biden inhabited for decades, and by … The business paid Biden about $50,000 per month from 2014 to 2019.…
Trump Threatens to Veto COVID Porkulus and I am Here for It!
– Dark Winter Joe Biden is at it again. I may have to find another profession for the next four years if this keep up. … Biden: "Here's the simple truth: Our darkest days in the battle against COVID are ahead of us, not behind us. … to use in business at their restaurant for two years.…
Hatred for D.C. Percolates After Digging Through the Itemized Outrage Found in the Enraging COVID-Relief Bill
– There are other assists in this however; $325 billion is aimed at small business relief, and another $125 billion is paid out for unemployment … For starters, the politicians saw fit to include not only illegal immigrants in the payouts this time around but also their family … The IRS is getting $225 million for its ‘’business systems’’.…
Combat Veterans for Congress PAC: Reclaim the Republic
– “bug” suspected in GA vote counting software, Biden got 20k vote jumpDominion voting system software “glitched” for Biden in MI, GA … We are never going to let Biden step foot in the White House. … His family is selling information to foreign governments.…
Election Fraud: What’s a Mother to Do?
– as the “president-elect” or urged President Trump to “concede the election” to Biden. … Will electronic surveillance information be made public that exposes an election fraud conspiracy that tipped the vote to Biden in … into the ground if Biden is indeed inaugurated in January.…
Marble Halls & Silver Screens With Sarah Lee Ep. 68: The 'Hunter Scandal, Better-Than-Hallmark Xmas Movies, and Hollywood Mask Madness' Edition…lmark-xmas-movies-and-hollywood-mask-madness-edition-n296786
– The sad and sordid tale of Hunter Biden is not an appropriate topic just before Christmas, and it’s with no great joy I bring you … Former New York Mayor Rudy Giuliani is pointed when he says the “business” Hunter was involved in with Ukraine and China was a 30 year … Thank God we still have Christmas, despite some serious attempts to shame people for wanting to enjoy it with family and friends.…
Judicial Watch on Hunter Biden: 'This Is a RICO Case,' May Involve 'Incoming President of the United States — If He's Installed'…ming-president-of-the-united-states-if-hes-installed-n296611
– more and more convinced that Biden family probes are likely building a RICO case involving Joe Biden, himself. … “For over a year Senator (Ron) Johnson (R-WI) and I investigated the Biden financial family dealings, we showed our work, and we made … business dealings?…
Text Messages Show Former Hunter Biden Associate Asked to ‘Get Joe Involved’ In ‘Family Business’
– Energy Company CEFC and make the venture appear as a ‘truly family business’ to the Chinese.” … The news outlets obtained text messages between Hunter Biden and his former business associates James Gilliar and Tony Bobulinski dating … “With H demons, could be good to have a back up, he strengthens our USP to Chinese as it looks like a truly family business, and I…
Vanity Fair Runs A Puff Piece on Hunter Biden the 'Artist' As Even More Info Drops About Hunter and Chinese Connection…more-info-drops-about-hunter-and-chinese-connection-n296331
– Chairman Ye Jianming from 2017 extending “best wishes from the entire Biden family,” and urging the chairman to “quickly” send a $10 … “Please accept the best wishes from the entire Biden family as well as my partners.” … dealings, Ye Jianming, Gongwen Dong and other Chinese nationals that Hunter Biden had business associations with were linked to the…
Tucker Carlson: Biden Choosing China Propagandist As Ambassador
– Biden’s son, for his business dealings and finances. … Iger is just following the lead of the Biden family,” he said. … Unfortunately, a Biden presidency will only make Beijing stronger in the end.  …
Hollywood Boutique Kitson LA's Number One New Year's Resolution: Recalling Gavin Newsom…mber-one-new-years-resolution-recalling-gavin-newsom-n303650
– windows, upon which they skewered Nancy Pelosi, Alyssa Milano, Chrissy Teigen, Gavin Newsom, Eric Garcetti, Anthony Fauci, and Hunter Biden … Will Chrissy Teigen ever apologize for mocking looting and to the business effected by the looting. … seeing family over Thanksgiving, and calls on her to retire already.…
The President's Call With the Georgia Sec. of State -- a Case Study in the Media Duplicity That Pres. Trump Has Battled From Day One…y-and-what-pres-trump-has-had-to-battle-from-day-one-n303854
– I’m the offspring of a CEO of a family-owned business — nothing like Trump Inc., but the personality type is quite recognizable.  … The President’s comments were not about “finding” more votes for him, but rather were about identifying invalid votes cast for Joe Biden
What Now? MAGA Now -- With a Leader Who Is Bold but Not Vulnerable to Easy Caricature…er-who-is-bold-but-not-vulnerable-to-easy-caricature-n293790
– But I suspect any suggestion to that effect from him will trigger a wave of investigations of him personally, his family, and his business … But, with the most recent information about the Biden family issues, Pres. … Trump might, in fact, be shielded from meaningful scrutiny by a Biden Administration out of fear of the Democrats that once Joe Biden
How to Break Through the Media Fog on the Massive Election Fraud
– Its purpose is to hide the facts from the American people, as they were able to do in regard to the Hunter Biden laptop and Biden family … ‘It’s time to move on, come together, do the people’s business.’ etc. … This is the Biden-Harris presumption of unquestioned entitlement and inevitable investiture.…
Year-in-Review: The 2020 List of the 10 Worst Governors in the Nation
– Then there was the jailing of business owners and defunding of the police. All of it Walz-level incompetence. … — Governor Phil Murphy (@GovMurphy) July 31, 2020 Smith remains open, and business is booming. … But partaking of a night out with his family during a pandemic is perfectly okay.…
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